CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

The cost of body armor means nothing to a guy like this. I get three or four credit card offers a week in the mail. If I was a nut like this guy I'd get a few cards regardless of the terms, max them out buying all the gear needed, and then of course never pay the bill.

As far as the Rambo comments, I really don't know what I'd do in this situation, but why ever carry if you thing you'll never have the balls to use it.

Just to analyze the situation and not to act like a Rambo. [rolleyes] Think about the shooter's vantage point. I was at Batman today and noticed my eyes were pretty well adjusted to the dark. The shooter just came into the dark from what was likely a very well lit mall parking lot. He was wearing a pro-mask. That doesn't exactly help with visibility. He had probably more than a hundred scrambling targets in a dark area filling up with smoke/gas.
If there was even one person in there CCW'ing that could function under pressure then the situation was not hopeless. Through all the chaos would the shooter notice one person taking aim, exposing from behind a seat only as much of his body as necessary to return fire? Who knows.

Again, I don't know what I would do. I may just drop to the ground in the fetal and cry for mommy. I do carry a weapon in the hope I would use it if it became necessary.
Not to sound insensitive, but shit happens. Shit has been happening for centuries and shit will happen until the end of time. Some people are ****ed up, and will do ****ed up things. Whether its with guns, bombs, knives, spitballs, booby traps etc. they're gonna do it, so get a gun, get a helmet and be prepared. At the end of the day you are responsible for protecting yourself and those you love, the gov, police, security, etc is a joke. They are there to make the paper work for insurance companies easier.
Some other news sources have stated he was CARRYING 6,000 rounds. It's sad that they can safely assume the overwhelming majority of Americans will eat that shit up without pausing to think how much 6k rounds of 5.56 would weigh....(what, about 260lbs or so?)

Easily, give maybe 50. But do not forget that as the media are dubbing these "assault rounds", who knows, maybe they are lighter or something... [hmmm]
Not to sound insensitive, but shit happens. Shit has been happening for centuries and shit will happen until the end of time. Some people are ****ed up, and will do ****ed up things. Whether its with guns, bombs, knives, spitballs, booby traps etc. they're gonna do it, so get a gun, get a helmet and be prepared. At the end of the day you are responsible for protecting yourself and those you love, the gov, police, security, etc is a joke. They are there to make the paper work for insurance companies easier.

A nut could get in a bus or a pickup and plow into people and cause even more casualties. Nut jobs can't be stopped.
Gun Free Zones: That is why I avoid these establishments.

While every aspect on the alleged shooter's life will be analyzed by the mainstream press in the days to come, the MSM will undoubtedly overlook the fact that the Century 16 movie theater had a firm policy against firearms, even for those who have concealed weapons permits.

WorldNetDaily reports that the theater's parent company, Cinemark Holdings Inc. has a strict 'gun-free' policy at all of their 459 theaters across the U.S. and Latin America.

What the anti-2nd Amendment activists deem a 'gun-free zone,' is actually seen by violent criminals as a 'free-fire zone.'

The fact of the matter is that criminals are emboldened by gun control laws.

The old adage always holds true..."laws are only for the law-abiding."

So-called 'gun-free zones' never protect the innocent
Gun Free Zones: That is why I avoid these establishments.

So-called 'gun-free zones' never protect the innocent

Which is why when shootings happen at places like this, the victims and the families need to sue them for their retarded policy that allowed no one to fight back. It is their right to restrict guns since it is private property, but every action and policy has a consequence. If companies see that they can lose a lot of money from civil suits for failing to allow firearms for protection when shit like this happens, you may see them loosen up a bit, to at the very least change the wording to something like no illegal firearms, which would allow a licensed CCW holder to carry (and that wording change would probably still satisfy their insurance company's requirements as well).
fivepak said:
The cost of body armor means nothing to a guy like this. I get three or four credit card offers a week in the mail. If I was a nut like this guy I'd get a few cards regardless of the terms, max them out buying all the gear needed, and then of course never pay the bill.

As far as the Rambo comments, I really don't know what I'd do in this situation, but why ever carry if you thing you'll never have the balls to use it.

Just to analyze the situation and not to act like a Rambo. [rolleyes] Think about the shooter's vantage point. I was at Batman today and noticed my eyes were pretty well adjusted to the dark. The shooter just came into the dark from what was likely a very well lit mall parking lot. He was wearing a pro-mask. That doesn't exactly help with visibility. He had probably more than a hundred scrambling targets in a dark area filling up with smoke/gas.
If there was even one person in there CCW'ing that could function under pressure then the situation was not hopeless. Through all the chaos would the shooter notice one person taking aim, exposing from behind a seat only as much of his body as necessary to return fire? Who knows.

Again, I don't know what I would do. I may just drop to the ground in the fetal and cry for mommy. I do carry a weapon in the hope I would use it if it became necessary.

Wasnt directed at you. However having been to the last NES shoot and watching numerous people fail to hit a 20' berm from 35 yards with a pistol or 100 yards with a rifle. I get a chuckle out of the comments here of those people who think they will perform better with an adrenaline dump, a pitch black theater, innocents running and screaming wildly, while taking incoming rifle fire from a dude wearing armor who just deployed tear gas.

Missing a 10x6 truck at 35 yards in the sun while taking your time. Then making a head shot on the BG with the above conditions.

Yeah its pretty laughable.
I am going to guess when the full story comes out and we know more about this guy that there will be a lot leading up to what happened before he decided to pull this stunt. It seems odd to me that we have what seems to be a very intelligent person going for a PHD, that comes from what is described as a good home that can't get a job and goes off the deep end. The bright red hair appears to make some sort of a statement about him as well.

This will probably be another case of a guy with some sort of history that they overlooked and because of it we need more gubberment intrusion in our lives. The man didn't plan on offing himself and he didn't seem to have a grudge against these people. He is more like a moon bat with a short circuit that probably had no real interest in shooting or the weapons he used based on when he got them. I get the fact that the planning all seems to have been done within the last couple of months but there is no way they are ever going to say this guy was not getting radical well before that. The boy has anger issues and these will all come out in the weeks ahead.

The real message for me is that there are these types of people out there that we need to protect our families from when and if the gubberment falls on it's ass! This guy didn't plan to get killed and he wanted to create as much of a show as he could so his name would go down in the halls of senseless carnage. People like him and others like him are going to be there long after the uncle odumbo and his ilk stops creating their entitled society.
Wasnt directed at you. However having been to the last NES shoot and watching numerous people fail to hit a 20' berm from 35 yards with a pistol or 100 yards with a rifle. I get a chuckle out of the comments here of those people who think they will perform better with an adrenaline dump, a pitch black theater, innocents running and screaming wildly, while taking incoming rifle fire from a dude wearing armor who just deployed tear gas.

Missing a 10x6 truck at 35 yards in the sun while taking your time. Then making a head shot on the BG with the above conditions.

Yeah its pretty laughable.

It may be true that there are people that can't hit the broad side of a barn but it only takes one with a good aim to take him out. The glass is not always half empty and I am willing to bet even if the person shooting did not hit the vital areas it may have had some positive affect in this case. This kid was no Rambo!

If what they are saying is true, we should consider it fortunite he didn't make an explosive device. That would have minimised the showmanship in his mind though.
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Saw the movie last night. I didn't get shot, but if I did, it probably would have been more exciting than the actual movie. It was long and very disjointed. Action scenes were cool, acting was alright (except the bad guys voice was kind of annoying). All in all, I expected more. I would have asked for a refund, but they don't do that at movies. I thought the last 2 Batman's were great. This one was barely mediocre.
Saw the movie last night. I didn't get shot, but if I did, it probably would have been more exciting than the actual movie. It was long and very disjointed. Action scenes were cool, acting was alright (except the bad guys voice was kind of annoying). All in all, I expected more. I would have asked for a refund, but they don't do that at movies. I thought the last 2 Batman's were great. This one was barely mediocre.

After seeing the Hangover 2, I went to CS and asked for a free ticket because I thought the movie sucked ass. She gave me 4 tickets. [laugh]
After seeing the Hangover 2, I went to CS and asked for a free ticket because I thought the movie sucked ass. She gave me 4 tickets. [laugh]

That is good to know. Hangover 2 was pretty weak also. Glad I didn't pay to see that one in theaters.
Because of Columbine, the response to active shooter incidents has changed a lot. Based on what has been learned about that, VT, and other incidents, many departments now have a policy of the first responding officers engaging the shooter(s) before SWAT shows up. Much as the LAPD did in the North Hollywood shoot out.

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That is 100% correct!
Lot of Rambos in here.

No kidding! A packed movie theater, dark, OC (or similar) in the air, screaming, gunfire, and innocent people all over between you and target and behind target. I have no doubt in my mind that I would not have been angling for a shot. I would have trying to get me and mine the hell out of Dodge.
Not to sound insensitive, but shit happens. Shit has been happening for centuries and shit will happen until the end of time. Some people are ****ed up, and will do ****ed up things. Whether its with guns, bombs, knives, spitballs, booby traps etc. they're gonna do it, so get a gun, get a helmet and be prepared. At the end of the day you are responsible for protecting yourself and those you love, the gov, police, security, etc is a joke. They are there to make the paper work for insurance companies easier.
I just posted this on another thread, In 2010, there were 32,885 automobile deaths in the United States, this was down from 42,836 in 2004. Where's the crying because of this. That 2010 figure averages out to 91 per day. 2006 was 118 per day.
Do some wind sprints until you are shaking and your heart rate is pushing 200 BPM, stick your hands in a snowbank until it hurts so you can simulate having no choice but to use gross motor skills, have someone fire a few rounds near your head to get your hearing all eff'd up. Now draw draw and fire on a man-sized target in the middle of a playground with kids running and screaming and moving unpredictably. Just to be nice, make it a sunny day with good visibility and pretend you didn't already shit yourself. Got that image in your head? Good.

Yeah, my range frowns on it when I have someone fire rounds near my head and have my kids run on the range. I do however try to practice once a month after crapping in my pants.

The truth is that I shoot pretty frequently and shoot my carry guns nearly every range trip, but I don't know if I would draw my Kahr PM9 and try to take the guy with the body armor and drum mag down. I wasn't there so it is hard to say what I would do, but we are not talking about some guy with a knife trying to take my wallet.
I really don't know of any training facility, including live fire training courtesy of .mil that actually have the intent of killing the trainee. The only way to even simulate this is to have been in the boots of war where the BG really does want you dead, and then at that point when your shooting back, you really don't give a **** if there are innocents in the way, your trying to save your own ass and those along side you. I still believe a shoulder wound to a hostage in order to get the BG ( Russian style ) is a preferred method rather than a miss and redirected fire coming at you. We are all hopeful that if we are carrying, we may do the right thing, but the right thing is not known until the situation is presented before us, that is the only time the test matters, you can take all the quizzes you want in hopes of preparing, but that final exam is what counts. Just keep training the best you can in hopes of never having to use it.
I said they were stupid trashy parents. I am just going to know that they are trash.

Think I answered this in my prior post quoted below. Opinions are like a**h***s.....

I would also say that I think judging people that I know nothing about on a single action that does not affect me, is just being a holier-than-thou jackwad.

While I would not take my infant child to the movie theater (let alone a midnight showing. I wont judge someone decision to do just that. Unless said infant is crying, screaming or otherwise disturbing my enjoyment of said movie, I really don't care what someone else decided is right for their own family. It simply isn't my place to judge whether their choices are right or wrong. Call me crazy, but I believe that others can live life the way choose as long as they aren't interfering with others. I wont pass judgement on anyone that is not impacting my life.
Exactly. That is kind of my point. Even the best the average person is capable of doing WRT preparation for use of deadly force is essentially useless in this situation. Most sane people would realize that their piece would be used if necessary in order to GTFO with their loved ones in tact. If by myself, I might grab the few closest to me and tell them to head for the exit and I would do my best to get us relative few out alive. If single with no family at home, I would certainly grab some people and help them GTFO unscathed. Any shots taken on the shooter would be shots of opportunity and probably ineffective considering the armor vs. handgun round.

This sums it up. My only focus would be to get myself and family out of the mayhem as fast as possible.

If someone thinks that they would get a good shot off at the shooter in this situation is either not living in reality, or they are spec ops warriors at the movies with their entire team and they are all armed with carbines, have comms, and gas masks. But, I repeat myself.

The only way I would even consider it would be on the very minute chance the shooter was reloading had his back to me and within a few feet, otherwise I'm going with my answer above.
I cant stand FUDD's. Even they are coming out saying we need waiting periods and no one needs a semi auto rifle to hunt deer with.................. [angry]

A few posters have mentioned that. Even claiming to be NRA members. But there's even an active NRA board member that supports 5-round magazine limits. [hmmm] on a gun site the consensus is guns wouldn't have helped against a homicidal gunman? Oooookay.

No one can say for sure how it would have went down had someone actually tried.
Aren't AMC theaters posted "gun free zones" too? It's not on their website (or at least I couldn't quickly find it) but I think I saw a sign once.
James Holmes must have missed the sign. If only he had seen it this could have been prevented.

Unfortunately, some people still think these are effective. I routinely ignore them, for safety's sake. You never know when evil will confront you.

A weapons instructor once told me that "Bad guys don't make appointments."

Link to pictures of gas mask and AR-15 rifle left by shooter near the theater emergency exit:
Unfortunately, some people still think these are effective. I routinely ignore them, for safety's sake. You never know when evil will confront you.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. The prevailing attitude around here is a gun would do you no good. Just flee or hide. It's what today's society expects.
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