The good news is that I think truly learned his lesson in his frost term about how deep the uniparty power runs. He even said in interviews that he had good friends who he trusted recommending people who were simply deepstate plants. What he can do with that knowledge is another question. His VP this time around appears to be an actual human, too, and not another reptilian.
I think what we’re going to see in Marxist-controlled areas like MA is that the cut ‘n paste halfwit legislators are going to take every bit of insane anti-2A legislation that they are given by their Marxist overlords and push them as if their worthless lives depend on them passing, because they do. I know some of these leftists, and they are deeply programmed by the leftists to be rabid in their support of the new state religion. None of them have an original thought, and a few that I know are truly the dumbest people I’ve ever met. There are literally thousands of true believers lined up behind them to take up the cause if they falter, in MA anyway.