Sometimes I think you guys dress like MC Hammer or something, because I definitely cannot conceal a fullsize gun very easily in summer.
Part of the problem is you have to see whether you're hallucinating or not. Honestly even what I would call a 50% print is almost completely undetectable by most. My ex KNEW I carried a gun and she couldn't tell half the time. How do I put this... we are biased because we know exactly where the gun is. It is difficult to subtract this bias when evaluating
You have to ask yourself this: What are you concealing against? randos in general public land where you're otherwise legal? then its like, who gives a shit. Or are you carrying in an NPE (eg, someplace where you're not supposed to be with the a gun) or against higher security or sharper tacks?
Those are two ENTIRELY different grades of concealment, IMHO. And 95% of the public will never see even a 70% print, they will be completely oblivious. And I mean obvious rules are obvious... I'm talking not having a belt that lets it flop around, and not touching the gun, like, ever, though your clothing. Not having cover garments that are too short, easily bunch up and completely blow concealment.
If you're not comfortable with anything outside of "nearly 100%" then I get that, but IMHO in real life, most of the time.... it simply isn't necessary.
ETA: most of the braying I hear about summer carry has nothing to do with concealment and everything to do with people being lazy shitbirds about the type of clothing they wear
during the summer. At least if you can admit that and go from there, then make choices... if thats the actual problem.