Comm2A Challenges Firearms Prohibition for Lawfully Admitted Aliens

there a legal immigrants in Iraq / A-Stan right now [thinking]

My wife's 2x Great Grandfather earned US Citizenship by fighting in the Irish Brigade. At that time no one wanted the fecking bog-trotters over here. They seem to have worked out OK- OTOH, most of them are fecking Democrats so maybe not.
Folks that I work with are from Canada, Chile, Iceland, Spain, China, the UK, etc. Some of them have citizenship. Some are on green cards. Good folks all.
I proudly served with a few legal immigrants while in the Marines. The Marines has over 7000 of them protecting the country as I type this.

Study history, rome fell for less. The fact that we are filling our ranks with foreigners should frighten you. But hey enjoy the diversity. That's 7000 positions Americans should be filling.
I don't know where the hell you are living but my children are competing for education, healthcare and jobs with the children of immigrants both legal and illegal. But hey feel free to stick your head in the sand and ignore the soft invasion of our nation.
That's how it should be. That's how it's always been. You're the one who said "study history." If you're trying to ensure that your kids get a cushy living without having to compete, then you're doing them a disservice as a parent.

Really? The foreigners enjoy unfair economic advantages, nice try though. Uggh tired of ignoramuses, they violate our laws, you keep excusing them. Wait on this point you are correct. Throughout history there were always people who rationalized things, I see you are one. On a level playing field no one can beat the American working man/woman. Sorry to see you are a sell out.

Again, try reading.
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Insofar as the constitutional issues here: None of this argument truly matters.

Graham v. Richardson is already settled law on alienage specifically for lawful residents. It was a unanimous court, 9-0, across both political spectrums, which ruled alienage to be a suspect class.

This lawsuit would have succeeded pre-Heller. However, for numerous reasons, waiting until McDonald was dealt with was the best option, so now we're dealing with two completely different issues that requires strict scrutiny and is within the core of the second amendment.

If you don't like it, ask your Congressman to file a joint resolution to overturn Graham with a constitutional amendment under Article V. No further debate on this issue is required, needed, or wanted. Go debate it on a "citizens only" forum or push your political representatives to push for such an amendment.

What unfair economic advantages do the *legal* immigrants have?

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The might be able to hold large foreign assets without an obligation to pay US taxes on them - not sure though.
Umm actually I have. I lived overseas for years. Nice try though. While there is no such thing as fair I presumed (at my mistake) Americans were loyal to our nation. It seems that you are not. Also why would I expose my children to a foreign culture? Obviously they are a lesser culture or you would live there. I presume you deemed life there inferior to here otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.
Study history, rome fell for less. The fact that we are filling our ranks with foreigners should frighten you. But hey enjoy the diversity. That's 7000 positions Americans should be filling.

Unless you are a full-blooded Native American Indian, you, I and most everyone else here is a "foreigner" whose relatives (or in some cases ourselves) immigrated legally to the US!

My Parents were 1st generation Americans, all four of my Grandparents came to the US in the 1910-1915 time-frame from Russia.

So, please explain what an American is again?

People who come to the US legally, sign their life away to the US Armed Services and are willing to fight for our freedom are all good people in my book!
I wonder if this suit will make an appearance at the first MCOPA general meeting of 2011, next week:


Next up on our spring agenda is the MCOPA/MPI Spring Training Conference being held on Tuesday (April 26th) and Wednesday (April 27th) at the Doubletree Hotel on Route 9 West in Westborough,...

Our first MCOPA general meeting of 2011 will follow the Training Conference on Thursday, April 28th, also at the Westborough Doubletree Hotel. ...

So there you have it, our spring MCOPA agenda... we’ve been making the statewide circuit of Legislative Breakfasts to educate our legislators on our needs for this legislative year. We have been pleased and impressed with the turnout, and we’ve been very happy to see some of the Legislator’s heavy hitters joining us for breakfast. ...

It seems like the MCOPA is always at the side of the politicians when they are announcing the next new gun control laws, doesn't it? I wonder what we can do to bring them over to see our point of view. I know the NRA has classes and competitions. Maybe GOAL can do the same in MA.
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I proudly served with a few legal immigrants while in the Marines. The Marines has over 7000 of them protecting the country as I type this.

I would hope that any legal (or hell, even illegal) immigrant who serves in the US Military would be granted citizenship with no hassle. I suspect it doesn't work that way though.
If you guys want to have another thread about "whether it's OK for nonresident aliens to own guns" then someone should start another thread in general or something. This thread is for info and updates on the Comm2A efforts in this case.

t seems like the MCOPA is always at the side of the politicians when they are announcing the next new gun control laws, doesn't it? I wonder what we can do to bring them over to see our point of view. I know the NRA has classes and competitions. Maybe GOAL can do the same in MA.

It is an incestuous relationship. The MCOPA *KNOWS* better than to openly oppose politicians except of items on direct vital interest to them. It's an unspoken deal - offer law enforcement "expert opinion" that keeps the legislature happy, and they will keep LEO defined benefit pensions and lifetime medical in the corral with the sacred cows. Not opposing politicians also facilitates back room deals when needed - like killing the Katrina bill at point in the process where this almost never happens simply by saying "law enforcement objects".

Expecting to sway the MCOPA into "opposing the legislature" ranks right up there with having your "on behalf of bill" filed by your rep and expecting to get serious debate, consideration, favorable committee report and a roll call vote. Not gonna happen.
In short, the police are the enforcement arm of the political machine.

Needless to say, there are great LEOs out there. But never forget that the folks who run law enforcement are firmly on the side of the politicians. Because the politicians are working against us, conclusions are clear.
In short, the police are the enforcement arm of the political machine.

Needless to say, there are great LEOs out there. But never forget that the folks who run law enforcement are firmly on the side of the politicians. Because the politicians are working against us, conclusions are clear.

Yup!! You nailed that.
I dunno I'm a nationalist. I fail to see what good arming non citizens is. Enlighten me.

What are you afraid of? An upstanding resident of the US, who is not federally prohibited from owning a firearm cannot own one because of citizenship. Pray tell, what are you afraid of? Is this person more dangerous because he is not a US citizen? Nope. Then what is it? Don't give me the "the rights are for citizens" speech because we offer these rights of jury of ones peers, free speech, etc etc, yet the @nd Amendment is somehow not applicable.

You are a statist, not a nationalist. use a dictionary if you are goingg to label yourself.
What are you afraid of? An upstanding resident of the US, who is not federally prohibited from owning a firearm cannot own one because of citizenship. Pray tell, what are you afraid of? Is this person more dangerous because he is not a US citizen? Nope. Then what is it? Don't give me the "the rights are for citizens" speech because we offer these rights of jury of ones peers, free speech, etc etc, yet the @nd Amendment is somehow not applicable.

You are a statist, not a nationalist. use a dictionary if you are goingg to label yourself.

Again I agree we disagree.
Really? The foreigners enjoy unfair economic advantages, nice try though. Uggh tired of ignoramuses, they violate our laws, you keep excusing them. Wait on this point you are correct. Throughout history there were always people who rationalized things, I see you are one. On a level playing field no one can beat the American working man/woman. Sorry to see you are a sell out.

Again, try reading.

Lip, who the hell are you? Did you forget to take your meds or something? Seriously...

Timber is a very bright guy with an amazing grasp of history, foreign cultures and the current world condition. He's a realist. He sees things for what they are, not what someone thinks they should be. He's articulate, well read, and uses a considered, reasoned approach to his arguments. Timber gets it and is a very straight shooter. I listen to his opinions 'cause they are good.

You've been on this forum poking a stick at Timber and others who get it. I'm really suspect that you're interested in discussion at all, but rather trolling. I have this image of you sitting in an easy chair, perhaps a scotch at your side, laughing at the mayhem you're trying to cause in this thread.

Sadly you're missing a chance to have open, honest discussion and debate with some really smart, really interesting people. And perhaps you're abusing your posting privileges on NES for your own amusement. I know for a fact that you've alienated a whole bunch of folks, and maybe that's what turns you on?

Whatever you're about, you're losing. I've met some incredibly nice folks on this forum who I now call friends. And I don't take that term lightly. But clearly I don't see you having the same opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of some great folks.


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