Decent carry gun with pre-ban mags available?

Feb 5, 2014
South Shore, MA
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I will be picking up my LTC-A license in 1~2 weeks, so I have been shopping for a decent carry gun. I really liked the M&P 9, but seeing as it was released AFTER the high cap ban here in MA, I wanted to ask if there were any other, equally good, handguns available that do have pre-ban mags and are easily available in MA? So in other words, here is the criteria I am following for:

1. Able to be carried concealed.
2. Has preban mags available.
3. Decent quality.
4. External safety (as this is my first handgun)

Thanks for your time guys! :)
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If you need an external safety get a Beretta, but IMHO they are too heavy for concealed carry.
Glocks only have trigger safeties, correct? So in other words, as long as I don't have one in the chamber I am in good shape? I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.
Your glock 19 looks amazing. My fear is that since it is my first handgun (I have shot and owned rifles before outside of MA), I would like an external safety.

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch and you won't have an issue.

The primary safety for any firearm is internal..........

The six inches between your ears.
Glocks only have trigger safeties, correct? So in other words, as long as I don't have one in the chamber I am in good shape? I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.

No firearm can fire wihtout a round in the chamber but that is not how you carry a handgun. This is simply a training issue. PM sent.
If you prefer external safety forgo the hicap thing. It will open up your options considerably while still being able to conceal.

Ruger sr9c if you need a safety

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I was hesitant without a safety at first but you get over it. Now I swing it all over the place by the trigger guard like in the old westerns. (I kid). I'm just very aware of everything when it is getting clipped to my belt. I make sure it's firmly in the holster and put it on my belt.

Trigger discipline isn't my concern. Primarily, I was concerned with it getting caught in my shirt, belt or something.
Glocks only have trigger safeties, correct? So in other words, as long as I don't have one in the chamber I am in good shape? I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.

If you're not going to carry one in the pipe then don't buy a Glock. Whoever told you that "an external safety is a must" is dumber than a box of rocks.

Get a smith and wesson 6906? I can't say anything about them myself but I know there are prebans and it has a safety on the slide.
While I would love a Glock 19, It isn't readily available in MA (to my knowledge) and the ones that are, are Gen 2/ Gen 3 (if you are lucky). I'd also like an external safety, as this is my first handgun.

1) There are plenty of Glock 19s available now and again in the classifieds. I bought a brand new Gen 4 Glock 19 from the classifieds.

2) I'm a 1911 guy, so I don't have any problem with external safeties. If you want an external safety, then get a gun with an external safety. But I think you are misguided if you think a gun with an external safety is somehow more appropriate for a novice shooter than one without. An external safety is no substitute for unsafe gun handling.
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I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.

Sorry to be pedantic...

I wouldn't call such an incident an accident or a misfire. A misfire is when you pull the trigger, the hammer falls, but the gun doesn't go off. If you discharge your gun when you didn't intend to, I would call that a negligent discharge. Yes, an ND might hurt someone. If so, losing your license would the least of your worries.

But the idea that an external safety or carrying chamber empty is required for safety is simply incorrect. You need good training.

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Trigger discipline isn't my concern. Primarily, I was concerned with it getting caught in my shirt, belt or something.

That's why you should carry in a holster that covers the trigger guard.

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Get a smith and wesson 6906? I can't say anything about them myself but I know there are prebans and it has a safety on the slide.

I hate slide-mounted safeties.
If you are starting to carry, why not get a Shield in 9. They have external safes. Striker fired and are cheap (ish). (I use a .40 as my summer carry when I can't get away with my 1911) Carry it for a while and save up for the Glock/1911 when you become comfortable. It's not pre ban so the mags will all have a Mass-sectomy, but it's a start. But really, round in the chamber is the only way to go. It took me a while to get use to carrying my 1911 in Position 1 when I first started but with practice and knowledge you get over it. Sensible steps.
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If you are starting to carry, why not get a Shield in 9. They have external safes. Striker fired and are cheap (ish). Carry it for a while and save up for the Glock/1911 when you become comfortable. It's not pre ban so the mags will all have a Mass-sectomy, but it's a start. But really, round in the chamber is the only way to go. It took me a while to get use to carrying my 1911 in Position 1 when I first started but with practice and knowledge you get over it. Sensible steps.

Thanks for your advice! I'll look into that. My goal was to buy a handgun that could be CCed, and I could buy high cap mags for it if I wanted to.

rosefox911, have you had training in defensive shooting and working from a holster?
That is the #1 thing I plan to do after getting orientation at the braintree pistol and rifle club. :)

I have always been a huge fan of Glocks, the no external safety is the thing that worried me primarily because I have always had a safety on the rifles I have owned/handled.
It's not pre ban so the mags will all have a Mass-sectomy, but it's a start.

With a shield the mags are the same capacity in any state, it's a native single stack under 10 rounds, there are no cripplemags for the shield.

Assuming he gets the MA version though, the supplied trigger is horrendous and will need to be repaired, but that is easy enough to have done at any competent gunsmith.

I have always been a huge fan of Glocks, the no external safety is the thing that worried me primarily because I have always had a safety on the rifles I have owned/handled.

The difference is that you don't carry rifles or shotguns in holsters that cover the trigger guard.
My guess is that after some training:

1. The lack of an external safety will not bother you, and

2. You won't necessarily feel under protected with a non hi capacity magazine
I like to carry a Revolver (Ruger LCR) as my self defense tool.
Pistols are for combat, police work and for fun shooting. (although I have a SIG 226 for home defense)
If you really would like to use a small concealable pistol and money is not the issue, I really liked the Kahr PM 9.
The Massachusetts version has safety.
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With a shield the mags are the same capacity in any state, it's a native single stack under 10 rounds, there are no cripplemags for the shield.

Assuming he gets the MA version though, the supplied trigger is horrendous and will need to be repaired, but that is easy enough to have done at any competent gunsmith.


True enough, that's correct. I was thinking of the full size M&Ps.

Gen 2 models are regularly available at Four Seasons for $750. If you want a Gen 3 or Gen 4 you'll have to buy it via private transaction ($700-$800), or pay the high end of that range to one of those dealers who remarkably always seems to have one for sale (search the Dealer section of the Classifieds).

Preban high cap mags will cost you a few bucks, but are generally available on the classified section of this site, or Armslist (be sure to do your homework and confirm they are preban - there are plenty of threads about that).

You don't need an external safety. Just learn to shoot your gun well and safely. Take a good defensive handgun class, practice regularly, maybe join an action shooting league. I also recommend GOAL's Art of Conceal Carry.

There are several instructors on this website, including myself, who would be happy to spend a free afternoon with you at the range to help build up your confidence.
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