CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

Lot of Rambos in here.

No kidding.

Dark, smoke, surprise, loud soundtrack, flashing screen, screaming, people moving, utter chaos, etc. etc.

The vast majority of people would be pretty much useless.

When I ran the IDPA at Riverside, I created a total surprise stage to see how people would react when they had no idea what was coming. It was just an exercise. It was conducted with good shooters and a controlled situation. And yet, when the 'surprise' was sprung, it was quite educational. Some delayed in reaction until the scenario would have been over unable to act. Some shot the innocent. And a few actually neutralized the threat.

Don't get me wrong, armed defenders might have made a real difference. But to think it would have been quick and painless is being exceptionally unrealistic.

During the Revolutionary War, there were many a militia that set up along the road back to Cambridge in ambush. Some of these set up too close, or with their backs to geographical features that put them between the marching columns and the flanking troops. They knew the enemy was coming, they had the element of surprise, but the overwhelming force of the British wiped out several such groups with ease.

My point is that regardless what you want to speculate as a Monday Quarterback, the reality is that without some exceptional luck, any defender in that theater would be at a great disadvantage.
CNN Forums are hysterical someone really just said "Less guns mean less mass murder period. Look at Japan, look at China" [rofl] China the nation that has prob killed more of its own citizens then any other nation

China is full of mass murder. The difference is that the murderers have uniforms and they line you up in front of a ditch before they do it. Japan has it's share of murder too. There was that cult that gassed the subway a number of years ago. I've seen a number of shows about murders that occur in Japan.
He had 2 9mm Glocks, a Remington 870 and an "Assault Rifle" with a 100 round drum. You would have been way out-gunned.

Not to diminish the severity of the threat, i'm assuming he was pulling only one trigger at a time. Presumably rifle as primary.
At what age should a baby be allowed to a movie? And what is the latest start time I can bring the baby to? Just curious in case I ever become a dad. Thanks!

If you aren't sure whether you are a Dad or not, you ain't get out enough... [wink]
Thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

The fact that some despicable people are using the victims' coffins as proverbial soapboxes to advance their anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-Constitution agenda astounds me. I know it shouldn't, but it still does.

Let the fallen rest and peace and I hope the monster responsible for this gets his due punishment.
This sickens me. The ONLY reason these things are happening more often is the publicity the psycho (be they terrorist or just insane) gets from the act. The more they show, the more likely it is to happen again but it's a feeding frenzy. The ratings-driven news media gloms on because tragedy sells, the politicians of either agenda glom on because tragedy sells and the ultimate losers are you and I because some psycho out there is watching the coverage and saying 'hmmm, THAT will make them notice me...'

Sorry I chucked. The talking head on the news said this "was probably not the nexus of terrorism". WTF?

I bet the people inside that were getting shot like fish in a barrel were pretty terrorized. Fits the definition perfectly.
Thoughts and prayers to everyone touched by this tragedy.

If I happened to be there and carrying, I would be beating feet to gtfo of dodge (using the least populated exit). It would be used only to cover the exit of me and mine. Think of me what you will but in this scenario retreat is the best option I can think of.
This sickens me. The ONLY reason these things are happening more often is the publicity the psycho (be they terrorist or just insane) gets from the act. The more they show, the more likely it is to happen again but it's a feeding frenzy. The ratings-driven news media gloms on because tragedy sells, the politicians of either agenda glom on because tragedy sells and the ultimate losers are you and I because some psycho out there is watching the coverage and saying 'hmmm, THAT will make them notice me...'


Nailed it right there. ^
Being taken there by stupid trashy parents.

What business is it of yours how these people parent? Unless the baby is screaming and crying while you are trying to watch a movie MYOFB.

What's a 3-month old baby doing at a midnight screening??

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

I asked that this morning as soon as I heard the info. Like seriously! Find a baby sitter or don't go. The shooting aside, nobody wants to watch a movie with a infant screaming in there ear. Not too mention it's midnight!! I just hate stupid. Seriously..

3 month old at a movie at that time? [rolleyes]

See above. Who are you to tell someone how they should parent? Why exactly do you think it concerns you?
I never said it concerned me. Anyone who takes a 3 month old out that late at night to see a damn movie, is a scumbag ass hat. I said it. So what?? That offends you? Good, get over it.

A movie is that important?? A 3 month old. Not 3 year old. Even that is bad. A 3 month old. Really?? Trash. Plain and simple.
I'd think someone would be carrying it the theater, I always do. Another Wack-Job making life difficult for us. If he had started a fire would they try to ban matches & lighters [rolleyes] ?

I was in Aurora back in 2000 with my daughter and her softball team, the Worcester Polar Crush. Aurora hosts the biggest softball exposure tournament in the country. We went to see Mission Impossible II in Aurora but I don't think it was that theater. We ate at the Black Angus Steak House almost every night [smile].
I never said it concerned me. Anyone who takes a 3 month old out that late at night to see a damn movie, is a scumbag ass hat. I said it. So what?? That offends you? Good, get over it.

A movie is that important?? A 3 month old. Not 3 year old. Even that is bad. A 3 month old. Really?? Trash. Plain and simple.

And I would defend your right to say it, but don't be surprised if someday you decide to stick your nose in someone else's business and they decide to hand your ass to you. I did not comment (as a parent) that this is something I would or wouldn't do. My point is only that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with you. I would also say that I think judging people that I know nothing about on a single action that does not affect me is just being a holier-than-thou jackwad.
Wanna stop these things from happening? Stop giving the psychos publicity.

I don't know if it will stop it completely, but I think it is a serious factor/motive for a lot of these psychos. They know they are wastes of space in society otherwise- so they figure they can "go out with a bang". All these a**h***s know they will get their 15 minutes (or in this case, hours) of "fame" from performing a despicable act.

The media coverage of incidents like this is definitely a contributor. Just like the breathless coverage of any "terrorist" act, its like handing them $$ milliions for free. How much would Islamic terrorists have to pay to get the same international coverage of blowing up a bus in some obscure country? It's a sickening co-dependent relation with news media, who are making the money from advertising and essentially handing it to the terrorists as free publicity. It is repulsive.

If they had a 24/7 news coverage of a story saying "today 100 people died from preventable hospital borne infections,, and btw yesterday 100 people also died in agony in this tragic and senseless way, and the day before, and the day before... if they had only washed their hands..."

But no , instead we get this craven sensationalistic fetish coverage over what is an event which is less likely than being struck by lightning... the media of course only is providing what the people want.
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Watching the news earlier, when the San Diego police told this guy's father what he did the father's response was something along the lines of "I'm not surprised one bot by this one bit."
the aurora chief just did a briefing.

he bought the 4 guns legally from stores in the last 60 days...and 6000 rounds of ammo on line in the last 30 (again all legal). 100 rnd beta mag found on the floor of the theater, police were on scene in approximately 90 second . witness reports that he was reloading every 15-20 seconds ...I'm guessing it was reloading of pistols and shotty because 20 seconds it too fast to empty a beta.

It's funny, I've been following it all day. You can tell the "anti" newscasters pretty easily. The channel I'm watching now the anchor recapped the chief's statement and commented that anyone who bought 4 guns in 2 months and 6000 rnds must be crazy. they've been showing wounds all day on the news. one dude got shot in the neck, a through and through and was showing pictures and taking to the news. He was in the next theater and got hit through the wall

if there's any fallout...I would expect another push on 1 gun a month bills and shipping of ammo

it's sad....I 'm hoping that you guys will do me a favor. If any of you decide to go on a killing spree, could you please use something besides a gun? maybe matches, or butter knives. thanks
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