Concrete wall around WH

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Look at it this way.....
If they put up a wall, there must be a threat from the Right Wing Crazies for another insurrection, right?
They wouldn't do it if it wasn't needed, right?
They must know something we don't know, right?
I mean, my God, we live in dangerous times with all those Trumpistas, right?
Thank God, Joe is on top of this and he's saving democracy, right?

Maybe they're whipping up an emergency, distraction scenario for the faithful to hate everyone not like them, since everything else is going down the toilet.
Keep your eye on the shiny object of the week.
If you recall the mostly peaceful protests from the Summer of St. Floyd of Fentanyl, you'll remember how inadequate the Iron fencing was.
With hundreds of protesters ( mostly peaceful) surging against it the only thing keeping it upright was the threat of the armed agents on the other side.
Like most walls and fences , they're only as good as what support they get.
(See the southern border wall )
I can't think of anything more embarrassing than being a Biden supporter right now.
Was at the Pats game a few weeks back with two friends, one a Biden supporter. Myself and my other friend don't bring up politics, etc around him just because we don't want to hear it, but he ALWAYS brings it up. We literally beat the shit out of him with facts, and he can never defend himself, going to the sheep default "They're for the working class", which we then debunk for him. Anyway, a guy pulls into a spot and has a hard time getting his truck in there. The Biden guy says "Figures, he's a Trump supporter" I look at him and say "I'll go let him know you said that" Head over, first pump, shooting the shit, etc. I finally say "See that fat f*** over there? He was shitting on your driving, as well as the fact you support Trump. He's a Biden supporter!" The guy says "Does he still admit that?" then is like "Are you serious, does he really support Biden?" I said "What do you think, he's drinking a Mich Ultra!"
The claim is the bottom is concrete and top is plywood.

Concrete seems an odd choice for a construction privacy barrier on the WH lawn where there’s no road traffic. Maybe to anchor the plywood?

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Was at the Pats game a few weeks back with two friends, one a Biden supporter. Myself and my other friend don't bring up politics, etc around him just because we don't want to hear it, but he ALWAYS brings it up. We literally beat the shit out of him with facts, and he can never defend himself, going to the sheep default "They're for the working class", which we then debunk for him. Anyway, a guy pulls into a spot and has a hard time getting his truck in there. The Biden guy says "Figures, he's a Trump supporter" I look at him and say "I'll go let him know you said that" Head over, first pump, shooting the shit, etc. I finally say "See that fat f*** over there? He was shitting on your driving, as well as the fact you support Trump. He's a Biden supporter!" The guy says "Does he still admit that?" then is like "Are you serious, does he really support Biden?" I said "What do you think, he's drinking a Mich Ultra!"
Libs always wanna bring their bullsh*t up so they can try to justify/rationalize it. They know they're wrong and need the constant emotional support. The real question is why would you hang out with a loser like that? I cut all my lib friends out of my life. I have enough bs to deal with and their emotional/mental issues don't make the list.
White Supremacist Insurrection Domestic Terrorism = The new Racism.
Optics for the mid-term elections.
They can't possibly run on their accomplishments, so they run on fear tactics.
The illusion of an imminent attack will buy them votes.
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