CO: Shooting at Movie Theater in Aurora

The suspected "lone-wolf" shooter of the Batman movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colo. was a student at the ultra left wing University of Colorado. The University of Colorado also gave us the notorious professor [/FONT][/COLOR]Ward Churchill. Churchill taught his students that 9/11 victims were "little Eichmanns" who were not casualties of terrorism, but legitimate "military targets." His views were part of his teaching and the University of Colorado gave him tenure. The alleged killer at the Batman movie is University of Colorado's PhD student James Holmes, who recently withdrew from his neuroscience studies at the University.
Special thanks to Lincoln Jones for the info. More on shooter:
there aren't many upsides of such a tragedy, but if the above accusations are correct and dangerous radical is removed from the university system and held accountable for such nonsense that would be beneficial to all.

I don't see it happening though, the universities and media are too protective of their own even when they have blood on their hands.
the shooter has a bump action shot gun, a Smith and Wesson Ar15 and 2 glock. 45 caliber... And none of the innocent victims were carrying a gun.. Great ... I heard Colorado has easier gun law there what is going on?

I read an article that this theater had one of those "Gun-Ban" signs. Possibly the media should go after the theater for endangering the law aniding citizens. Yeah...... Like that would happen!!
not sure if someone posted this.

Mayor Bloomberg-

"You know, soothing words are nice, but maybe it's time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about it, because this is obviously a problem across the country," Bloomberg said on WOR Radio in New York. "No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them concretely, not just in generalities -- specifically, what are they going to do about guns?"
In a dark theatre, filled with choking tear gas, bullets flying, and 70 people running and screaming in every which direction, I think most people with a ccw would prioritze getting their spouse/kids/friends out safely before they tried to engage a well armed and armored gunman. He was prepared for war. Realistically most ccw with a 9mm S&W Sheild or 5 shot Ruger LCR would be incredibly undergunned. If you have a shot, you take it of course, but this is real life.

Yeah. If a CCW was there they COULD have ran BUT they COULD also not freeze and actually do something. There's no guarantee that if there was a CCW he/she could have a chance in hell to stop him or not because none of us were there but, everyone COULD have had better odds with a CCW than without. In every single scenario involving a wackjob like this people COULD have better odds with a CCW, there's just no guarantee.
That would be the reason I carry a full size M&P and two spare mags. Not great against an AR or Shotgun, but at least you have round count going for you.
Were you there? How the **** do you know? Seriously? You're making guesses based off assumptions of what you THINK you know about what happened- but most of it is impossible to determine without actually having been there. You're more of a monday morning quarterback than those that suggested they might try to do something if it was possible.

Shooters have engaged tougher targets, and died in the process, but their actions have still often affected the outcome in a positive way- that's all I'm going to say about that. Very rarely is doing something WORSE than doing nothing, in this kind of situation.


You are taking that point out of the context and misinterpreting it. The point was that some scenarios could clearly be aided by armed citizens. They allowed for clear identification of the shooter and plenty of time to make shots. Even aimed shots from behind the shooter. E.g. the “V” painting db from FL (IIRC it was FL). Or that church in UT where the shot was taken from a long distance away down a corridor. Running down that hallway would have been a suicide, but a woman with .38 took that trash out from behind a barrier.

This was not one of those. So the usual “oh, only if there was a CCW in the crowd” – rings hollow. Actually, if feels like propaganda spin to leverage the tragedy. For all we know, there might have been few dozen CCW who walked out of that theater. And we are unlikely to ever learn because few would want to admit to being armed and walking out.

This guy hit 83 people. So even the argument that CCW would likely die but would save lives is rather empty. This scumbag was running a shotgun and a rifle in full body armor. He theoretically could have steamroll through CCW like any other victim without slowing down. So now we are back to the fantasy world of CCW seating in the right spot, was not prevented by anyone else and made a perfect headshot. Hey, while we are at it, why not fantasize about a Bruce Lee type of a guy disarming and then Karate chopping that trash to death.

Again, my point was that is scenario was incredibly difficult. As such, having few CCWs somewhere in the theater would in no way guaranty they would even have a chance to engage, never mind slowing the shooter down or killing him. At the same time, I never said or attempted to suggest that if one has a chance to engage he/she should avoid acting and hope for the best. To the contrary, I clearly stated the opposite. However, reality is that it is NOT about having a gun, but about right individual(s) knowing when and how to control the situation and willing and able to act. Who knows, in this case a knife or even brute force might have been a much better strategy. And may be someone did die trying.
That would be the reason I carry a full size M&P and two spare mags. Not great against an AR or Shotgun, but at least you have round count going for you.

He had 2 9mm Glocks, a Remington 870 and an "Assault Rifle" with a 100 round drum. You would have been way out-gunned.

I fully expect a HUGE push to re-institute the AWB after this especially if it turns out the "Assault Rifle" with the 100 round drum inflicted most of the casualties.
Ar-15 is trending on twitter... have a look at that if you are willing to risk breaking your nose by facepalming really hard.

I fully expect a HUGE push to re-institute the AWB after this especially if it turns out the "Assault Rifle" with the 100 round drum inflicted most of the casualties.

Good thing the republican candidate up for election is fully against the AWB. It's good to know we have a say in the matter.

Romney 2012!
Good thing the republican candidate up for election is fully against the AWB. It's good to know we have a say in the matter.

Romney 2012!

Romney, Romney, the question is who would be more likely to re-instate the AWB........Romney or Obama [hmmm]

Now that is a head scratcher
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You can endlessly debate if you'd act or wouldn't act if you were in that situation and armed. However, I think the important point is that being armed gives you another option and having more options improves your chances of living. Contrast that with Mayor Blomberg who wants to limit your options to running or cowhering in fear.
Romney, Romney, the question is who would be more likely to re-instate the AWB........Romney or Obama [hmmm]

Now that is a head scratcher

Do you want to go on past performance, or ideals? I think the smart money is on...they both would. Let's see if this gets asked at the debates.
The longer the economy is in the pooper and people are stressed beyond capacity, more an more of these "snaps" will occur. This was heavily planned, obviously, and no amount of gun control legislation would have done anything.

The endless recession and people who are sick in the head is a truly bad combination. This man/boy was/is a sick person.

Going to the stats, the left wing extremists are the ones to watch out for, as their propensity for this level of planned violence has a log history.

All in all it is very sad, period. The fallout from this will be felt to some degree for years to come. What that will be is TBD at this point, but you can see where the POTUS is going to try and advance his pussy agenda harder than ever now.
You can endlessly debate if you'd act or wouldn't act if you were in that situation and armed. However, I think the important point is that being armed gives you another option and having more options improves your chances of living. Contrast that with Mayor Blomberg who wants to limit your options to running or cowhering in fear.

EXAAAAAACTLY what I was trying to get across ;D

You make some good points. But you also run into the issue that for all the bad-ass talk on the Internet, most people(everyone here excepted, of course) have no idea how they would react in a situation like this. Would you freeze? Would you think about line of sight and collateral casualties? Could you get a clean shot, and take it? The movie image that you'd just pull your piece and pop the guy in the head (double-tap with perfect symmetry, naturally), or empty clip after clip in the bad guy's direction while diving for cover ignores the reality that most people have never been shot at or even had a gun pointed at them in anger, let alone been caught in a mass shooting. I mean, this is why your DI threw trash cans at your bunk at 4 AM, right?

I haven't read all the stories - but a co-worker told me that the guy started shooting right in the middle of one of the scenes where there is already a ton of gunfire.

Here's the thing - an awful lot of people are just completely unaware of their surroundings. They hear things - and think it's something else. The wife is constantly "hearing things".. What's that? "It's the washing machine filling up with water" , What's that? " it's the neighbors next door slamming a car door". What's that? " it's somebody talking on the TV set".

She's constantly hearing a noise - and not able to relate the noise to the environment around here and have her brain tell her what the noise is without invoking a panic response first.

I see people who do this all the time.

Having a license to carry - doesn't make it any better.
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