Ed Markey’s primary challenger calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment

Someone should remind Horseface (a face only Bojack could love) that the Bill of Rights doesn’t grant shit, it tells the Government what it can’t do.

Civil Rights are birthrights plain and simple
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Remember - voting GOP in the primaries this year is a waste. Make your status unenrolled, pull a Dem primary ballot and vote against Markey and against Biden - I’m going for Bernie on this one.

In the general, I’ll be voting for Trump unless we get screwed - but it’s time to screw with the Dems
Remember - voting GOP in the primaries this year is a waste. Make your status unenrolled, pull a Dem primary ballot and vote against Markey and against Biden - I’m going for Bernie on this one.

In the general, I’ll be voting for Trump unless we get screwed - but it’s time to screw with the Dems

I'm personally going the Lieawatha route this election. I said to myself, "Self, who is the most unlikable candidate possible who will stand the least chance of winning against Trump?" She won.

As much as I hate this state, the voting laws really do benefit the minority party in this state if people took advantage of them.
That is one ugly dude.

Hmmm. What other Amendments should be repealed? 16th anyone?

I know, why don’t we go back and repeal the 19th. Women don’t NEED to vote, do they? Just like I don’t NEED a gun, right?

What about the civil war amendments? What makes slavery so bad, anyway? [/sarcasm]

All kidding aside, this guy is an idiot. The US Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written along with the BOR.

This makes me want to re-roll my NES character as ThomasPaineMA
So if the 2A is repealed we just carry on as usual. We don't have amendments that allow us to have washing machines or toaster ovens and yet we have them. Jack.

All 2a does is tell the Gov to go away and leave firearms alone. Repealing it would do us a favor in the courts. But not any state where a ban of all things which go bang will pass.
The entire point of the constitution was to place limitations on the power bestowed to the newly created federal government. That liberals continually fail to acknowledge this exclusively in regards to 2A is intellectually dishonest at best and truly indicative of their tyrannical motivations at worst
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