Economical Collapse

I would vehemently argue that point since right after the gold "exchange" FDR had the dollar value cut by 40%. They sold at a loss. That's the whole reason gold was taken.

The only reason to confiscate gold and other assets is because you want to debase the currency. Otherwise there is no need to destroy the competition.

Yes, the paper was devalued, but that does not make it “confiscation”. Gold owners had an ability to invest their proceeds from the gold sale into other hard assets. In some cases those investments yielded much better returns than if owners continued to hold gold. Yes, those who kept the paper lost big. Now, Germany did confiscate plenty of gold from some of its citizens just a few years later and at most they got 197gr of lead in return. [wink]

I am in no way defending FDR actions. However, my point was that unfortunately, many are not properly educated and some might take your statement at face value and spread misinformation. I now know what you meant and saying “confiscation” was expedient way to communicate your point.
... people buying gold to use as currency. The author said people would carry gold chains and a pair of pliers and clip off links onto a scale at a shop to pay for whatever they were buying. Whipping out a gold bar would get you killed.

Not sure what currency would be best to exchange into. Swiss francs maybe?

Gold chains. Duh!

To answer the original question: Not me, but my mother. She grew up in Finland in the 30's. First they had to hide produce and livestock from the Germans, as they rolled through town with trucks full of bread. Then they fought off the Russians, twice (sorry Boris). They lived on onion sandwiches, and thankfully she was on a farm and also near the sea. Her older and younger sisters had nice school or church dresses, but she and some close in age had so little during the wartime years. Does that count? Oh, and why do you ask?
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Yes, the paper was devalued, but that does not make it “confiscation”. Gold owners had an ability to invest their proceeds from the gold sale into other hard assets. In some cases those investments yielded much better returns than if owners continued to hold gold. Yes, those who kept the paper lost big. Now, Germany did confiscate plenty of gold from some of its citizens just a few years later and at most they got 197gr of lead in return. [wink]

I am in no way defending FDR actions. However, my point was that unfortunately, many are not properly educated and some might take your statement at face value and spread misinformation. I now know what you meant and saying “confiscation” was expedient way to communicate your point.

I get where you're going with that.

Looking back it's sad people didn't revolt when gold was outlawed. By all accounts it should have been painfully clear what was about to happen.
Nobody is willing to believe that it will be any worse than it is. Well, almost nobody.

It's possible that 50 years from now, with the benefit of hindsight, the current SWAT team tactics that were, and are, by and large, complained about on the Interwebs, but not forcefully resisted, will be commented upon with the same incredulity as we now have of the untermenschen not being more resistant.

A prudent Jew has a passport; a worried Jew has his passport in his pocket. I read that somewhere.

We make the choices we can, with the information that we have; history may be a guide, but it's not the future.
Gold chains. Duh!

To answer the original question: Not me, but my mother. She grew up in Finland in the 30's. First they had to hide produce and livestock from the Germans, as they rolled through town with trucks full of bread. Then they fought off the Russians, twice (sorry Boris). They lived on onion sandwiches, and thankfully she was on a farm and also near the sea. Her older and younger sisters had nice school or church dresses, but she and some close in age had so little during the wartime years. Does that count? Oh, and why do you ask?

I have a lot of stories from my mom who grew up post war and her older sisters who grew up during the war. Things like running to school barefoot during the winter over snow and frozen ground (no shoes) Things like digging for onions in the frozen fields, because there was literally nothing else to eat. Commies pretty much took everything from my family. Then during Nazi occupation, Germans were fair but martial law wasn't a picnic. Most violations were punishable by death on the spot. SS came first and murdered several thousand of Jewish refugees, but then army regular soldiers stationed there would share chocolate with kids and show photos of their kids back home. War really mind****s people's minds. Plenty of hate to go around, completely irrational, lots of pain. Lots of desperate people, lots of people following orders and lots of a**h***s taking advantage of power to be even bigger a**h***s. War sucks big time for most of the people.

If anyone interested to read about more "extreme" cases, there are plenty of memoirs from people in WWII, from blockaded St. Petersburg and what it was like to live on 100grams of bread/day. That's probably as close as you can get to some doomsday scenario.

Also, most people I know who lived through war time or hungry time are scarred with some oddball things. My mother would never throw away bread, she would feed the birds when it goes bad but throwing it into trash is just unthinkable.
I've been busy working. I'm good guys, but I have buried some friends in the past few years because of this s**t and recently I have been hearing from other friends who have lost everything now, stupid talk.
This feeling of dred and no hope seems to becoming way too common. Thay have looked into help, filling out applications, waiting in lines, on hold promted and sent from one department to another only to lose the connection at the end. They have been put in a nice little box by the powers at the top. And this help they seek is just another maze of BS to them now..

This kind of crap has not been seen since the great depression, is there help for this group? Or just some generic program to gain more $ from the tax payetrs???

thank you guys for the sincere input.
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