Comcast Bans Guns and Ammo Ads

I thoght so to....I got this info from some other message board. A few years old:

According to the NHTSA statistics from printed page 32 (pdf page 48) of

Persons killed in “Alcohol Related” and “Alcohol Impaired” accidents
Year BAC > .01 g/dL BAC > .08 g/dL
2005 15,985 13,582
2006 15,970 13,491
2007 15,534 13,041
2008 13,826 11,711
2009 12,744 10,839

According to the FBI CIUS (Crime in the US) 2009 data taken from

Persons Murdered by Firearms:
2005 10,158
2006 10,225
2007 10,129
2008 9,528
2009 9,146
If people would actually stand behind their own convictions companies like this wouldn't do this sort of thing. After being an ex-employee with them I can attest to the company's anti-2nd Amendment views. People need to not worry about getting their fix of jersey shore, dancing with the stars or any of that other crap that's on TV now, and give up the internet and the animal erotica that they so desperately need. We haven't had TV service or good internet in 2 years and well we are still here and doing just fine. Guess though some people are really just talk, if you want to make a point you have to apply it all the time not just sometimes. For instance I hate this damn place and the way it's ran, so I buy nothing in this state at all and do all my shopping and gas in NH.

I left Comcrap as soon as FiOS was available in our town and never looked back, TV picture is much better and the internet is faster than my office LAN and has been much more reliable with online app tools to reset the box or troubleshoot the connection...check out Verizon if you haven't already.
" would no longer allow ads showing semiautomatic weapons and guns pointed at people,.."

Goodbye Hollywood. What are they going to broadcast? Sesame street and porn?
Does this mean the outdoor network is going? I always watch Shooting USA and best defense and others. I hope not, I like those shows!
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