Drill Sergeant and Trainer quotes?

Damn fine rifle. God that you got that opportunity.
We still had limited numbers of M14's in the 80's, used as squad automatic weapons. They were not in most TO&E's but were defacto choices. I carried one for a while at Ranger School in 1983 and got a chance to fire 100 rounds or so.
DI Staff Sgt Mossette- Second week of July.

"We are not leaving this pit until someone pukes"

Three guys immediately puke in the sand

"Did I say puke? I meant dies"
Paris Island `09 after chow, MRP

Standing at attention waiting to collect the gatorades to bring back to the "Disgusting Sick Recruits" barracks
I hear heavy boots behind me that get closer, and closer, and then silence.... I feel a hot breath on the back of my neck, Sgt.Jackson is literally inches away from me before he whispers
"Bitch..... I like Pie" , the shear amount of self control to not burst out laughing caused me to almost shi*t myself.... after about 30 seconds of waiting, he leaves.
Didn't the M14 kinda suck as a squad auto choice with its weight to recoil ratio and 20 round magazine? I never liked it for auto use. It kicked a*s for distance shots and vertical but strokes.
Gatorade! Was this third battalion? LOL. What happened to regular old warm canteen water?

what was funny is chow time they gave you powerade in the dispensers, but when you got the actual bottles it was gatorade.
We still had the water in the canteens, the sick bodies got the gatorade in the bottles for.
can still taste that sink water in the plastic canteens....hmmm memories.
what was funny is chow time they gave you powerade in the dispensers, but when you got the actual bottles it was gatorade.
We still had the water in the canteens, the sick bodies got the gatorade in the bottles for.
can still taste that sink water in the plastic canteens....hmmm memories.

Sick bodies should have had the water.
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