Do you know a good place to buy Trijicon ta11?

Dec 24, 2006
Southampton, MA
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Just wondering if anyone knows of a good place to buy a Trijicon ta11. Most places i see are about $1100. I was just wondering if any body knows of somewhere cheeper.
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Trijicon has a "competitor program" you can sign up for which allows purchase of their product for personal match use at an attractive price. When I first saw the ad, I thought it was just another gimmick until I checked their prices against the prices stocking dealers pay and found out there were pretty much the same. In face, the Trijicon competiton program prices are so attractive that they are frequently below what persons selling used Trijicons will accept for their units.
How exactly does the Trijicon program work?
I have not begun competitive shooting yet, but would like to in the future. Do I have to wait until I have a match under my belt to enroll in this program? Or can I enroll now and use the products when I do go out for a match?
Thanks in advance,
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