Doomsday Preppers - New Show on National Geographic

I didn't like that he thinks he's the enemy's worst nightmare when it cam to his food stores. If he's hiding in the spider hole (waiting for darkness)then how's he gonna take out the people that come in, take his shit & leave all in 15 mins?
I think I'd rather die a horrible death in a nulclear holocost than be stuck underground with the hippies playing their drums.


Sent from behind enemy lines using Tapatalk.
in 1982... damn thing is probably worth close to a mill now as configured. Goes to show S already has HTF

Glad to see you were able to safely make it here from the massive power outage thread. LOL

I missed the part about them buying it in '82. All I heard was the 40K & thought WOW, I want one.
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Glad to see you were able to safely make it here from the massive power outage thread. LOL

I missed the part about them buying it in '82. All I heard was the 40K & thought WOW, I want one.

I wasn't shittin' when I said this is where you'd find me :)

But seriously, I haven't put on the Boston news... but comments in that thread citing what they're saying validate the concept of prepping. How the F do people not have water/flashlights etc? Preparing for the event is secondary, just being surrounded by mouth breathing jackasses is enough reason to be ready for anything.
I wasn't shittin' when I said this is where you'd find me :)

But seriously, I haven't put on the Boston news... but comments in that thread citing what they're saying validate the concept of prepping. How the F do people not have water/flashlights etc? Preparing for the event is secondary, just being surrounded by mouth breathing jackasses is enough reason to be ready for anything.

I hear ya.
OMG....The hippies.....WOW...just WOW.

You now what though. He had firearms, and he didn't let them show them (except with a flashlight), and he mentioned that he was welled trained. Kudos to him. Unlike those hippies in western MA these hippies seem to have at least some bases covered.
You now what though. He had firearms, and he didn't let them show them (except with a flashlight), and he mentioned that he was welled trained. Kudos to him. Unlike those hippies in western MA these hippies seem to have at least some bases covered.
True, I should have edited my post. That part came after i wrote it. I like the bunker they have but if there's not a couple of hidden escape routes from it they could still become food for determined people.
Every week they managed to surprise me by raising the insanity bar. This week’s crowd is just astonishing. [shocked] Some of these people actually frighten me. The nightmare mom is just sad. I feel really bad for the little girl and sure hope that child protective services do not come knocking on the door because it will make the bad situation even worse. Anyone else got the feeling that dad is spending all of his time “researching” the internet and building crap just to get away from his insane wife? How much research does one need to do to realize he can buy a military gas mask for $25-30 or an active charcoal respirator for $5-10? [rolleyes]

I bet that after this show most normal people will stop referring to themselves as preppers.
Every week they managed to surprise me by raising the insanity bar. This week’s crowd is just astonishing. [shocked] Some of these people actually frighten me. The nightmare mom is just sad. I feel really bad for the little girl and sure hope that child protective services do not come knocking on the door because it will make the bad situation even worse. Anyone else got the feeling that dad is spending all of his time “researching” the internet and building crap just to get away from his insane wife? How much research does one need to do to realize he can buy a military gas mask for $25-30 or an active charcoal respirator for $5-10? [rolleyes]

I bet that after this show most normal people will stop referring to themselves as preppers.
That little girl is old enough to know something is wrong with Mom and Dad.

The spider hole guy was a little creepy. I laughed when he got mad at the concept that people may just clean out his stores and move on while he is in his hole.
Got a Lord of the Flies vibe from him.
NES Bunker group buy! :sly:

Sent from my Photon using Tapatalk while sitting in the Burlington Mall parking lot.
In! That would be one well armed bunker.... Might was well make it a complex and call it base nes....
What I learned last night, all hippies dance the same, some people confuse prepping with paranoia, and some just can't understand ideas that aren't their own!
You now what though. He had firearms, and he didn't let them show them (except with a flashlight), and he mentioned that he was welled trained. Kudos to him. Unlike those hippies in western MA these hippies seem to have at least some bases covered.

True, but I am trying to imagine that group presenting a functional defense of the place. One the one hand, it's good that one guy has guns and knows how to use them. But unless he is really good at opsec(except for being on TV) I want to know if they have bomb doors that they can seal, generator power that is protected but ventilated, etc. If they can seal themselves off and have the kind of doors I've seen at some facilities, you'd literally need a large military force to get in. On the other hand, smoke down a poorly located vent pipe or a lack of secure access would end them.

My guess, based on his adding a plywood door to the storage facility, is that the bomb doors are no longer functional. Or at least haven't been tested in many years.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that everyone at that 'selection party' or whatever was really high. It's a bit off-putting to know that if TSHTF, somewhere in Kansas there will be a swinger's party for old hippies going on in a bunker while I'm, well, who knows?

IMHO, the people on the show are generally too out there, and often what they are preparing for is goofy. Is there a rule that says you can only represent the prepper movement if you're kooky? Or is that just to get on TV?
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True, but I am trying to imagine that group presenting a functional defense of the place. One the one hand, it's good that one guy has guns and knows how to use them. But unless he is really good at opsec(except for being on TV) I want to know if they have bomb doors that they can seal, generator power that is protected but ventilated, etc. If they can seal themselves off and have the kind of doors I've seen at some facilities, you'd literally need a large military force to get in. On the other hand, smoke down a poorly located vent pipe or a lack of secure access would end them.

My guess, based on his adding a plywood door to the storage facility, is that the bomb doors are no longer functional. Or at least haven't been tested in many years.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that everyone at that 'selection party' or whatever was really high. It's a bit off-putting to know that if TSHTF, somewhere in Kansas there will be a swinger's party for old hippies going on in a bunker while I'm, well, who knows?

IMHO, the people on the show are generally too out there, and often what they are preparing for is goofy. Is there a rule that says you can only represent the prepper movement if you're kooky? Or is that just to get on TV?

I would think the ventilation systems for the generators would be OK. They were designed so someone couldn't starve them for air. It was a military facility at one point in time.

I know what your saying about the plywood door but I thought that was just an internal door to separate the sections. House from workshop. Maybe I'm wrong. I just found it amusing that hippies usually drive me crazy like those western Mass folks (all judgmental and preachy) but these guys didn't bother me as much.
If they want to get stoned and have a party during SHTF power to them. Just keep the blast doors closed please. I don't want to see ancient hippy ass.

Can we just not have kids on the show? It would be a hell of a lot more entertaining if I didn't feel bad while I watched this train wreck of a show.
Yeah, fair enough. At least the hippies weren't dragging anybody else into it, at least no one who couldn't make up their own mind.

I kind of wonder what the parents of the junior rangers think of the guy who is training their kids to come live with him and be his army when TSHTF. I'd think that in a place like CA, the protective services folks would be all over him just on suspicion of being a weirdo. I mean, I was in JROTC, and we did lots of military training(what happens on Parris Island stays on Parris Island!), but Gunny never said anything about global economic collapse. He just wanted us ready to kill some Russkies! [smile]
I thought the spider hole guy was pretty cool. I want to train my own army of teenage minions. I wonder if he can make them shovel snow and mow the lawn.

I had to fast forward over the dream lady once she started teaching her 7 year old what SHTF meant.

And the hippie bunker was very cool. I want one of those. But I would want to off myself if I was trapped in there with that bunch.
Spider hole guy was pretty awesome, I paused when he was showing his storage facility, at least 8 AR's.. I wouldnt mind joining his ranks if TSHTF. The hippies were cool, but if I had to listen to bongo drums 8 hours a day they would be feeding my KBD for quite some time.
As a fellow Marine, I hesitate being so critical. But he seemed a little bit unhinged. That said, how the heck is he rolling like that in california? That rifle didn't seem California DOJ approved.
I'm not sure what to think of the old Canadian guy with the buried school buses. It was a pretty impressive setup. The whole "we will take your kids, but you have to stay outside and die" philosophy was a bit weird. And the first thing the kids have to do is strip down for a shower...

I like the guy with the deuce and a half. I wonder where he parks it.
I'm not sure what to think of the old Canadian guy with the buried school buses. It was a pretty impressive setup. The whole "we will take your kids, but you have to stay outside and die" philosophy was a bit weird. And the first thing the kids have to do is strip down for a shower...

I like the guy with the deuce and a half. I wonder where he parks it.

The old guy had child molester written all over him. Did you see his van in the background?

I like the guy with the deuce and a half. I wonder where he parks it.

This week's folks seemed a bit, well, further out there then usual. The guy with the deuce and a half was interesting. I was checking out some auctions for them on I don't think that works for me.

The psychiatrist's family didn't seem too happy, and he seemed like prepping was more an obsession than a rational activity. Oddly, the folks with 42 buses buried under concrete and dirt seemed to be more normal, involved with the community, bonding with the family, and keeping it in perspective than the doctor preparing for pandemic.

I think that for me, and I am ambivalent about the show, the way they profile people as preparing for one specific event has the effect of making them seem unprepared for most potential scenarios, and even more odd than anything else.

I don't have a problem with someone saying, "Well, I got a bunch of guns and am stockpiling food, medicine, and such because it's a messed up world". But when you say, "Well, I think that society will collapse, and when it does, my plan is to safely drive my obvious loot pinata through the city to an unknown safe location with my wife and child in the front seat", well....
Spider hole guy was pretty awesome, I paused when he was showing his storage facility, at least 8 AR's.. I wouldnt mind joining his ranks if TSHTF. The hippies were cool, but if I had to listen to bongo drums 8 hours a day they would be feeding my KBD for quite some time.
He's actually got some skills, unlike a lot of these overweight suburban food hoarder types. It's not everyone who has a different ghillie suit for different seasons. And he really didn't show his preps. OK, so we saw a root cellar with a wooden door that wasn't locked. And a hole under the road. But you know he's got a "harder" building somewhere with all his ammo, diesel, guns, etc. He'll do OK. Especially with his airsoft-toting cannon-fodder recruits to absorb fire for him. (not criticizing the kids, that would have been way cool if I was a kid!)

I'm not sure what to think of the old Canadian guy with the buried school buses. It was a pretty impressive setup. The whole "we will take your kids, but you have to stay outside and die" philosophy was a bit weird. And the first thing the kids have to do is strip down for a shower...

Um, yeah. You want me to leave my kids with a creepy old guy? Pedobear approves.

And yeah, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top - no more mal-adjusted urban moms making their kids put on gas masks and sh!t. Makes me cringe for the kids. Usually fast-forward thru their "drills".
And why do all of these people think that Tyvek coveralls are a 'radiation suit'? They are for keeping fiberglass insulation from getting into your private parts, not for repelling gamma rays.
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