I agree. But the matter of time will seriously depend on the amount of resistance. Local police won't have any effect. Military is the only group with enough bodies and fire power.
Local police and military have a lot more people that are on OUR side than you might think. If you are or if you are NOT a member of service, you can still join the OathKeepers and swear an oath to defend The Constitution as many of us have done already.
Getting involved locally and knowing who your allies are goes a long way in a disaster situation (such as a blizzard or hurricane) or financial collapse.
For example, MOST of my unit (USMC Reserves) is located in or around New Haven, CT…but if the SHTF…and if the situation allows, some of the guys in my unit are meeting up at an undisclosed location with their direct families to make sure that everyone is safe (first) and that we can come together as a group, pool our resources and training…and not only SURVIVE…but ENSURE THE CONSTITUTION remains intact and unscathed to our best ability.
The military is not (yet) part of the machine you fear…at least not in spirit. We are only obligated to follow 'all lawful orders'…and if martial law is enacted…there ARE NO LAWFUL ORDERS…PERIOD!!!
I may be jeopardizing my military career by saying some of this, but if it gives a few people comfort knowing that some of us are prepared to go the full 9 yards for The Constitution of the United States of America…then so be it.
-Iron Mike