40 caliber
NES Member
I'd much rather carry a S&W Airweight (642 or 637), which packs a serious punch in .38 Special +P, than some unreliable POS chambered in weak-ass .380 Auto just to say I carry a semi auto.
If you want to put in the work, an Airweight is deadly accurate. But then, I have ALWAYS found revolvers easier and faster to shoot than semis. Don't ask me why or how. It just is.
Revolvers tend to be more goof proof for someone starting out.
Think about some of the semi auto mistakes a new person can make. In a critical moment, these could all cost you.
1. Did I chamber a round? or did I just put the magazine in?
2 Did I take the safety off before I pulled the trigger?
3. If it jams on the first round can I clear it quickly?
Before I hear all the "experts" say " if you practice this is not an issue" I agree.
I also believe that if you need to pull a firearm, you will be nervous. That is how mistakes happen. Beyond practice this is just one way to minimize your mistakes.
jus my .02