Connecticut License to Carry Class Part 2-Results

Nov 28, 2012
Living the dream in the Free State of SC
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
I live in MA., but occasionally find myself crossing the CT border. Not good if I'm CCW. So when MFS offered the initial "Connecticut License to Carry Class Part 2" course to go along with the prerequisite class of their LTC-020 class (Mass Basic Firearms Safety). I signed right up.

The instructor was James Wise. I had James as an instructor for my MA Basic, so it was a good "part deux". The class was a live fire class and went over all information that CT wants you to be instructed in for a non residence license to carry. The class was full and there was a lot of information to go through, but with other instructors assisting James, it went very smoothly.

Attended MFS class June 7th

Sent in application packet June 23rd "Certified Mail"receipt requested. Yea, I kinda sat on it for a bit. Don't know why.

Received "USPS "Certified Mail" receipt July 2nd.

Received rejection form July 22nd. Only rejected because fingerprints "fingers not fully rolled". The rejection letter included two blank copies of the "DPS-125C" finger print application forms. Luckily, where I work, we have officers who can reprint me. I have a touch of arthritis in my hands, so they made sure that the fingers rolled just right. Sent back in form certified return receipt requested.

Received "USPS "Certified Mail" receipt August 6th

Sept. 20th, received my "State of Connecticut Pistol Permit"

So, a little under three months turn around time WITH a rejection. Not to bad if you ask me.

Thanks James and MFS. Great job as usual.

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Hey jay, does it say to send the reprints back to a special location? I lost my notice but just got my prints redone
Hey jay, does it say to send the reprints back to a special location? I lost my notice but just got my prints redone

Mine said to complete the checked items below (mine was only fingerprint card) and it had a second page that was the "State Rejection Notice". On that page it said to send the rejection letter, fingerprint card to:

1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, CT. 06457

I sent mine USPS Certified Mail receipt requested.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the good feedback.

We fear something is going with CT and rejecting fingerprints. We have sent them "perfect" fingerprints both from us and a local department only to have them rejected. It seems CT may be attempting to discourage applicants through this "rejection" tactic.

For anyone who gets their prints rejected we encourage you to be persistent.

So, I just found my original CT packet and comparing the first set of prints and the prints I had done at the beginning of the month there's a world of difference. First are thick and heavy, new ones are crisp. I'm sending them out on Monday. and will report back when I hear something.
So, I just found my original CT packet and comparing the first set of prints and the prints I had done at the beginning of the month there's a world of difference. First are thick and heavy, new ones are crisp. I'm sending them out on Monday. and will report back when I hear something.

I would suggest sending it "Certified Mail"receipt requested. At least you will know someone received it and signed for it. Did you find the rejection letter? I think that reference number will speed things up.

Hopefully yours will process smoothly.
I found my letter in the same place as my copy of the Original CT App. At least I'm organized. :D I sent it priority mail w/delivery confirmation last time, I'll probably do that again.
A couple of general questions on CT non-res CCW, if you'll pardon the thread drift:

I'm all for MFS (did my Utah class there... very good experience) but doesn't CT law allow for *any* class that's the equivalent of NRA Basic Pistol with live fire? Like, for example, any of the classes at Sig, or the class you'd have to take for your non-res MA license?

Is there a requirement for taking a *specific* approved class that I'm not aware of?

Does the MFS class cover the steps and paperwork for getting a CT Permit? Do you still have to go "live and in person" to someplace in CT to apply (apparently not, given that people write here that they're mailing their apps in) or pick up your license?
There is a specific class requirement for CT, I forget what it was. MFS and one of their trainers worked with CT to get the specific training down to four hours (including live fire) if the applicant has previously attended a Mass Cert Class at MFS. They provide a letter detailing this information to send in with the application.

As for the paperwork and steps, the MFS crew (really, like 4-5 people are involved) take painstaking care in making sure everyone fills out the application there so if there are any questions you can ask and get answers. Apparently (and as evidenced in this thread), CT is not pleased about having to issue permits to people, especially out of staters and will look for ANY reason to reject the application or deny you. There's a checklist, fingerprints, picture, etc, etc. I think the only thing missing is postage.
I am the author of both LTC-020 and the CT variant, and the folks at MFS are one of small, select group of trainers statewide who are authorized by me to teach it. MFS is very well versed in both the course curriculum and CT requirements, and they present it in a highly professional manner. It took nearly 2-1/2 years to receive official approval of the course from the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit, without which no course is acceptable. Other approved courses are NRA Basic Pistol, SigSauer Academy's carry course and the S&W Connecticut Carry Course which is no longer offered to the public. If you already took LTC-020 from MFS, then adding the CT course module indeed satisfies the CT training requirement.

CT has the FBI conduct all fingerprint checks, and they will shortstop any fingerprint cards that the FBI might reject. I have had my own fingerprint card rejected previously (very worn ridges), and traveled to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit to have my prints scanned instead of ink printed. The folks at CT are normally good to deal, and they are presently overwhelmed with applications. By the way, the current processing time is about 75 days.

To download the CT Special Licensing and Firearms Unit brochure click here. It's part of the student package at MFS.

One last note: a CT pistol permit trumps their ammunition certificates and long gun certificates, and non-residents can indeed use it to purchase ammunition in CT.
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I am the author of both LTC-020 and the CT variant, and the folks at MFS are one of small, select group of trainers statewide who are authorized by me to teach it....

The folks at CT are normally good to deal, and they are presently overwhelmed with applications. By the way, the current processing time is about 75 days.

One last note: a CT pistol permit trumps their ammunition certificates and long gun certificates, and non-residents can indeed use it to purchase ammunition in CT.

Thank you for all your effort in putting this course together. Quite frankly, without this course, I would not have been able to get my CT LTC.
As I mentioned in my OP, my license was received in just a hair under 90 days with the finger print reprinting. I felt the whole course, live fire exercise, fingerprinting, paperwork, along with CT's processing was more than acceptable. Thought everyone did a fine job.
And thanks for the clarification about non-resident ammo purchase in CT....

I should also note that CT does not issue restricted pistol permits, and they have confirmed that they will issue to MA residents who hold a restricted LTC.
My apologizes for the bad information pertaining to the ammo purchase. Ill go cleannip my post later when im not on a phone
Thank you for all who took the time to respond to my query.

So, just so I understand clearly: If I currently hold a non-res LTC A from MA (no restrictions), a res pistol permit from my home state of NH, a Utah non-res LTC, and a Maine non-res LTC... in order to get a non-res from CT I'd need to take the MFS MA Basic Firearms Safety Class PLUS the MFS CT-specific class? Or, I could specifically take, the Sig (2 day) Concealed Carry class? Or, NRA Basic Pistol?

I've taken Sig's Handgun 101, 102, 103, 104... and numerous our handgun classes (including Mas Ayoob's MAG-40) over the past few years.

As I stated before, I was very impressed with MFS after doing my Utah class there. Nice folks, as well as conscientious. It just hurts to spend extra time and money to take something like the MA Basic Firearms Safety so I can take the CT-specific class. But if that's CT's requirement, I guess that's what it takes. Their state, their rules (as I tell myself every year I trek down to Chelsea for my annual chat).
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I found my letter in the same place as my copy of the Original CT App. At least I'm organized. :D I sent it priority mail w/delivery confirmation last time, I'll probably do that again.

And just got my fingerprint card back from CT. Apparently I forgot to sign it. Sending it back out today.
This is a good question. Despite having my LTC long before the MA Basic Firearms class, I took one a few years ago when my daughter took hers. I'm also a MSP certified Basic Firearms Safety instructor. I'm not quite sure why I would have to take a course that I am certified to teach as a prerequisite to taking a course to get a non resident CT permit.

Thank you for all who took the time to respond to my query.

So, just so I understand clearly: If I currently hold a non-res LTC A from MA (no restrictions), a res pistol permit from my home state of NH, a Utah non-res LTC, and a Maine non-res LTC... in order to get a non-res from CT I'd need to take the MFS MA Basic Firearms Safety Class PLUS the MFS CT-specific class? Or, I could specifically take, the Sig (2 day) Concealed Carry class? Or, NRA Basic Pistol?

I've taken Sig's Handgun 101, 102, 103, 104... and numerous our handgun classes (including Mas Ayoob's MAG-40) over the past few years.

As I stated before, I was very impressed with MFS after doing my Utah class there. Nice folks, as well as conscientious. It just hurts to spend extra time and money to take something like the MA Basic Firearms Safety so I can take the CT-specific class. But if that's CT's requirement, I guess that's what it takes. Their state, their rules (as I tell myself every year I trek down to Chelsea for my annual chat).
This is a good question. Despite having my LTC long before the MA Basic Firearms class, I took one a few years ago when my daughter took hers. I'm also a MSP certified Basic Firearms Safety instructor. I'm not quite sure why I would have to take a course that I am certified to teach as a prerequisite to taking a course to get a non resident CT permit.

Garys, the deal we were able to work out with CT involved adding material to a specific class we teach (LTC-020). The whole idea of having to take a class to exercise a basic human right is unfortunate.

This is a good question. Despite having my LTC long before the MA Basic Firearms class, I took one a few years ago when my daughter took hers. I'm also a MSP certified Basic Firearms Safety instructor. I'm not quite sure why I would have to take a course that I am certified to teach as a prerequisite to taking a course to get a non resident CT permit.

CT accepted my NRA instructor certificate and MA instructor certificate as meeting the requirement.
CT accepted my NRA instructor certificate and MA instructor certificate as meeting the requirement.

Thanks Rob. Looking on their site, the CSP site, there is nothing that says they won't accept that. Maybe I'll apply and see what happens. I'm just not sure I go down there enough to make it worth while.
I'm in the process of filling out my application for Connecticut and getting hung up by my PD on the fingerprinting. After two phone calls, an in person visit, a voicemail for a detective, there doesn't seem to be anyone willing to complete my fingerprint card for me. Does this card have to be completed by a law enforcement agency? Do I have any other options to get prints taken?
CT does require that fingerprints be done by a PD. It could be your local PD, and most State Police barracks will also do it for you. The CT Special Licensing and Firearms unit brochure has a list of locations where it could be done in CT.
And just got my fingerprint card back from CT. Apparently I forgot to sign it. Sending it back out today.

Took the class in June, putzed around before sending in the paperwork, got my first finger print card rejected due to smudgey prints, got my second finger print card sent back because I forgot to sign it, and today (12/15/2014), received the card.
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