CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

It's sad and crazy... I really hope they don't go after us gun owners over this but being an election year who knows... It's silly he could have planted a bomb he obviously knew how to make or set the place on fire but people blame the guns... Crazy does as crazy does... The level of planning is shocking shows he's not your average idiot
I happen to be into shooting and a bit of a prepper....but I'd have no idea where to buy ballistic leggings and groin and neck plates. and if I could find them, I'm not sure I could afford them

I did a little searching on the Interwebs and a Level II vest alone is eight or nine hundred. He probably had a couple grand worth of body armor if it was the real stuff.
How about this: Where the hell are the 2A advocates coming out to say that this is EXACTLY why people need to carry??? Why is it that the antis always come out yapping immediately and everyone in favor of CCW sits around scared like b1tches, waiting for the other shoe to drop? Where is the national support, be in congresspeople or otherwise? The silence is deafening! Just a thought.
Imagine if the old man in the Internet Cafe a few days ago was here watching the movie...I still can't believe the girl in the Toronto mall shooting died in this.. Final Destination thing going on.
I did a little searching on the Interwebs and a Level II vest alone is eight or nine hundred. He probably had a couple grand worth of body armor if it was the real stuff.

Here's a video of a rifle plate a civilian can buy for ~$200 stopping three 30-06 armor piercing bullets, along with 7 other assorted rifle shots (4x 5.56, 3x 7.62) plus a slug.


They also have level 3A vests as low as $400.
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How about this: Where the hell are the 2A advocates coming out to say that this is EXACTLY why people need to carry??? Why is it that the antis always come out yapping immediately and everyone in favor of CCW sits around scared like b1tches, waiting for the other shoe to drop? Where is the national support, be in congresspeople or otherwise? The silence is deafening! Just a thought.

That does happen, it just doesn't get the press coverage. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus got a lot of good info out there after Virginia Tech. Unfortunately the media tends to ignore our side. They have their own agenda. Just look at the people they've tried to blame today for this atrocity, which includes the TEA Party and Conservative Radio hosts.
How about this: Where the hell are the 2A advocates coming out to say that this is EXACTLY why people need to carry??? Why is it that the antis always come out yapping immediately and everyone in favor of CCW sits around scared like b1tches, waiting for the other shoe to drop? Where is the national support, be in congresspeople or otherwise? The silence is deafening! Just a thought.

Well, I'll give this question a shot:

Out of respect for the victims, I'm not jumping all over this for my political gain. I'm not trying to make this into "See, if they all were rabid 2A supporters....". I think thats bullshit. I think the other side takes advantage of victims for political gain, but we hold ourselves to a higher standard. That standard goes without saying, and so do the reasons for setting it.

I also am not a fool that thinks that carrying a gun can prevent every act of terrorism or every murder, rape, battery, etc.

This isn't the time or the place for that shit. The only time I'd stoop so low as to interject my personal political feelings in a tragedy like this, is in rebuttal to an attack by the other side of the debate who wishes to go out looking for an argument. But, I'm not about to start one over a senseless tragedy like this that could not have been prevented by any legislation.

My condolences to the victims and their families....

OMG what is someone going to do with 6000 rounds?? I'm wondering if they are going to restrict the amount of ammo you can buy now.

Some other news sources have stated he was CARRYING 6,000 rounds. It's sad that they can safely assume the overwhelming majority of Americans will eat that shit up without pausing to think how much 6k rounds of 5.56 would weigh....(what, about 260lbs or so?)
Yeah but that's just the plate, no?

Don't you still need the plate carrier and the rest of the gear?

Yeah you still need a plate carrier but those can be had pretty cheaply. It's really not terribly expensive to get yourself a basic body armor setup. I think anybody who has guns for "home defense" or for "SHTF" should have body armor by the night stand and one less gun in the closet. You can only pull 1 (ok, maybe 2) trigger at a time anyways.

Given you can get the 6x6 side plates for $150 or less I don't imagine the groin/neck protectors would be terribly expensive either, though they limit mobility so maybe not that useful unless you're on a fixed gun in a vehicle or something (or shooting fish in a barrel at a movie theater...). You can also get old school steel plates for super cheap, though they're heavy.
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What business is it of yours how these people parent? Unless the baby is screaming and crying while you are trying to watch a movie MYOFB.

Didn't say it was my business. I said they were stupid trashy parents. Did you take from that post that I would march over and lecture them? I am not going to say anything, I am just going to know that they are trash. Either get a sitter or wait until you can get one, Batman will be there to take your money.
Condor makes a plate carrier for $70. Even a top notch ones are only $200-400. If you're used to spending $1k on a rifle, it shouldnt seem like that much. A full carrier setup can be had for less.

People were taken before their time because some retard decided it.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
Wanna stop these things from happening? Stop giving the psychos publicity.

This sickens me. The ONLY reason these things are happening more often is the publicity the psycho (be they terrorist or just insane) gets from the act. The more they show, the more likely it is to happen again but it's a feeding frenzy. The ratings-driven news media gloms on because tragedy sells, the politicians of either agenda glom on because tragedy sells and the ultimate losers are you and I because some psycho out there is watching the coverage and saying 'hmmm, THAT will make them notice me...'


This! However, as it's the "anti industrie's" and their minion's fuel, it's not going to change.
Same crap over here.
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