Sadly I think you have some more work to do. I have some personal experience with this unfortunately. My identity was stolen by someone who presented themselves as me at the time of their arrest. It was one of my sister's ex-boyfriends. The New Bedford police, took him at his word when he said he was me, and presented no identification. He was caught in a stolen car running from police. My sis knows how to pick em...
Long story short, after a lot of time in court all of the charges were removed from my record and placed on the actual perpetrators. My record was entirely cleared. I've never had involvement with law enforcement in my life other than basic traffic citations which were always promptly paid on time.
Even with that, I was still denied. It seems that once you're denied once, they deny you forever until you appeal the denial and have it reversed. So that was yet more paperwork I had to do. Copies of police reports, fingerprints, a lot of stuff being sent into the ATF and FBI. A bit of money spent on a lawyer to button it all up in a neat package. Even after that, I still got denied. Now the FBI had my name associated with myself but also the person who used it as an alias resulting in an automatic denial. So I had to appeal it again, all the same aforementioned paperwork going in, but then also had to enroll in the voluntary appeal file so I got a pin from them.
Now when I go to purchase, I always get delayed even with the PIN. But eventually after a day or two it comes back as a proceed.