I have slowed down, but I have historically travelled 60+ nights a year and 100,000+ airline miles. I care more about carrying in states other than my home state more than 95%+ of the people on this forum. I have most of the non-resident permits I can get to permit me to carry when I travel. I take guns in my checked luggage likely more than 99% of the people on this forum (most recently earlier this month).
Your assumptions or presumptions are totally off base.
What I care about is keeping the federal government out of my life and everyone else's. Everything the federal government does, ANYONE or ANY STATE can do better. We need smaller government, not bigger.
The role the federal government has to play in this is through the courts and striking down bad state laws. I want this to get handled the same way marriage reciprocity and driving recirprocity works, through the states, NOT the federal government.
The mantra is "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BAD" so in no way am I going to support them taking action to solve a problem that is not a federal law issue. And as I said in my original post, it is unlikely that such a law, federal mandated carry reciprocity, passes constitutional muster short of another abuse of the commerce clause. The current SCOTUS treatment of the commerce clause it itself a total abortion and needs to be changed. Essentially any federal law over reach if it invokes the magic words of "interstate commerce" is constitutional. Not good.