Fatal Shooting in Worcester by Westborough LTC holder UPDATE: Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter! 4-7 Year Sentence with 77 Days Credit.

I call bullshit on breaking the window with his hand. Defense Atty should bring in the same window (from another car) and ask the Prosecutor or cops testifying, to demonstrate breaking it with their hand! Would be another "If the glove doesn't fit" moment.
I've done it. One punch, sharp and fast, knuckles down.
If the window is down even an inch, it is not that difficult. Much harder if window all the way up.
Easier if punching down, like on a sedan, than up, like a truck,
I agree with you to a point. The guy in the picture looks like a small stature person…maybe 5’5”? If someone that can break a window with their fist is coming at me and I’m trapped…I might be tempted to at least brandish if I’m trapped in my car and I’m THAT little.

If I’m out of my taco, that changes things completely and no I would never draw on someone if I had a chance to deescalate or touch (beat) his ass :)

Now, if it was my WESTY, that dudes getting a beat down BEFORE I shoot his ass just for f***ing with my van!

That’s one of the neighborhoods in Worcester that you don’t THINK is that bad, but it’s pretty bad. The next major street over is Elm and I’m pretty sure that’s the end of piedmont. Kind of irrelevant though now that I read the story and neither of them were just human gong out there.
Yeah, I know there's a flock of shitbirds circling that area. I don't know if some enterprising youths were trying to steal the Expedition or possibly somehow get our Rottweiler that was pissed off and barking at the yutes, but Mrs. Mountain walked out of the Price Chopper at Highland and Elm to see 3 of them trying to get into the truck. She gave no F's, cursed at them and they ran. She might have had a G43 on her person. I know there's a reason that the Sole and the Boyton have someone watching their parking lots.

IMHO this shooting is a case of two idiots colliding and one was a big enough chickenshit to pull a trigger. White guy from the upper-middle burbs gets into an altercation with OMG brown person must be a gang banger from inner city Worcester. I don't think either person was of large stature. I went through the deceased social media and he looks like a custom car nerd and a bit dorky for his age. Seemed to be into his kid(s) and I saw zero criminal nor gang influence. Based on his statement to the po-po, Westboro guy seems to know he f-ed up. Should have kept his mouth shut, however.
Close. Piedmont Street ends two streets over on Pleasant Street, but regardless, the area of Highland Street is a mix of WPI kids and crap. You get off Highland Street heading towards Elm and you have some sketchy areas. Becker College used to be over there, which probably helped to keep things a little more under control, but they're gone.

Reality is that the entire city has become a bigger cesspool than it was before. The rag of a newspaper Telegram & Gazette works hard with the city council to depict Worcester as "Mayberry with a new ballpark" Hell, I think three restaurants in the Canal District announced they're closing! Green Street, Millbury Street, the Common, all strewn with homeless people, drunk or ODing, aggressively panhandling. Can't imagine it would be good for business.

I work dead in the middle of Main South, so I'm able to get a front seat view to the shenanigans that go on there and that area, but never make the paper. Shootings, stabbings, etc. I know of several fatal and near fatal shootings that didn't get reported, as well as a failed hit on some shitbag inside of a gym!!
F! Smokestack BBQ closed. It was a good option for BBQ.
I came to the conclusion a while ago that in Massachusetts you are going to prison if you shoot someone unless they are armed and fire at you first. Even then who knows? Hey, here in hell (Crapachusetts) the prosecutor will say the perp had a harmless 22LR pistol and YOU had a wicked killy 10mm with murderous hollow points SO you must got to prison anyway.
I call bullshit on breaking the window with his hand. Defense Atty should bring in the same window (from another car) and ask the Prosecutor or cops testifying, to demonstrate breaking it with their hand! Would be another "If the glove doesn't fit" moment.
Until it breaks
Not much out there yet regarding this story. There is no doubt though we have seen an uptick in road rage violence these days. And indeed, like this one, they seem to go sideways quickly.
I saw a show recently where a guy on death row told a reporter something like : “we are all one bad day away from being murderers.” Kind of made me think.

Not saying I would shoot a guy for breaking my window, but I might (maybe) just get out and slug him. Who knows where it goes from there?
lol it’s cheaper to just leave.

What a maroon.

This fool dug is own grave.


Anyone this stupid needs to take Andrew Branca's class and Mas Ayoob's class.

Dumb bunny!
lol anyone hanging around having a retard conference with a rager isn’t going to be taking classes the two things are incongruous
He broke the car window with his hand?
How many videos are out there of cops trying to smash out windows with a baton and they cant get it done...?
I see a lot of videos of cops bearing a window to no avail because they’re not hitting it in the right spot to get it to break. A baton isn’t a great tool to break a car window, but it might be more effective if the energy was concentrated on the lower rear corner of the window and not the middle.

I am also questioning how the person broke it with his hand. Maybe the window was partially down which would make it easier.
It's tough to swallow this when you're young but the gold standard of self defense is to run away, drive off, beat feet, make yourself scarce. Now I'm old I'm totally comfortable with this.

Fully agree. Trouble starts when you give someone else control over your emotions.

Let's say for the sake of argument this shooter was completely justified in his actions. Video and witness statements support self defense.

In this God forsaken state he'd still be ruined. He's been arrested and is facing some serious charges. He'll likely lose his job and spend huge sums on legal bills. In this state the legal standard is guilty until proven innocent, particularly in regards to events involving firearms. Legal firearms.

In the event of a completely justified shooting, this state will destroy your life as an example to others. Our AG has been quoted as saying she does not want people to protect themselves and rather rely on the police. Yeah, right.
This is why CCW gets a bad rep. Anyone can pull a trigger. Many develop a god complex. One needs responsible expert defensive training to be able to identify the levels of threats. FIRST option is always try to flee , the accused did not.
No it’s not. First off, we don’t have any of the facts in the case. It may be a justified shooting. Second, CCW holders commit less violent crime than non-CCW holders. And finally, the reason CCW holders get a bad rep is because the left pushes hysterical narratives to make villains of law abiding gun owners, because they can’t effectively stop non-law abiding citizens from committing crimes. Nor do they really intend to.

There isn’t an overwhelming problem with CCW holders behaving the way you claim. That’s not a statistically relevant or measurable issue. In fact, they’re less likely to behave the way you claim, than the non-CCW permit holding part of the population.
Right. Your window is a thing. It can be replaced. If you have glass coverage, it's near enough to free.

Walk or drive away. Get coffee elsewhere. Tell your boss you'll be a couple minutes late.

Exactly - you win every fight you're not in.

Another real life lesson for the NES elite here.

Learn NES elite - this guy's decision could save your life - if you learn
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