Deals and steals

Yup I started on that. You need to create a PIN..OK start that. Need to use the verify code emailed before it times out in 8 minutes. OK. System not worky. Code times out. Sorry try again in....24 hours.

I had nothing but trouble within when I tried to renew at the beginning of the year. I got so aggravated I just said fkit and let the license go.
No wonder they were a deal if they were made 34 months ago.
Ate the chili mac menu last nite, it was perfectly fine. Prob no different than day 1. The only thing that bums me is the lack of tabasco sauce and lack of "coffee, instant". But for a 1/4 of the price, can't complain too much. MREs are proven to last. Also, do you have any MREs or canned goods you'd like to offload to me for fear of your safety? :)
The negative reviews are pretty damning, though.
Agreed, but I follow the theory that people are more likely to leave negative reviews after a bad experience than they are to leave a positive reviews after a positive experience.

That particular product has 8k+ reviews with <10% one star.
Agreed, but I follow the theory that people are more likely to leave negative reviews after a bad experience than they are to leave a positive reviews after a positive experience.

That particular product has 8k+ reviews with <10% one star.
Good luck, bro. ;)
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