Cowboy 57 (1959) James Stewart short on B-52 Crew


Retired Zoomie
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NES Member
Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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Interesting short narrated by Jimmy Stewart (Brig Gen, USAF (ret) about a B-52 crew and a training mission out of Westover Air Force Base. The comments on YouTube admit that the origin of this short is really unknown. But here it is for a look at the past.

One wrong comparison in this film, see if you can pick it up.

It's at 7:07, "Yet airborne, she can keep pace with a rifle bullet". Even at max speed, about 650 mph, she doesn't break 1,000fps.
Can you imagine A-list actors and directors signing up to fight in 2021?
Oh, you mean patriotic actors that would risk their life for their country? Yea, a few, very few.Kris Kristofferson comes to mind.

Although most of these served prior to their fame, they deserve credit. Opposite ends of the thread, Mohammad Ali and Elvis Presley.

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