Derek is becoming famous : )

So this new organization will be available to take up/fund lawsuits regarding, for example; restrictions, B-ramming, denying LTC's, etc? Will they also fund the defense of a person in a civil suit?

The example that comes to mind is Paul Langone.

You know that poster with the gun laws on it? Imagine playing pin the tail on the donkey with that and you pin the tail when you hit a law we are looking at. You will win practically every time.

As for civil suits, we will evaluate cases such as that on a case by case basis. Anyone with issues they would like to discuss should reach out to us at
No, sorry. You mean Rosenthal's billboard?

No, not the billboard. There is a poster that the state sells to local towns who are required to post notification of the gun laws in this state. It is a massive poster of 10 pt font containing all MGLs on firearms in the state.
It's not about me, it's about you guys.

Ultimately, it is about us guys [wink].


I remember the early discussions about setting this organization up. The concept was incubated right here on this site. And you, my fine modest friend, were the first to sit on the egg and keep it warm until it hatched.

So there, Papa Bird! [smile]
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