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A boat, in fact a boat no larger than 40' is an ideal SHTF get the F out of Dodge transport. You can slip out while the city's are burning (I said this before in another thread) and loiter for months out on the sea or visit another part of the Earth.
sent from the Evo
I feel like that first guy was trolling the show a bit... I know he's been around the community awhile as I've seen the video he made on making that shelter. It's the definitive guide on burying a storage container... most folks seem to think you can just bury one but facts are it will collapse. IIRC he's either an engineer on in construction.
I've never seen them collapse? I guess it all depends how much dirt you put on top of it? If you want to go deep then it can be reenforced cheaply. Way cheaper than buying a custom made shelter. The ones the guy builds on doomsday shelters look to be way less sturdy than a container? I would buy a 4000 buck container way quicker than I'd ever buy a 300 grand shelter!!! You can link the containers together and make a way cheap shelter that will work super good. 2 40 foot containers buried two feet deep with the proper ventilation tubes and antenna silos would be my dream shelter. A shelter with those spec's can if equipped right keep two people underground for a year or more!!
One thing about the show bugs me - in almost every "expert analysis", the advice "get a garden" is put in. Now....I understand where food comes from, but many of the scenarios are not "depopulation events", just social upheaval.
Anyone that's had a garden knows how tough it is to keep out quarupedal pests....if there's a crapload of people wandering about, looking for eats, how is onw to protect it 24/7? Also....gardening is not a "instant on" deal - it takes practice to get it right. If part of a long term prep is stockpiling, it should also be finding out what crops grow well, store well with a minimum of energy (e.g. beans are good - dry them; tomatos are bad - canning is a resource and energy-intensive procedure), and have high nutrition that will grow in your area.
Having 5,000,000 seeds is a waste, unless you know that what you're planitng will "work", and you know how to use them. I have a 15 x 30 back yard Deer Buffet, and a 150-gallon rain collection system, that uses gravity to drip-irrigate. Using tomatos, cukes, potatoes, onions, and beans, I get enough for a few meals....but theres nowhere enough to support a person, much less a family, for any period of time.
If you get more land under cultivation, and it's dry for a month, will you be able to keep it watered? Without turning on the faucet? Can you fence it (or guard it) from hungry critters? Unless you've practiced it, you've got a minimal chance for success.....
I understand that the show is not informational...it's more about WTF? entertainment.....but this sort of thing needs to be addressed in reality.
I thought that this week's preppers were nuttier than usual. I do not understand the thinking of that furniture repairman, having his bug out location in a basement in the center of town. He's got to at least consider the fact that a row of old wooden stores have a fair chance of burning down in a SHTF situation. His reason for not keeping the stuff at home, so as not to scare his family, seemed like total crap. Plus, I didn't actually see any preps in his store basement. Then, he says that it is an advantage that there is only one way in or out of his basement? It looked like a death trap to me.
The guy shooting at the pictures of pandas, maps of china, and some blurred-out (probably racist) chinese image, and setting off firecrackers on his sand table, is making us all look like idiots.
Remember kids the .gov is not your friend.
So, does that make two people now that have run into trouble because of this show?
I'm having trouble finding a pic to see who it was.
It was the old guy who was making pipe bombs.
It was the old guy who was making pipe bombs.
Thanks Derek.
Somehow I knew that guy would go down.![]()
Tell me about it. The 65 year old guy who's never broken a law in his life was preparing to defend his family and property from the potential bad guys. He had to be taken down. The illegals drunk driving killing people and raping women can stay though.
Tell me about it. The 65 year old guy who's never broken a law in his life was preparing to defend his family and property from the potential bad guys. He had to be taken down. The illegals drunk driving killing people and raping women can stay though.
Remember kids the .gov is not your friend.
Thats 2 guys so far that got jammed up over this show. I know they are trying to get ratings, but they are doing a huge disservice to the viewers by making prepping look so "fringe".
Everyone preps to some degree. When you fill up your gas tank, you are prepping for your weekly travels. When you make a sandwich to take to work, you are prepping to get through the day. Everyone does it to different degrees, but they really have gone out of their way to find all the screwballs for this show.
The only thing about prepping that I think is crazy? Not doing it.
While watching I was counting all the federal crimes being committed. I thought behind the scenes they had some sort of deal with the fed's. I know Mithbusters do all kinds of things illegal to the normal man but have special dispensation with the fed's.