Dear God, these people are morons.

Nov 3, 2017
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How stupid do you have to be to post videos of yourself committing arson to your own social media account?
"The complaint also states Robinson's Snapchat account showed at least one person making a Molotov cocktail as he commented several times, including, "These guys have never made a Molotov ... Rookies," and "We need gasoline."​
Another Snapchat video allegedly showed Robinson setting a fire in a stairwell inside the 3rd Precinct building."​

Also, his parents named him "Dylan Shakespeare". Assuming that lets us guess which side of the policy fences they come down on, I wonder if they feel pride in the little thug?

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and I always thought those cop shows where the suspects are just too stupid to realize when they are confessing their crimes were unrealistic
I was watching something on TV recently about crime. The expert was discussing how not all criminals are dumb, just the ones who get caught. Here is a fine example of a one-step thinker.
and I always thought those cop shows where the suspects are just too stupid to realize when they are confessing their crimes were unrealistic

My friend used to be a prosecutor in NYC. She said she'd have a suspect in front of her denying everything and refusing to negotiate. Then she'd show them their social media account with photos of them posting with stolen goods, captioned "Took this off some lady in the Bronx today". Eventually dealing with scum all day got old but she said it was ridiculous how easy people made her job.
Turtle Boy literally makes a living off of people posting dumb sh!t on their social media. He's been at it for years and they keep doing it. Sometimes it's the same person, apparently too stupid to realize all they have to do is change their privacy settings. :rolleyes:
How stupid do you have to be the post videos of yourself committing arson to your own social media account?
"The complaint also states Robinson's Snapchat account showed at least one person making a Molotov cocktail as he commented several times, including, "These guys have never made a Molotov ... Rookies," and "We need gasoline."​
Another Snapchat video allegedly showed Robinson setting a fire in a stairwell inside the 3rd Precinct building."​

Also, his parents named him "Dylan Shakespeare". Assuming that lets us guess which side of the policy fences they come down on, I wonder if they feel pride in the little thug?

20 years in prison sounds like a good start
and I always thought those cop shows where the suspects are just too stupid to realize when they are confessing their crimes were unrealistic

One of the interesting little tidbits I got from the well-known video by James Duane, "Don't Talk To the Police", was how many cases are solved by people just straight-up confessing to the crime, even without posting photos to social media.
Dylan Shakespeare. The "ejamacated" version of Billy Bob. ROFL!!!! (Think about it.)

And I'm waiting for MSNBC and Maaaahteeee Meeeh'n to come out and start a GoFundMe for the kid. That poor oppressed. . . . um. . . maybe tan for a few weeks in the late summer. . . . lower upper class. . . . . ummm. . . . . oh F it. Just lock him up. ;)
I was watching something on TV recently about crime. The expert was discussing how not all criminals are dumb, just the ones who get caught. Here is a fine example of a one-step thinker.
Dumb criminals and greedy criminals are the ones caught. A former acquaintance was stealing his company blind, he said he knew he was in trouble when he had close to a 100k in his sock drawer.... not too long after that he was arrested and served federal time in NY. He was released and after talking with him I realized he didn't learn a damn thing and i stopped talking with him, i didn't want to get jammed up because of him.
How stupid do you have to be to post videos of yourself committing arson to your own social media account?
"The complaint also states Robinson's Snapchat account showed at least one person making a Molotov cocktail as he commented several times, including, "These guys have never made a Molotov ... Rookies," and "We need gasoline."​
Another Snapchat video allegedly showed Robinson setting a fire in a stairwell inside the 3rd Precinct building."​

Also, his parents named him "Dylan Shakespeare". Assuming that lets us guess which side of the policy fences they come down on, I wonder if they feel pride in the little thug?

LOL. At the bottom of that link is a story " University of Minnesota Law School announces a scholarship in George Floyd's name".
I think they might cut Georges bio to just the 10 or 15 minutes before his death.
Good that he was caught, but what's Sparky's connection to MN? Did soy-boy just hop into his '01 Civic and trundle up to Mimnie to join the fun all on his own? Was he recruited? Was he living up north and skedaddled back to mom and dad's basement when the heat got too hot? The real story is the bigger story.

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