FA-10 forms

I sent in 2 serialized forms about 2 weeks ago, and nothing came back. Doing another today. I did a transaction with one of the people saying his got kicked back. Wonder if mine was one of them?
So the carbon FA-10 does what?

How is it different from the eFA-10?

For some reason I have it in my head that the FA-10 is different and that if I do eFA-10 the state definitely knows about the purchase, along with more information, but a regular FA-10 is more basic? If I do a regular FA-10 the state still knows that I have the gun?

What is the difference?

All I am looking for is a 2-3 sentence breakdown in laymans terms [grin]
So the carbon FA-10 does what?

How is it different from the eFA-10?

For some reason I have it in my head that the FA-10 is different and that if I do eFA-10 the state definitely knows about the purchase, along with more information, but a regular FA-10 is more basic? If I do a regular FA-10 the state still knows that I have the gun?

What is the difference?

All I am looking for is a 2-3 sentence breakdown in laymans terms [grin]

With the EFA-10 you must conduct the transfer at a location that has internet access, a printer, familiarity with the process (because smart people here have lost the ability to print the confirmation) and TRUST that whose'ever computer you are using is "trustworthy" ie. no virus, trojans or keyloggers.

With the FA-10 you must conduct the transfer at a location that has sufficient light, a flat writing surface and a pen that you can use to write the information onto the form, and a postage stamp.
Official multipart paper form or printed off pdf form ?
The Official, original, multipart, carbonized, serialized, provided by CHSB, filled out in black ink, signed copy in my safe, paper form that I've been getting from various PD's ever since they began claiming they didn't know what they were and didn't have any.
Just used the eFA-10.....remember to print out the confimation letter [banghead]

My pop-ups are blocked, guess what cjis wanted to do? Pop up a new window for the printing. Guess what I did? Refreshed the page to allow popups. Guess what I lost? Goddam confirmation number [banghead]

Update: CJIS got ahold of me this morning. "Registration", sigh, went thru OK. Mr "ZA", said he'd print out a confirmation copy on his end and mail one to me.
If they really want people to use the E FA10, why not make it easy: instead of having to print it out right away make it so you can simply have a copy go to your email???

From CJIS' perspective, ONLY the gov't NEEDS documentation. NOTE the comment at the bottom of the new paper form (I've never seen the e-FA-10 system in operation so unsure if it is there or not) that states that "this is not a bill of sale" (or something close to this). They didn't seem to understand or appreciate my comment that WE NEED the signatures on the paper copy as proof and "if they come knocking" they aren't going to believe you telling them (PD) that something is no longer in your possession! Sorting it all out in court can be very expensive and time-consuming.

Email would be perfect, but somehow this is "their system" and the mentality seems to be that we should get no benefit from said system!
From CJIS' perspective, ONLY the gov't NEEDS documentation. NOTE the comment at the bottom of the new paper form (I've never seen the e-FA-10 system in operation so unsure if it is there or not) that states that "this is not a bill of sale" (or something close to this). They didn't seem to understand or appreciate my comment that WE NEED the signatures on the paper copy as proof and "if they come knocking" they aren't going to believe you telling them (PD) that something is no longer in your possession! Sorting it all out in court can be very expensive and time-consuming.

Email would be perfect, but somehow this is "their system" and the mentality seems to be that we should get no benefit from said system!

But Len, what about one of those boating accidents?[wink]
From CJIS' perspective, ONLY the gov't NEEDS documentation. . . .

If the purpose of the FA10 is to validate that the transaction was lawful then, once such transaction is validated, the data becomes redundant and should be discarded.

If the purpose of the FA10 is to register firearms, then 1) the purpose is not well served by the process and 2) we surely need to know what firearms are registered in our names.
From CJIS' perspective, ONLY the gov't NEEDS documentation. NOTE the comment at the bottom of the new paper form (I've never seen the e-FA-10 system in operation so unsure if it is there or not) that states that "this is not a bill of sale" (or something close to this). They didn't seem to understand or appreciate my comment that WE NEED the signatures on the paper copy as proof and "if they come knocking" they aren't going to believe you telling them (PD) that something is no longer in your possession! Sorting it all out in court can be very expensive and time-consuming.

Email would be perfect, but somehow this is "their system" and the mentality seems to be that we should get no benefit from said system!

So "their paper-free system" requires me to print out a confirmation on..... paper! [laugh] I guess I shouldn't expect any common sense to be applied here[rolleyes]
Heard a report from a customer today that one of the shops in the area has a stash of the old carbon copy forms...and is selling them for $2 a pop...
Form or no form..I would not deal with a guy that sells a form that I paid to produce in the first place!!!
What a bunch of crap!
Now having said that..I did 2 FA-10 PDF forms so far this year and neither one came back.
I will not use the e-fa10 under any circumstance!!!
Just another electronic nightmare as far as I am concerned.

[popcorn]. Anyone who pays for an FA10 form deserves it. What shop?
OB1Kenobi said:
[popcorn]. Anyone who pays for an FA10 form deserves it. What shop?

Since all I have is a story from a customer I don't have a personal relationship with, I am not going to possibly slander someone. Some business owners are more zealous than others in their pursuit of capitalism versus customer service...I think people have a pretty good read on those things. I am more appalled by the fact that CHSB has f'ed things up to the point that a grey market of government-mandated forms may now exist.
I am more appalled by the fact that CHSB has f'ed things up to the point that a grey market of government-mandated forms may now exist.
The more I have come to understand the history of governance, the more I realize this is the natural order of things...

Government regulates a little, people grumble, but ignore it as "most" people are not impacted by a "little regulation," only the targets of that regulation suffer.

Government regulates a lot and gray and black markets are created along with a problem FAR exceeding the target of the regulation (assuming the best of intentions, which is rarely the case - more often than not regulation is written to the benefit of the connected few how lobby to skew the system to their favor).
for the legally challenged folks like myself, where would one look up the laws pertaining to reproducing federal and state forms for personal use vs. for profit?

for example:



that is the PDF FA-10 we were all using (allegedly) for a few months. now, what about "Not for Resale" - i.e. a local state or federal occif runs out of applications for xxyyzz.... i stand outside and sell the said application(s) for $2.
cekim said:
The more I have come to understand the history of governance, the more I realize this is the natural order of things...

Government regulates a little, people grumble, but ignore it as "most" people are not impacted by a "little regulation," only the targets of that regulation suffer.

Government regulates a lot and gray and black markets are created along with a problem FAR exceeding the target of the regulation (assuming the best of intentions, which is rarely the case - more often than not regulation is written to the benefit of the connected few how lobby to skew the system to their favor).

Is there any legal questionability to selling the FA10?

No, particularly not if the dealer paid for them. (In the not so distant past dealers all had to buy their FA-10s from a printer, the state did not give them out for free to dealers. ).

ETA: I would bet though, that even when this was the case, that they didn't cost anywhere near $2 apiece!

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Heard a report from a customer today that one of the shops in the area has a stash of the old carbon copy forms...and is selling them for $2 a pop...

Why do I think that I know who this scumbag is????
I may have mentioned this in another post, but I called the FRB on Thursday and requested some paper forms. The woman who answered couldn't have been nicer, except of course, if she would have sent some to my home. She said they would send some forms to my local PD, using my call as a notice they were out and needed a resupply.

Since my local PD coincidentally happens to be the one I work for, I will check daily and let you know if they appear.
Heard a report from a customer today that one of the shops in the area has a stash of the old carbon copy forms...and is selling them for $2 a pop...

Since I live in close proximity to you guys, if you'd like, feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to see if I can confirm this.
for the legally challenged folks like myself, where would one look up the laws pertaining to reproducing federal and state forms for personal use vs. for profit?

The PDF forms we've been discussing were/are not being sold for profit and were originally furnished by the FRB. If YOU decided to print new, serialized forms essentially identical to the original it would be illegal if for no other reason than the statute requires submission on forms furnished by the FRB.

Is there any legal questionability to selling the FA10?
No, particularly not if the dealer paid for them. (In the not so distant past dealers all had to buy their FA-10s from a printer, the state did not give them out for free to dealers. ).

ETA: I would bet though, that even when this was the case, that they didn't cost anywhere near $2 apiece!

I agree both that there is no law being broken and that at $2 the dealer is ripping off the public. Still, free enterprise. If someone is dumb enough to pay it, let them.

What was the movie that had the kid on a bicycle keep showing up screaming TWO DOLLARS? Something to do with skiing I think.
What was the movie that had the kid on a bicycle keep showing up screaming TWO DOLLARS? Something to do with skiing I think.

Better Off Dead. My favorite stupid movie......

Some excellent skiing instruction, too: "Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn."
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