Do you think we’ll see any changes to our gun laws under Trump?

Mar 30, 2022
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I’m glad about the LTC reciprocity (if it actually goes through) but what about everything else? Snopes got rescheduled so that’s off the table for a while presumably, lower circuits seem to have a circle jerk with everything state side by sending it back over and over. Do you think we’ll see congress drafting and/or passing any pro 2A bills like national stand your ground or constitutional carry this term?
The RINOS recent performance over the stop gap funding bill shows clearly that Trump will likely be undercut this term as he was in his last. We have such a long way to go and a difficult road ahead. We need to be in it for the long game and need to guard against the Trump can fix everything in 4 years mentality.

In the meantime be grateful that Obama and Harris did not get a second term and make sure all your pro 2A memberships are up to date.
The RINOS recent performance over the stop gap funding bill shows clearly that Trump will likely be undercut this term as he was in his last. We have such a long way to go and a difficult road ahead. We need to be in it for the long game and need to guard against the Trump can fix everything in 4 years mentality.

In the meantime be grateful that Obama and Harris did not get a second term and make sure all your pro 2A memberships are up to date.
The good news is that I think truly learned his lesson in his frost term about how deep the uniparty power runs. He even said in interviews that he had good friends who he trusted recommending people who were simply deepstate plants. What he can do with that knowledge is another question. His VP this time around appears to be an actual human, too, and not another reptilian.

I think what we’re going to see in Marxist-controlled areas like MA is that the cut ‘n paste halfwit legislators are going to take every bit of insane anti-2A legislation that they are given by their Marxist overlords and push them as if their worthless lives depend on them passing, because they do. I know some of these leftists, and they are deeply programmed by the leftists to be rabid in their support of the new state religion. None of them have an original thought, and a few that I know are truly the dumbest people I’ve ever met. There are literally thousands of true believers lined up behind them to take up the cause if they falter, in MA anyway.
I’m glad about the LTC reciprocity (if it actually goes through) but what about everything else? Snopes got rescheduled so that’s off the table for a while presumably, lower circuits seem to have a circle jerk with everything state side by sending it back over and over. Do you think we’ll see congress drafting and/or passing any pro 2A bills like national stand your ground or constitutional carry this term?
The good news is that I think truly learned his lesson in his frost term about how deep the uniparty power runs. He even said in interviews that he had good friends who he trusted recommending people who were simply deepstate plants. What he can do with that knowledge is another question. His VP this time around appears to be an actual human, too, and not another reptilian.

I think what we’re going to see in Marxist-controlled areas like MA is that the cut ‘n paste halfwit legislators are going to take every bit of insane anti-2A legislation that they are given by their Marxist overlords and push them as if their worthless lives depend on them passing, because they do. I know some of these leftists, and they are deeply programmed by the leftists to be rabid in their support of the new state religion. None of them have an original thought, and a few that I know are truly the dumbest people I’ve ever met. There are literally thousands of true believers lined up behind them to take up the cause if they falter, in MA anyway.
Leftists aren't stupid, just indoctrinated and brainwashed. If they were stupid it would be easier to beat them back. RABID INDOCTRINATION is much more difficult as they possess cult like determination.

Biden set a record for appointing Judges, this is ground zero for the struggle we face.

Trump will get his appointments over his 4 years but it takes time and the benefits of the appointments may not pay dividends until after Trumps term ends.

I understand what you are saying in that Trumps understands the need for his inner circle to be of like mind. The SWAMP in the US House however just shockingly, and right to our faces, stabbed Trump and MAGA in the back with their attempt at the first gap bill that exceeded 1600 pages as well as pay raises for themselves.

The difficulty of beating back the SWAMP is compounded not by the Left but by those "ON OUR SIDE" who make statements like Mitt Romney is a good guy.

Again, this will be a long struggle but its gotta start somewhere.
The Supreme Court seems really focused on states rights. And this term, Trump has picked a team that seems focused on shrinking the fed. I think that’s great for America overall. But I also think that the SC looks hypocritical if they are only states rights on conservative issues. My bet is that, at the fed level there will be no new restrictions, and that the ATF will interpret things in a more friendly way, but I’m not holding my breath for the SC to smack down Maura’s decrees.
The Supreme Court seems really focused on states rights. And this term, Trump has picked a team that seems focused on shrinking the fed. I think that’s great for America overall. But I also think that the SC looks hypocritical if they are only states rights on conservative issues. My bet is that, at the fed level there will be no new restrictions, and that the ATF will interpret things in a more friendly way, but I’m not holding my breath for the SC to smack down Maura’s decrees.
We have a feckless Chief Justice that can't be trusted sometimes.
Snopes is off the table till the next meeting so a few weeks. We don’t know what will happen then.

Do not expect the legislative branch to do anything. The left will be the left and the right are not progun, they are status quo. We might get some change at the executive and the use of EOs and regime change at ATF.
Congress could fix a lot of problems but they won't because republican congressmen want to give those government jobs to their own kids. Our system is too corrupt and beyond fixing at this point and they know they can satiate the masses by simply tossing them a check every now and then. Republicans are lucky if they hold congress for 2 years then it will be 2 more years of Nancy (bag `o bones) Pelosi for 2 more years.

I just sit back and follow the congressional stock tracker and put my money into the same things.
Based upon what he did in his first term, I am not holding out any hope that he will personally do anything to strengthen 2A rights

Nor will Congress.

Our only hope is with the Supreme Court

And That is the only way Trump will inadvertently help us, by his appointments.

IMHO the greatest impact any President has on law and policy is their Judicial appointments, especially SCOTUS
Do you think we’ll see congress drafting and/or passing any pro 2A bills like national stand your ground or constitutional carry this term?
Congress passing pro gun bills? Possible but not very likely. Most politicians like having wedge issues (guns, abortion, illegal immigration, etc.) for elections so they have no interest in actually enacting laws that address such issues. Trump? He isn't a "gun guy". At best he's luke warm on guns. It is doubtful he'll throw the presidential bully pulpit behind a serious push on national reciprocity or any other pro gun bills.

Were we'll likely see improvement is in judgeship appointments both to the fed benches and to SCOTUS. Trump will likely have the opportunity to appoint at least one, maybe two SCOTUS judges in the next four years. Who ever is appointed likely won't be a flaming anti gunner like; Jackson, Sotomayor or Kagan.

It is likely we'll see Thomas push to take up and author one more big gun case opinion before he retires. It may be the Snope's case or something else. It's a 50/50 coin flip if SCOTUS will take up Snope at their January session meeting.
I’m glad about the LTC reciprocity (if it actually goes through) but what about everything else?

Remember the bump stock order? Or the call for extending “red flag” seizures? Mr. Trump needed the votes of gun owners to win, but loyalty only runs one way with him. I expect nothing from him except lip service.
Nope. This is the framework.

Will $X change under President Musk / Trump?

Yes, if $X enriches the billionaire class.

Else, Nope.
I’m happy with state law. On the federal level I would like to see reciprocity, and I’m thinking that it’s somewhat likely. And my other big one is ending Reagan’s abortion and allowing automatic weapons. I’m not hopeful about that one.
Remember the bump stock order? Or the call for extending “red flag” seizures? Mr. Trump needed the votes of gun owners to win, but loyalty only runs one way with him.
Lol no he actually doesn't.... because presidential elections don't largely revolve around gun politics. If you look at most of like the last half dozen or so presidents they've all done nothing but kick the can on gun politics most of the time with the exception of Clinton.
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