Danielle Valkyrie vs gun bunnies

She is long in the tooth but not too bad looking for her age.

[NES StudClub - Charter Member]

There is this chippy on YT that YT keeps tossing on my feed. She does darwin-type, I THINK gun-related, videos. She looks like a Bratz doll. I mean, WTF???? It's the gun equivalent of OnlyFans. She's got $200 worth of makeup on to voice-over some darwin videos. I watched 2 and then moved on. Next time I see her on my feed, I'm telling hte algorithym to junk it. Brandon Herera is funnier and he has better hair. LOL

Oh and F Chip Chipshot or whatever that guy's name is. I know he does a lot and has a lot of good content. I just can't stand him. He comes off as so arrogant in a "I'm gonna be arrogant b/c I suck at this and I don't want you to know" sort of way. SUPER over the top. Or maybe like a high functioning on-the-spectrum person who doesn't know where that line is. (I went to school with a guy like that. I didn't get why he was such a DB until I was 35. "Oh, THAT'S why John would do stupid stuff like that!")
I noticed a lot of the more popular shooters today are moving to higher and higher mounted optics. If you're not running nods, why go with a chin weld vs a cheek weld?
Quicker sight acquisition and not having to 'turtle' to see the sights. For 'combat' distances, it's not a big deal, but not something you'd want for longer range straight to short range shooting.

You do have to worry about offset if you are shooting around barriers though.

If you look at my avatar, you can see what I'm talking about regarding 'turtle-ing'. That takes about .3 to .5 seconds added to your time. I've shot high mount EOTechs and it's quicker, but more close in/situational.
There is this chippy on YT that YT keeps tossing on my feed. She does darwin-type, I THINK gun-related, videos. She looks like a Bratz doll. I mean, WTF???? It's the gun equivalent of OnlyFans. She's got $200 worth of makeup on to voice-over some darwin videos. I watched 2 and then moved on.
I believe you're referring to Alex Zedra, who used to be the character "Mara" in the early COD games. Now she runs a YT channel

View: https://youtu.be/AXWkKFDfFFY?si=tP87XOQSwYPj0J41
I noticed a lot of the more popular shooters today are moving to higher and higher mounted optics. If you're not running nods, why go with a chin weld vs a cheek weld?
Apparently the higher mounts work better with night vision. But, yes, optic height seems to be like hemlines.
I believe you're referring to Alex Zedra, who used to be the character "Mara" in the early COD games. Now she runs a YT channel

View: https://youtu.be/AXWkKFDfFFY?si=tP87XOQSwYPj0J41

Yes. That one. She's a Bratz doll.

For those who don't currently have a 20-something daughter. . . .


Hottest thing for young girls in the mid 00's. I always said that Megan Fox looked like a Bratz doll. This chick takes the cake.

It isn't that she's ugly. She's got that. . . . . porn-star look to her. Ever see those with-and-without makeup pix of porn stars? It's frightening. Gimme some girl that can look fine with minimal or no makeup - or LOOK LIKE she has minimal or no makeup. As soon as you get that airbrushed skin look, it turns me off.

I think if she spent more on ammo than makeup it would help. At least for me. LOL.

And I still think Brandon Hererra has better hair. ;). (And a better beard.)

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