Democrats new plan?

100 f***ing %
Nobody notices the protests for the confirmations were weak AF? No pallets of bricks in cities?
No the swamp is back to the drawing board using media to do their best but it’s failing

Right wing podcasts have a higher viewer rating than CNN at this point
After the last embarrassment that the Democrats caused themselves during the presidents speech in Congress, any thoughts on their future plans I think they’re gonna start by acting more patriotic. I’m not gonna get fooled by anything they try do
Theyll do what they always do. Double down. Its all they know.
i am only afraid to even think of what will happen if next elections will get a rabid liberal into white house.
the disruption of balance of power is very dangerous, and it will only get worse, as when democrats lost ability to stall process in congress - they simply started to use judges issuing orders on anything you can imagine outside of their jurisdiction.
This is why I say the next most important election is the midterms. Swing that in our favor and we can breathe a lot easier.
That man is a massive hypocrite. Works for ESPN, Owned by Disney, and Walt Disney hosted Propagandists from the Reich and belonged to their US organizations.
I agree. That insufferably arrogant gas bag Bill Oreilly seems to think he’s right as rain. He’s doing some sort of point counter point show with him and someone else (I forget who) soon. I don’t trust either of them. Having said that I don’t sweat Steven A too much. I think his appeal is to democrats who vote that way already.
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