Decent carry gun with pre-ban mags available?

Not to hijack this tread, but the other day when I was shooting a (range owned) Glock 19, I felt that after racking, the first trigger pull was longer/harder than the subsequent ones.
Is that the case, or am I used to the 3 lbs single action pull of my Sig226 SRT ?
Not to hijack this tread, but the other day when I was shooting a (range owned) Glock 19, I felt that after racking, the first trigger pull was longer/harder than the subsequent ones.

Well, if you ride the reset itll be shorter for the subsequent pulls, but the break weight shouldn't be any different.

Glocks only have trigger safeties, correct? So in other words, as long as I don't have one in the chamber I am in good shape? I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.

Although I don't condone carrying an empty chamber, if you must do it for a month and if you dont engage the trigger in that time rack that piece and carry on.

Everyone goes through that initial uneasyness, you'll get by it to
I started by carrying a revolver, only safety is your head and hand - way less to worry about. Additionally, you don't have to worry about FTF or jams extraction issues. This is some loss in round count, but my thinking is 5 was enough.
I have a Gen 2 G23 unfired with 2 preban 13 round magazines in the classifieds. I may end up keeping it haven't decided yet. I carry a Shield.

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Ruger revolver is an excellent suggestion. At work I carry for many years Beretta with a nice holster ( and reliable belt (Hanks Clothing - Amish Belt). If you go for Beretta you need a good holster otherwise it feels heavy and bulky. Glock is also a good suggestion, but in MA you can buy only used and you will pay extra for it.

Gen 2 models are regularly available at Four Seasons for $750. If you want a Gen 3 or Gen 4 you'll have to buy it via private transaction ($700-$800), or pay the high end of that range to one of those dealers who remarkably always seems to have one for sale (search the Dealer section of the Classifieds).

$750 for a gen 2 glock! Holy sh!t thats f@ckn expensive!!!
Sig 226? My ideal carry would be something in the lines of lc9, shield, pm9, nano, etc... If u plan on carrying all day every day, a pistol that takes a double stack mag wit 15 rounds is gonna get uncomfortable (for me anyway). I carry the lc9 and i forget its even there cause its so light and thin.

Good luck on your quest to find an ideal carry... Took me multiple purchases to find the one that suits me.
You need to train those concerns away, if you think you need an external safety then honestly you might not be ready. That said, I hate Glocks but my EDC is a Glock 19. There is a reason why it's such a common reply to your question.
SW 3913

Just so happens I have one for sale

Single stack da/sa and external safety. No need to worry about prebans as it's 8+1 capacity
There is also the 5906 a double stack available with 15 round mags
Again a heavy gun but inexpensive that is another gun I kick myself for selling
I think I'll go with the glock 19, based on the feedback you guys have given me. I really like glock and my original intention was to get a glock, the safety thing just turned me off a bit. I have been doing some research, it seems between the different gens, there is little to no difference. So would it really be worth paying 250 dollars MORE for a gen 4, as opposed to a gen 2?

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Gen 2 models are regularly available at Four Seasons for $750. If you want a Gen 3 or Gen 4 you'll have to buy it via private transaction ($700-$800), or pay the high end of that range to one of those dealers who remarkably always seems to have one for sale (search the Dealer section of the Classifieds).

Preban high cap mags will cost you a few bucks, but are generally available on the classified section of this site, or Armslist (be sure to do your homework and confirm they are preban - there are plenty of threads about that).

You don't need an external safety. Just learn to shoot your gun well and safely. Take a good defensive handgun class, practice regularly, maybe join an action shooting league. I also recommend GOAL's Art of Conceal Carry.

There are several instructors on this website, including myself, who would be happy to spend a free afternoon with you at the range to help build up your confidence.
Thanks for your advice! I might take you up on that offer when I get my license! :)
There is also the 5906 a double stack available with 15 round mags
Again a heavy gun but inexpensive that is another gun I kick myself for selling

Heavy is an understatement

With a CC gun is you either give up capacity for small and lightweight or you carry a fullsize with high capacity and heavy weight.

If you got some weight to you concealing a full size pistol isn't too difficult.
If you can.. Go over to MFS in holliston and tell em you want to hold their rental glocks in your hand.

Then decide gen 3 or 4 texture/ grip and then start the hunt for one.
I think I'll go with the glock 19, based on the feedback you guys have given me. I really like glock and my original intention was to get a glock, the safety thing just turned me off a bit. I have been doing some research, it seems between the different gens, there is little to no difference. So would it really be worth paying 250 dollars MORE for a gen 4, as opposed to a gen 2?

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Thanks for your advice! I might take you up on that offer when I get my license! :)

If you are comfortable with personal transfers then be patient and keep looking; you will see gen 3s every now and then in the $650 neighborhood. Not sure where you live but the Gun Parlor in Worcester usually has Glocks at reasonable prices.
HK USP Compact?

HK USP Compact 9mm. There are a bunch of different versions available, but it's fairly easy for a mechanically inclined person to switch between them if you have the correct parts:

  • Version 1 is DA/SA with external safety and decocker.
  • Version 9 is DA/SA with external safety & no decocker.
  • LEM with safety (I'm not sure there is an official version # for that configuration)

While there are no pre-ban mags available, the pre-ban mags are only 13-rnd so you're only down three (or course you are down five compared to a Glock 19...). On the plus side, you can have a safety and carry DA or SA or LEM. Your choice. I really like the LEM trigger myself.
G19 or G26. A Glock will not fire unless you pull the trigger. Get a high quality holster your good to go.

Your glock 19 looks amazing. My fear is that since it is my first handgun (I have shot and owned rifles before outside of MA), I would like an external safety.
pre-ban mags are cool to have, but a lot of people will agree, if you cant put down your target in 10 rounds then you need more range time. Having more rounds in your mag won't help you if you cant hit what your aiming at. If you get past the desire to have preban mags there are a lot of firearms out there that will interest you. Im partial to HK firearms. The USPc 9mm is a great pistol. You can get it in 40s&w if you want, or if you look hard enough you get get the hk45c. All of which will either have a safety or you can put one on in a matter of a $5 part and 10min of time.
I will be picking up my LTC-A license in 1~2 weeks, so I have been shopping for a decent carry gun. I really liked the M&P 9, but seeing as it was released AFTER the high cap ban here in MA, I wanted to ask if there were any other, equally good, handguns available that do have pre-ban mags and are easily available in MA? So in other words, here is the criteria I am following for:

1. Able to be carried concealed.
2. Has preban mags available.
3. Decent quality.
4. External safety (as this is my first handgun)

I personally think that you are going about this all wrong. Based on my 38 years of experience shooting and CCW'g, here's my recommendations as to how to select a handgun.

- It has to be comfortable in your hand, not too big and not too small.
- You have to be able to shoot it well, it should feel like a natural extension of your hand.
- Has to be 100% reliable. Quality goes hand-in-hand with reliability.

Many/most handguns can be carried concealed. The secret is to dress around the gun!!! No matter what you choose, this is key.
Mag capacity is not as important as you think. Shot placement and skill with the gun is a lot more important. You should always carry spare magazines (2 preferably) regardless of what you are carrying, that is because mag reliability is a weak spot wrt handguns!

I'll address more below.

Glocks only have trigger safeties, correct? So in other words, as long as I don't have one in the chamber I am in good shape? I have always been told an external safety is a must, an accident misfire might hurt someone and/or cost me my license.

An unloaded (none in chamber) gun is a brick/hammer . . . useless for self-defense! Fine to do this for a few days to get used to the idea, but anything beyond that and you are setting yourself up for failure in a major way. I did this with a Glock (around the house only) for a few days to get used to the idea. Now I carry a M&P with no safety and no concerns.

Keep your booger hook off the bang switch and you won't have an issue.

The primary safety for any firearm is internal..........

The six inches between your ears.

^^^^^ This! QFT

Safety is really a state of mind.

My first CCW gun had a manual safety. I came home, unloaded it, checked it, put the safety ON then pulled the trigger and it went CLICK! Shit!! Safety had broken internally!! That was a real wake-up call. Yes, I'll use a safety, but I practice safe handling so that I NEVER have to rely on the mechanical safety on a gun, any gun.

Trigger discipline isn't my concern. Primarily, I was concerned with it getting caught in my shirt, belt or something.

Training and dressing around the gun is required here. See my response to below.

rosefox911, have you had training in defensive shooting and working from a holster?

Once you get your LTC, gun & holster as well as some practice, I highly recommend taking the NRA Personal Protection In the Home and then Personal Protection Outside the Home courses. You will learn something about drawing from a holster and shooting as well as reholstering while CCW'g! I teach both of these courses and you'll usually find my card up on the bulletin boards at Braintree R&P, plus my courses are also listed here in the Training forum, website link at the bottom of every post as well.

Thanks for your advice! I'll look into that. My goal was to buy a handgun that could be CCed, and I could buy high cap mags for it if I wanted to.

That is the #1 thing I plan to do after getting orientation at the braintree pistol and rifle club. :)

I have always been a huge fan of Glocks, the no external safety is the thing that worried me primarily because I have always had a safety on the rifles I have owned/handled.

I CCW'd a full-size 1911 (low capacity) for a few years and it is still my preferred gun, as I shoot it best and no I don't feel under-gunned since the mags are only 8 rds each! I've taken 3 defensive handgun courses with this gun, each firing ~800 rds/course. My next favorite gun is my full-size M&P 9, with trigger job by Greg Derr!

Don't be a brand-name fanboy, choose the gun that is right for you! Wife and I own 3 Glocks and 4 M&Ps. The M&Ps (with 3 size grips) fit our hands better and thus we shoot them better. When I teach I let students shoot both and make their own decisions.
Agree w other posts.
if human needs thumb safety to prevent an AD then the issue is inside the human.
i just spent $750 for a brand new, never fired Gen 4 Glock 26...prefect for concealed carry, very compact but incredibly comfortable in the hand...9mm, holds 10 rounds, comes with 3 nags and interchangeable backstraps...obviously $750 is allot of money to spend but here in the peoples Republik of Mass that's pretty good for a brand new Gen 4....i bought it FTF right off the classifieds here...they pop up every week or so, just gotta keep your eye out and jump on it when one pops up

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