Discovery Channel's : THE COLONY

The first season was pretty cool in some ways, this season should be just as good if not better.
I stopped watching the first season about 3 episodes in. It really pissed me off that they were working on battery banks for lights and gasifier engines instead of collecting food and water!

Yeah it is a neat thing to do, but there are a lot more important things to worry about.

Just seemed like another staged reality TV show, I'd much rather watch reruns of The Alaska Experiment: Out of the Wild, where the people spent half of every episode looking for food because they were starving and didn't have time to bicker about petty reality show BS.

I'll check out the new season in hopes that it is less hokey, but I'm not getting my hopes up...
Do they get firearms this season? I quit watching the first one when they didn't have firearms on the first episode. Of seven survivors, one would have to be at least aware of how to grab a gun somewhere.

When I say "firearms" they could very easily substitute airsoft/sim guns for safety and realism.
well that shows me how much I know, I never knew that this show was on before. I have watched a few episodes on HULU and so far it is ok...
I have to say, I watched the first season not for real life prepardness. But more for the things that I wouldn't have throught of...and they did make defensive weapons. They had the flame thrower on the first one..and actuall tryed to light the invadors on fire.

And, don't forget, they didn't put just a few people on that first show...they were putting engineers, scientists, doctors and what not on there...people that never thought of this before. I think that they did a great job of making clean water pretty early on the show. But again, it was done not as real life, but as entertainment. I'm sure that this one will be much of the same.

If you look to this show as fact and real life events...then expect to hate it...if you take it for what it is...then it should be good.
I'm in the group that thinks it's a bit hokey - saw a few of the first season, but didn't get into it.

The only truly "good" evnet that I saw [in my limited viewing] was when they were foraging in the hospital (?) and split up....and one of them "went missing."

As for combating the invaders, a propane-fueled flame thrower is less useful than a crossbow, or spears, or boards with nails on the ground. And the Main ingredient for Long Pig a la Colony would be provided that way, too.

Still, I'll probably watch it, for the same reason that Whale Wars is on the list....getting a laugh from the WTF moments!
The first season lost me, but I'll give this another shot to see if anything can be picked up.

If it gets too hokey, melodramatic, or artificial, I'll likely bail again.
I have been watching the first seasons episodes over the last few days. I have to say I had a hard time hanging in but I am now on episode 10 which is about 44 days in. While I definitely would have done things differently and in a different order than these guys did there is a lot of cool stuff.

First off - the professor is amazing. If I'm in a situation like this, I want a guy like him around. He's built a gasifier to run the generator, a device to purify their water without using there shrinking supply of wood, propane and gas.
Mike - though he can be an idiot and is often annoying, he has great mechanical skills.
Joey - first one to be concerned about security even though he was initially ignored, the others came around once they were attacked.
Doc and Nurse - well, it's always good to have a medical professional around but we should all know first aid + to survive.

I think, as the time has progressed it has become more real to them and you can see that in the way they have re-ordered their priorities, putting food, water, and security first.
Just watched the first episode tonight. They certainly didn't waste any time introducing "action". The group seems pretty strong so far. But seriously lacking in the security department.

It'll be interesting to see how the group evolves.
The show is good for what it is. At least this season they had attackers attacking during the first episode. After having problems with a group of intruders right off the bat the cast did nothing to protect themselves or their property. Hopefully the second invasion at the end of the first show will get them thinking.
I hated the show. Already giving up their food to strangers who are passing by and having no concept of security. It was painful to watch. The first three strangers should have been buried in the back yard after they started the fight.
I hated the show. Already giving up their food to strangers who are passing by and having no concept of security. It was painful to watch. The first three strangers should have been buried in the back yard after they started the fight.

Haven't seen it really should have "SPOILER ALERT" at the start of the post if you're going to let everyone know that there's plot twists! [laugh]

But, as to burying the strangers....isn't that a bit....wasteful? [shocked]
Haven't seen it really should have "SPOILER ALERT" at the start of the post if you're going to let everyone know that there's plot twists! [laugh]
I figured like the top shot thread people know the day after the show the thread will focus on the b.s. from the night before. [wink]

But, as to burying the strangers....isn't that a bit....wasteful? [shocked]
They aren't that desperate yet and them giving away food showed just that.
Absolutely stoopid show. Complete anti gun detritus. You mean to tell me, SHTF and not a single person is armed? In this scenario if you are not armed you will be a corpse and some one else will have all your stuff. You think there are criminal elements and gangs and such now? Wait till there is no law. I couldn't even get through the commercial trailer.
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I hated the show. Already giving up their food to strangers who are passing by and having no concept of security. It was painful to watch. The first three strangers should have been buried in the back yard after they started the fight.

Absolutely stoopid show. Complete anti gun detritus. You mean to tell me, SHTF and not a single person is armed? In this scenario if you are not armed you will be a corpse and some one else will have all your stuff. You think there are criminal elements and gangs and such now? Wait till there is no law. I couldn't even get through the commercial trailer.

there will be plenty of people looking for hand outs that dont have guns.

some peaceful and some "thugs"

Watched the first season, some of it with my son. He asked if we would give food to people in this situation. I said no. We have guns. They won't take it either. We take care of ourselves and everyone else can go screw.

Why don't the people on the show ever ask the beggars if they have a skill set that could help their colony?
Absolutely stoopid show. Complete anti gun detritus. You mean to tell me, SHTF and not a single person is armed? In this scenario if you are not armed you will be a corpse and some one else will have all your stuff. You think there are criminal elements and gangs and such now? Wait till there is no law. I couldn't even get through the commercial trailer.

my exact reaction to season 1.

everyone keep in mind it's filmed in and supposedly set in a post-apocalyptic CA so that explains a lot of our criticism! [laugh]
At least this time they are getting more physical. I also didn't hear the disclaimer that last season had that the "marauders" were not allowed to cause physical harm to the colonists.
Yea they don't have guns... because its not real. I guess they could find a "paintball gun" or something to stand in for a real gun, but unless all the marauders had masks on that would still be very dangerous. They can't kill actors or cast-members. I honestly was impressed that they were actually getting hit with pipes, pushed, and pepper sprayed, that is a lot farther than I expected them to go. Oh, and yes they are F$^%&^ed. You'd think people who volunteered for that show would have some sort of idea as to what to do, but maybe they just purposely didn't cast the ones who'd be good to go.

I watched the first season of this show and it was enjoyable. The first episode of season 2 aired earlier this week and it was already infinitely better than season 1. They got confronted twice already and it was a lot more physical than all of season 1. No guns yet, but they were mentioned after one of the attacks towards the end of the show.
Just saw season 2 episode 1, I'm not impressed by them at all, off to a rocky start to say the least. It was interesting that the marauders were able to use pepper spray and were pretty violent with them though, a lot more entertaining than season 1.

I'll probably watch it online, but certainly not going to go out of my way to see it.
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