Fatal Shooting in Worcester by Westborough LTC holder UPDATE: Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter! 4-7 Year Sentence with 77 Days Credit.

From what I have seen and read, when a police officer is involved in a shooting he is transported to a hospital for an "evaluation" due to the stress. I wonder if that would be a good move by a non police officer who is involved in a shooting?

That would at least give someone some time to calm down and not blurt out something that may be used against him.
Always fake a heart attack or say you need to go to the hospital immediately and answer nothing is what I've been advised by a couple friends who are both COP in different towns.

Repeat after me.....I think I'm having a heart attack....take me to the hospital now!
My point was more that the alleged shooter should demand to be transported to the hospital. It's more than likely that he will have shortness of breath or chest pain after being involved in such a traumatic event.

Why let all that sweet sweet incriminating statements slip away?
I saw a not guilty reached for one of two brothers in the sketchiest house party shooting where the guilty brother went back to finish someone. Both did not have a LTC.
A cousin of. T ex wife is doing time for a murder in NJ. His sister had a restraining order on her violent ex. Guy came to the house one day yelling threats and the girls brother shot him with an arrow (he was a bow hunter) and dropped him to n the spot. Got convinced of second degree murder but I don’t recall how much time he got. He was a really nice dude also.
I would never advise anyone to "fake" anything. It's very likely that a stress inducing event is going to cause stress inducing symptoms. I also wonder that if the paramedics or hospital give pain medication such as Fentanyl or an anxiolytic such as Versed or Ativan if the patient would not be able to fully understand the Miranda waiver or give coherent answers to the police.

Always fake a heart attack or say you need to go to the hospital immediately and answer nothing is what I've been advised by a couple friends who are both COP in different towns.
A cousin of. T ex wife is doing time for a murder in NJ. His sister had a restraining order on her violent ex. Guy came to the house one day yelling threats and the girls brother shot him with an arrow (he was a bow hunter) and dropped him to n the spot. Got convinced of second degree murder but I don’t recall how much time he got. He was a really nice dude also.
Umm, that is the most country ass redneck thing I ever heard. Was Keystone Ice involved?

Seriously though, obviously not a proportional response.
That's a deadly weapon! Time to start hole punching. [mg]

Seriously though, I've questioned this charge when there is no evidence that the shoe make the contact anymore dangerous.
A punch from Mike Tyson is far more deadly than my shod foot would ever be.
Apples/apples= Tyson fist vs Chuck Norris kick with a Walker Texas Ranger cowboy boot.
I would never advise anyone to "fake" anything. It's very likely that a stress inducing event is going to cause stress inducing symptoms. I also wonder that if the paramedics or hospital give pain medication such as Fentanyl or an anxiolytic such as Versed or Ativan if the patient would not be able to fully understand the Miranda waiver or give coherent answers to the police.
Whatever......, my point is just take me to the hospital......don't be answering questions after any self defense event until your lawyer is present and it buys time to get your stuff together.
Not enough info to make judgement, easy to say walk away while you're being attacked. As I stated in Quincy road rage thread if I'm alone smart move is to take pics and drive to PD station. If my grandsons are in car different situation.
Unfortunately I’ve been in a road rage situation in AZ where the guy I slighted (cut in front of him with what I thought was enough room, but he slammed on his brakes when I did) was out of his vehicle and approaching mine from behind. Trying to perform threat assessments in the rear view and side mirrors while readying my weapon for use is challenging, everything happens very fast and you are in a very poor position tactically. Does he have a weapon? How crazy is he? Am I going to have to defend myself and my family? Do I deploy my vehicle as a defensive weapon, or my handgun? You have just seconds to make the call that could be life changing. He had something like a tire iron in hand, which I consider a deadly weapon and was ready to shoot if necessary. Fortunately traffic cleared and I was able to drive away before he made it to my window, he took a swing but missed my truck. I got on the highway and he continued to chase me down for 7 miles, so I called highway patrol who didn’t have anyone close enough to respond. I was able to lose him with an unsafe highway exit, but if I couldn’t lose him who knows where it would’ve ended.

One of my employees in Houston was arrested for brandishing during a road rage incident. Some shitbag with a record a mile long was beating on the passenger side window of my employee’s car when they got stuck in traffic after whatever offense occurred. My employee said he took the gun out for the center console and placed it on the seat, but I think he might’ve pointed it at the guy. The shitbag jumped back in his car and made it to a patrol unit up the road and said “that guy pointed a gun at me!” and was able to describe my employee’s weapon. My employee was arrested and charged with criminal discorderly conduct involving a firearm. He lawyered up and beat the charges, a major factor was the shitbag’s record of road rage assaults, but it cost my employee $50K and a lot of time.

People can armchair this stuff all day, but unless you were there or there is video you’re just guessing. I now run front and rear facing dash cams in my truck, and front facing in my other vehicles. My cameras also record audio for more evidence. For the minimal investment of $70-$130 for the cameras, they are well worth it for a number of reasons.
Always fake a heart attack or say you need to go to the hospital immediately and answer nothing is what I've been advised by a couple friends who are both COP in different towns.

Repeat after me.....I think I'm having a heart attack....take me to the hospital now!
they'll throw you in the back of the wagon and kill you on the way.
From what I have seen and read, when a police officer is involved in a shooting he is transported to a hospital for an "evaluation" due to the stress. I wonder if that would be a good move by a non police officer who is involved in a shooting?

That would at least give someone some time to calm down and not blurt out something that may be used against him.

Yes. Absolutely. You don't even have to lie. "I don't feel good, I need to go to a hospital" is a perfectly natural and healthy response to being in a gunfight.

Well gee. That's great that you have all the facts and details of the case already and made that decision.
Would you care to enlighten us further on the details of your conclusion and the facts that brought you there? :)

The chances that this guy was sitting in his car all by himself minding his own business, parked in such a way that he couldn't leave and the other guy just came up out of nowhere without any provocation and broke his window are vanishingly close to zero. Therefore not *INNOCENT*.

He was a participant in the the event. He either started the fight, or continued it, or failed to do anything to stop it. (like, you know, leave)

The important thing you appear to be missing is that "not guilty" is not the same thing as "innocent". (even though "guilty" is the opposite of both)
Whatever......, my point is just take me to the hospital......don't be answering questions after any self defense event until your lawyer is present and it buys time to get your stuff together.
I worked with a guy who was pulled over for DUI in the 80's and faked heart attack. Cop had to call ambulance and transport him to hospital and he beat it.
I'm sure that won't fly now.
No. STFU means STFU.

I watched those STFU guys on YouTube and thought it was an act and then I realized its the best advice an attorney has ever given me. I told my adult kids to watch it and STFU. Nobody is on your side and a lot happens between the incident and getting to justice. Embrace the silence.
Castle doctrine just mean there isn’t a duty to,retreat, it doesn’t change any other requirement for self defense immunity. Regardless of the window breaking, it the dead guy didn’t have a weapon of any kind, this guy isn’t in a great position. People should be EXTREMELY hesitant to draw and/or fire. Have pepper spray so there is a less than lethal option
I dont have an opinion on this case yet.

That said the obsession with people having to have weapons is not ideal. Theres no shortage of people who know how to use thier bodies to make the outcome the same as a knife or gun.

I got thrown last night. Had I not landed on a nice padded floor theres zero doubt in my head I that I would of woke up in the hospital. And that was literally just last night. I didn't see it coming either.
Why in the hell would this guy give a statement without a lawyer! Dumb dumb dumb…hopefully he can plead out to manslaughter.
The "why" is probably because he was an honest person and gave a factual account of what happened. Given the lack of clarity of this situation suggests that exculpatory facts were conveniently omitted from the application for criminal complaint's statement of facts. This guy got hosed for doing what he thought was the right thing. Police, whether maliciously or otherwise, rely on honest people to dig their own holes.
There's no way he's innocent. He might not be guilty of murder or manslaughter, but he made a bunch of bad decisions that got him into this fix.
So you've never encountered crazy before? Sometimes crazy finds you even though you did nothing to attract its attention.
It's very likely that the shooter had some level of involvement in the initial road rage incident but unless he made a verbal or physical threat he maintains his innocence.
Tell my kids all the time to watch their mouth, cuz someone, someday will put their fist in it. Or a shod foot.

Are you dead? Is that a husk of a shell of a exoskeleton that invades the space you used to occupy??? ROFL!!!

I don't get the JP hate. Did I miss something? Did he not bow to the correct conservative cause? Did he. . . . did he say something mean about Trump? Was that it, guys? Did he hurt your feewings???
I now run front and rear facing dash cams in my truck, and front facing in my other vehicles. My cameras also record audio for more evidence. For the minimal investment of $70-$130 for the cameras, they are well worth it for a number of reasons.
THIS. I have dash cams in both cars. Someone hit my girlfriend, and with the cam we had 100% proof she was not a fault. In this instance there just happened to be a police car directly behind her that saw everything, so it wasn't needed, but it was still nice to have.
Are you dead? Is that a husk of a shell of a exoskeleton that invades the space you used to occupy??? ROFL!!!

I don't get the JP hate. Did I miss something? Did he not bow to the correct conservative cause? Did he. . . . did he say something mean about Trump? Was that it, guys? Did he hurt your feewings???
I saw a show recently where a guy on death row told a reporter something like : “we are all one bad day away from being murderers.” Kind of made me think.

Not saying I would shoot a guy for breaking my window, but I might (maybe) just get out and slug him. Who knows where it goes from there?

There are endless possibilities of how a broken car window can start and end the thread will be long locked or abandoned before they're all covered.
lol anyone hanging around having a retard conference with a rager isn’t going to be taking classes the two things are incongruous
I now refer to the horn as the "rumble button". I no longer use it. Nothing good can come out of it.
It doesn't matter because he will be convicted of something. There is a young father dead, shot point blank in broad daylight without gun or even a knife. Say what you will this guy going to the clink. And he should.
Between this post and your posts in the "who needs an sbr for hunting" thread, you have some of the worst takes here on NES[laugh]
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