Daunte Wright Shooting: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know - Edit: Shot by cop who thought she was using a TASER

Taking away everything we have posted in this thread will not change the simple fact that if this idiot complied he would still be alive.

You sure about that? Considering a veteran cop can’t tell a taser from a Glock, I wouldn’t make any assumptions about the outcome of an interaction with such a person, regardless of compliance.
The one upside about incidents like this, is it makes it very clear the people who should NOT be cops. The idiots that I see defending the cops are the exact ones who are being overmatched by the job. Then they get defensive and tell us we could never do the job. I don't want to do the job, I want you to do it better!
Do you have any reading comprehension? I was talking about his initial arrest for the gun that started this thing with the failure to appear and the outstanding warrant, not what happened on Sunday.

He should have never tried to drive away in the car, but he never should have been asked to get out so they could arrest him for a warrant on a bullshit gun charge.
You are correct on that, my bad for reading that wrong.
I’m not saying that at all, go through my posts and read what I posted. I promise you will not find anything like that that I posted. What it means is that F’Kin stupid mistake never would have happened if this idiot complied and didn’t get loose from that other F’Kin idiot cop, but he decided to not comply and guess what? He is not Alive
As always, bow down and comply or we will kill you and laugh about it back at the precinct locker room or at our weekend BBQ's. Probably pass around the photos in your private f**b**k groups as well. Wonder if she is a member of her local precincts pedophile club as well? Seems to be pretty common among those who choose this line of work.
"The unlawful charge is bunk because it's legal in 17 states."

Doesn't mean it isn't the law for where he was; that it's stupid and predatory doesn't mean there isn't a cost in abiding it. Yes, while I agree that if I'm living in Minneapolis after the Floyd death, in combination with the backlash, I'd be holding one way or another, I'm also not running from the charge, because that's what adults do. And he's an adult- whether his environment prepared him as such or not. The last is ultimately the root problem, whether anyone wants to admit it or not.

You play in the environment you choose to be in and deal with the consequences. In Cambridge it means you can marry your cousin legally and suffer the birth defects. In Minnesota, it means you don't hold without meeting the legal terms, you deal with the consequences for doing so, or move to a venue more befitting your mindset.
Well guess what, they don't respect you or I any more than they do the ghetto hood rat's.

Disagree. It's a two way street. Have you ever got to know any of your local LE's? Do you have any family that is in LE? I know the CoP fairly well in my town. Good guy. I have family who are in LE and they are great guys. I've taken the time to get to know several of them and they are no different then you and I. They have the same dreams as everyone else. They don't want to be banging down doors to screw over everyday Americans. They just want to get home every day and see their families. Every cop hater is coming out of the workwork lately and they are in a no win situation. I said it above. You couldn't pay me enough to be in LE today. No matter what they do they are screwed. Sure, are there bad cops out there? Yes, of course. Are there idiot gun owners out there? Yes, of course. It's all relative and you can't paint a group of people with a broad brush.
Not buying it. First off who’s to say that the perp wasn’t thinking about GF himself and figured the cops would not do anything because of it. Also you don’t just let a perp leave because you’re afraid of the GF situation. What if he ran and subsequently ran over a mother and child in a crosswalk. Then where would the blame go? It’s a no win situation. The perp played the game and he won a losing prize. I’m not saying she didn’t make a mistake. That’s in the video. But the perp pushed the situation to the outcome that happened.
You don't know what he was thinking, so it's pointless to ponder. You let him take off whatever he does is on him, not you. Of course you go right to the worst possible case of him plowing through children. Clutch your pearls, boy.

I won't excuse him evading arrest and he should have been Tasered.
As always, bow down and comply or we will kill you and laugh about it back at the precinct locker room or at our weekend BBQ's. Probably pass around the photos in your private f**b**k groups as well. Wonder if she is a member of her local precincts pedophile club as well? Seems to be pretty common among those who choose this line of work.
I mean if you want to twist it to that narrative that’s fine, it’s obvious your not capable of seeing or understanding my point here. It’s all good, I completely get your type as well as @wilson911 You guys are part of the problem. Go burn a local B&M, Antifa & BLM applications are easy to fill out
Disagree. It's a two way street. Have you ever got to know any of your local LE's?

The CoP in my town came over to put down a rabid raccoon in my backyard. Took him 4 shots to connect at point blank range. Maybe he should have tried a taser.

Maybe its because of the unbelievable stress he was shouldering, but that's about all I need to know about that CoP.
You don't know what he was thinking, so it's pointless to ponder. You let him take off whatever he does is on him, not you. Of course you go right to the worst possible case of him plowing through children. Clutch your pearls, boy.

I won't excuse him evading arrest and he should have been Tasered.

It's no different then saying you can't know what was going through the police officers mind that you indicated. She has a perp trying to evade arrest, who has a weapons charge against him. Yep, she pulled the wrong gun, but again if he just allowed himself to be arrested things would have ended differently for him. From the video it was a pretty calm event with him being outside the car. If people start using GF to evade every time they are going to get arrested then this kinda thing will start getting more common then it is now.
The CoP in my town came over to put down a rabid raccoon in my backyard. Took him 4 shots to connect at point blank range. Maybe he should have tried a taser.

Maybe its because of the unbelievable stress he was shouldering, but that's about all I need to know about that CoP.

This isn't that surprising. Gun proficiency isn't high on most forces list of priorities. They qual once a year and for the most part never pull there guns. Some are different, but overall most LEs have very limited time using both their gun and/or a taser. This lack of overall training is most likely what caused the shooting incident we are discussing. Doesn't mean your CoP isn't a good guy.
Tell us Rock, what exactly made a 20 year old kid a scumbag? What'd he do exactly before he got pulled over that made him a deplorable?

We can discuss semantics all day long. From the storyline he had unregistered tags on his car. Good enough reason to get pulled over. A warrant for his arrest is where it's get dicy and when he ran he became a full fledged scumbag.
Disagree. It's a two way street. Have you ever got to know any of your local LE's? Do you have any family that is in LE? I know the CoP fairly well in my town. Good guy. I have family who are in LE and they are great guys. I've taken the time to get to know several of them and they are no different then you and I. They have the same dreams as everyone else. They don't want to be banging down doors to screw over everyday Americans. They just want to get home every day and see their families. Every cop hater is coming out of the workwork lately and they are in a no win situation. I said it above. You couldn't pay me enough to be in LE today. No matter what they do they are screwed. Sure, are there bad cops out there? Yes, of course. Are there idiot gun owners out there? Yes, of course. It's all relative and you can't paint a group of people with a broad brush.
It's amazing how when people know a cop who is high up the chain in their locality, they love cops. I know the feeling, I know what it's like to know a cop and yeah, they're people to... which means they can be lying sacks of shit.
We can discuss semantics all day long. From the storyline he had unregistered tags on his car. Good enough reason to get pulled over. A warrant for his arrest is where it's get dicy and when he ran he became a full fledged scumbag.
Rock likes his police state where expired tags are punishable by up to 1 round in the chest, center mass.
It's amazing how when people know a cop who is high up the chain in their locality, they love cops. I know the feeling, I know what it's like to know a cop and yeah, they're people to... which means they can be lying sacks of shit.

Here you go with the Broad Brush stroke to cover everyone and everthing.
Rock likes his police state where expired tags are punishable by up to 1 round in the chest, center mass.

Yeah, if you've read most of my posts I really do love the police state..... :rolleyes: The expired tags are worth a ticket at most. A warrant is usually where you get a ride with bracelets. When you run is when you run the chance of getting one in the chest. AKA, don't run.
So I did watch the video. I was a bit shocked she was saying to tase him but the only one with a weapon deployed is the female officer who ultimately shot the young man.

But what is more disturbing to me is why was the kid being held against the car with cuffs out but nobody trying to cuff him?

I'm not a cop but don't you try to get the cuffs on the subject as quickly as possible? I didn't see any urgency with regard to cuffing the subject.

And again I am not a cop but I didn't see any perceived threat to anyone until the kid tried to get back in the car. And even so I do not believe the incident should have ever gotten to that point. But I do believe that I would definitely know what kind of weapon was in my hand.

the fact that she claims she didn't know and given the fact the kid was just running away and not posing a threat to anyone at the scene at that point.....I just don't know.

Based on the video, IMO it doesn't look good for her.

This is what I don't understand, based on the video, it seems the cops did everything wrong. In light of everything going on right now, don't you think the cops would have an extremely heightened sense of situational awareness? Wouldn't they do everything, i mean everything, to not have another "incident"? If not outright racism, this definitely confirms the conventional wisdom of how incompetent the cops are.
Disagree. It's a two way street. Have you ever got to know any of your local LE's? Do you have any family that is in LE? I know the CoP fairly well in my town. Good guy. I have family who are in LE and they are great guys. I've taken the time to get to know several of them and they are no different then you and I. They have the same dreams as everyone else. They don't want to be banging down doors to screw over everyday Americans. They just want to get home every day and see their families. Every cop hater is coming out of the workwork lately and they are in a no win situation. I said it above. You couldn't pay me enough to be in LE today. No matter what they do they are screwed. Sure, are there bad cops out there? Yes, of course. Are there idiot gun owners out there? Yes, of course. It's all relative and you can't paint a group of people with a broad brush.
We happen to live in the same town and I know most of them in town. Yes ours seems to be pretty good and the COP seems to be ok. That said, when they are told to come to your door, for any reason, they are going home no matter what over you. Friendly or not, they will put you down in the street like a dog in a nano second. Then all their buddies will back them up, the Da will back them up, the state will back them up. Maybe your widow will get something from the town. Probably not though as you are an evil white gun owning conservative.
I generally have no problem with most Leo's individually. I do believe that most wake up every morning wanting to d the right thing.
The problem isn't the individual officers, it's the culture of police that is the problem.
We happen to live in the same town and I know most of them in town. Yes ours seems to be pretty good and the COP seems to be ok. That said, when they are told to come to your door, for any reason, they are going home no matter what over you. Friendly or not, they will put you down in the street like a dog in a nano second. Then all their buddies will back them up, the Da will back them up, the state will back them up. Maybe your widow will get something from the town. Probably not though as you are an evil white gun owning conservative.
I generally have no problem with most Leo's individually. I do believe that most wake up every morning wanting to d the right thing.
The problem isn't the individual officers, it's the culture of police that is the problem.

Hell, then we should group up with @kurtb and hit the range one day!
Other than the statements of "driver had warrants" have you seen any more detail of what the warrant was for? I haven't.
Failure to appear. For an incident involving a pistol and fleeing police.

I don't believe he was actually stopped for the air freshener, thats what his mother (I think?)was yelling about on the live stream when this all started
News says "expired registration"

OTOH, If you know there's a warrant out for your arrest due to skipping out on charges of fleeing the police, maybe don't drive a SUV with expired plates and with "probable cause" hanging from your rearview?
NBCNews said:
"He was pulled over for having an expired registration on the vehicle," Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said Monday. "When the officer went over, an item hanging from the rearview mirror was spotted."
If they had squad car mounted plate scanners (ALPR), officers are automatically alerted when a car in view comes up as a hit, including expired registration, a warrant for the owner, etc.
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I mean if you want to twist it to that narrative that’s fine, it’s obvious your not capable of seeing or understanding my point here. It’s all good, I completely get your type as well as @wilson911 You guys are part of the problem. Go burn a local B&M, Antifa & BLM applications are easy to fill out
Listen, you can call me an Antifa apologist all you want. Those who have interacted with me on here or know me in real life would fall over laughing at that assertion. I just don't excuse every thing cops do.
Yes, they are tasked with a dangerous shitty job, no doubt. They have to interact and deal with some of the worst in or society, no doubt. However, they are also given GREAT power, they have the ability to completely ruin lives state sanctioned! There should be strict guidelines and strict punishment's for abusing this power. Right now in our current situation they are not being held up to those guidelines. Far too often they are let off or it is swept under the rug and you know it to be fact! I simply don't AUTOMATICLY give the a pass because they have a shiny little badge on their chest. They are not hero's, they are simply people just like you and I. The difference is when I make a mistake and injure or negatively affect someone's life I am held accountable, when you make mistakes you get promoted.
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