Deals and steals

I was just looking at this because I was looking at this deal on their site. Cheapest I have seen it go for. Seems like a nice combo

I checked out on a cart with the 15% off sale yesterday. and if course I have another cart prepped with the 20% off sale. Between Primary Arms and Brownells. This has been a bad weekend for my bank account.
My wife is going to be a little upset with all the packages I’ll be getting this week. She’s on unpaid matournity leave and thinks we should cut back, oops.

Thanks again @zmd I bought a “few” mags 😂
I checked out on a cart with the 15% off sale yesterday. and if course I have another cart prepped with the 20% off sale. Between Primary Arms and Brownells. This has been a bad weekend for my bank account.
I put in an order last night with the 15% off
This morning I woke up & saw the email for 20% off today
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I behaved with the sales this weekend cause July 4th sales are usually better
Battlehawk Armory has 10% off already heavily discounted "battlehawk bargains" bargain10 at checkout Just til tomorrow.

Bought a new Impala plus for 300 dollars. These shotguns run like mad and quality is excellent.
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They've had this deal several times and I've gotten several tools on it......drills, driver, router, radio, light, jigsaw, hedge trimmer, 18 and 15 gauge finish nailers, inflator, cordless vaccuum...... all good stuff for occasional use, and better than you'd think it would be really for the price point.

Not sure what I'll get this time around, but I'll be doing that deal again and adding to the collection. Maybe a dedicated small body drill so I can leave in my pack to make sets for where I can predrill trees for treestands, to use slip in and out grade 8 bolts.

Circular Saws and sawzalls, and cordless framing nailers and heavier duty screwguns and drills, equipment in my case is bestMakita Blue, Hitachi Green, or Milwaukee Red still. But light/medium duty stuff, Ryobi is GTG.
Ended up going up to Keene for Non Eth gas, so bought 2 more battery kits and got 2 more tools at HD. I've returned some of the batteries in the past, and kept the tools, but these 4 I'm keeping.
That's a pretty good deal if you can deal with Ryobi tools. I had a whole set when they were blue years ago. They kept chewing through batteries. They seem to be better now, but I'm already moved on to another brand that I'm happy with and they run great.

THAT said, I did pick up the steal on the Ryobi 18ga brad nailer and staple gun a month or so ago. Plus a thin battery. (Do you really want a heavy battery when securing moulding and such?). Sadly, the nailers are NOT included in the "free tool" options. Because they work great.
RYOBI Rigid and Milwaukee all made by same company.
I have a ryobi and 2 Rigid nailers. They are nearly identical (different gauges)
I'm just a dumb yuppies not a pro, but 2 batteries charger, and tool for $106 shipped seems like a good deal.

Related to this Ryobi deal- MassSave is offering rebates if you buy a battery-operated lawn tool. Mowers are $75, leaf blowers, string trimmers, and chainsaws are $30.
It's not all that easy to find on the MassSave site- here's the link.
Mass Save | Lawn Equipment
RYOBI Rigid and Milwaukee all made by same company.
I have a ryobi and 2 Rigid nailers. They are nearly identical (different gauges)
I've found that some tools like the router, some other things, and nailers are almost exactly the same as Milwaukee. Prices not that far off either...but batteries are way cheaper for Ryobi.
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