Dave Petzal says Bloomberg might buy the NRA

Feb 6, 2006
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Check this out. Dave Petzal of field and stream just started a blog a couple of weeks ago (his first listed post was about the winchester shutdown). So far it's kind of sparse, but check out his latest ... about how the NRA outmanuevered NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg by politically blocking his girlfriend out of a prime pork position at the FDIC. He says the NRA should watch out 'cause bloomberg might try and buy them and turn them into a whale watching institution. Here's the link: http://fieldandstream.blogs.com/gunnut/
I think that falls under the category of humor. To begin with, the NRA denies any knowledge of the alleged blocking of Bloomberg's GF's appointment. (The Post has only a single anonymous legislative staffer as a source for this story.) Then there's the simple fact that the NRA is a membership organization. How does one go about "buying" it? Don't you think that Wayne would suspect something if they suddenly had a million or so applications for life membership, all with the same NYC address, Gracie Mansion, and paid by the same AmEx card?

KMaurer said:
they suddenly had a million or so applications for life membership, all with the same NYC address, Gracie Mansion, and paid by the same AmEx card?

Let's see, 1,000,000 members * $750 per life membership = $750,000,000.

Might be good for the NRA's coffers if he gave it a try. The we could get National CCW amongst other things. [wink]
If you read the referenced webpage, I think a lot of what he says is to be considered tongue-in-cheek. Except for this"

Shallow Shooters

OK, here’s a questions for all of you out in blogland: I’ve been arguing all morning with a friend at one of the gun companies about looks—not hers, the guns her employer makes. I claim that their best-selling model is coyote ugly, or as ugly as several recent Presidential daughters. And my question to you is, how important is a gun’s appearance? If it shoots good and the price is right, do looks matter?

Obviously he is talking about Glocks.

I don't know if it's all tongue-in-cheek. He seems pretty serious about calling Winchester out on the carpet.

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