Fatality at Frontsight

Eyewitness News I-Team began their investigation of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute more than two years ago. Several people who bought memberships to the facility filed a class action lawsuit alleging fraud, racketeering and misappropriation of funds.

Doesn't read like it was a shooting accident. Just an unfortunate accident at their facility.
Sounds like the victim started his run down the zip line before the person in front of him finished his run, and there was a nasty collision at the bottom.
Probably overzealous and in the moment accident where they were trying to make some sort of time trial.

Anyone else catch the Frontsight challenge on TV. I think it was Spike or Versus. Folks were going pretty fast on that zip line.
The lawsuits have nothing to do with the range or training.

It was "promised" to be a complete resort with fancy homes, the ranges, shops, etc. Like an enclosed city with a shooting theme. I don't think much except the ranges has ever been built there and I think this is what all the noise is about. I don't know anything definitive, but have read about it numerous times over the years.
The other problem with Frontsight is that the main guy is linked in with
$cient0logy somehow, and that freaked a whole bunch of people out....
supposedly the training is pretty decent though, and regardless of the (possible)
CoS affiliation, a lot of people still go there.

At first when I read the subject I thought it was going to be another ND/AD
accident, but I guess not. There have been a couple of those there, I think
in both cases it involved someone shooting themselves while drawing or

Dr. Piazza Speaks

Received via the First Family Member newsletters:

July 5, 2007

Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director

Front Sight Fatality

Thousands of students have safely and successfully participated in Front Sight's Rope, Rappel, and Climb courses over the last several years without incident.

Tragically, we experienced a fatality on the 1,000 ft Zip Line during the 8th Annual July 4th First Family Reunion.

We openly share the details of this safety incident so that others may learn from it and prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again.

Here Are The Facts:

* The incident occurred on July 4, 2007, during the annual First Family Reunion event.
* The time of day was approximately 7:15 p.m.
* The weather was clear, sunny, calm, with perfect visibility, and about 100 degrees.
* The incident occurred on one of our three Zip Lines which originate from the Rappelling Tower.
* Instructors working the Zip Line were seasoned Rope, Rappel, and Climb Instructors who had also instructed during previous July 4th Events.
* The zip lines are essentially steel cables which start high in the rappelling tower and extend in an arc to a pole about 1,000 feet in the distance.
* The participant is placed in a safety harness and helmet which is inspected for proper fit and function before two safety lines are secured to a trolley composed of two pulleys that are locked around the steel cable.
* Upon the instructor at the top of the Zip Line receiving a visual communication from the instructor at the bottom of the Zip Line, that all is clear, the participant is instructed to lean forward and drop down and away from the tower, riding below the steel cable under the force of gravity.
* The participant comes to a stop approximately 15-20 feet off the ground in a low point of the cable, at which time the instructor at the bottom of the Zip Line engages a large, steel, scissors lift platform to rise up to retrieve the participant from the cable. The platform is raised, the participant is detached from the overhead cable, reattached to the platform, and then lowered to the ground.
* Once the platform is safely secured in the down position, the participant is detached and walks off of the platform. At that point, there is visual confirmation between the instructor operating the platform at the bottom of the Zip Line and the instructor at the top of the Zip Line that the platform is down and the Zip Line is clear.
* The instructor at the top of the Zip Line, having visually confirmed the platform is down and the Zip Line is clear then instructs the next participant to lean forward and drop down and away from the tower riding below the steel cable under the force of gravity.
* The fatal incident occurred as one participant had completed the Zip Line ride and was hanging in the air waiting to be retrieved from the cable. The instructor at the bottom of the Zip Line, operating the platform, was still in the process of raising the platform to retrieve a participant and had not given any visual indicators that the zip line was clear when the instructor at the top of the Zip Line released another participant.
* When the instructor at the top of the Zip Line released the participant without receiving any visual confirmation to do so and failing to look and clearly see the lift platform was in the up position and the previous participant was still waiting to be retrieved, the instructor on the bottom of the Zip Line, operating the platform, attempted to quickly retrieve the first participant and lower the
platform-- thus getting out of the way of the incoming participant.
* Tragically, the incoming participant impacted into the platform and was killed instantly.
* Front Sight staff immediately activated the 911 EMS system.
* Front Sight Paramedics were on the scene within three minutes and determined the participant was deceased.
* All three zip lines were immediately closed for the remainder of the event.
* Nye County EMS and Nye County Sheriff/Coroner arrived and conducted an investigation which lasted several hours.
* During the investigation, Front Sight staff and management cooperated completely and provided as much comfort as possible for the grieving family members of the deceased.
* A Front Sight staff member was assigned to remain with the grieving family, assisting them with anything they needed, and driving them safely home after they had made the appropriate arrangements for their deceased family member.
* The entire group of participants were gathered together, informed of the tragedy, and the July 4th First Family Reunion concluded with the Front Sight management, staff, and hundreds of Front Sight members holding a candlelight memorial to pray for the grieving family and the soul of our deceased First Family member.

Feeling and Opinions:

No words can express the sorrow we feel as individuals and as an organization for the loss of one of our own in this tragic accident.

Unlike fatalities of unknown individuals that have occurred in numerous, well known theme parks and adventure resorts throughout the country, this tragedy took the life of a friend and loyal supporter of Front Sight. I knew him. He was a good, family man and he loved Front Sight.

Supporting his grieving wife in my arms with no adequate words to express my sadness and sorrow; seeing the tears of his young son and daughter as I must tell them their father has died in an accident; and breaking the news of a son's death to his mother and father fell on my shoulders as the Founder and Director of Front Sight. Such an emotional experience will never be forgotten.

I don't know how companies like Disneyland, Great America and others handle such situations, but I can tell you that Front Sight takes care of it's loyal and supportive members and will do what is right to assist the family of our First Family Member in any reasonable manner needed.

Let me make this perfectly clear: This tragedy was not the fault of our fallen First Family Member.

We have fully reviewed our training and standard operating procedures and have found them to be totally safe and effective as evidenced by the thousands of previous Zip Line participants. This incident was the result of gross human error in failing to follow well known, very simple, and extremely affective safety protocol on the part of a single instructor. We have taken the immediate and appropriate actions to permanently remedy that situation.


Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight

I guess I'm trying to figure out what they used it for? Was it in connection with firearms training or some other type of parallel adventure rope course. I hope they are not teaching people to go down the thing shooting.

What do they need a zip line for?---bpm990d

I guess I'm trying to figure out what they used it for?---bpm990d

Because your questioning their right to own or use a zip line would be a bit strange. I read your question as wondering how, or if, they incorporate the zip line into the shooting sports. I’m guessing KMaurer was joking in a satirical way.


To answer you original question just a little. The other day I had been watching a Front-Sight challenge on the TV show “Shooting” (I think) and they were using the zip line to remove shooters from the tower who lost that round of shooting.

At the time I was thinking what a blast it looked like. I have no idea what else they may use the zip line(s) for.


Fatality At Front Sight

Hello! All! I am new to this forum, but I believe I can answer the question asked. "What do they need a zip line for?---bpm990d "

Front Sight (I worked there as a RangeMaster/Instructor for two years 2003/05) has a Ropes, Rappel, & Climb course. It has a rockwall climb, a three level ropes course, and a rappel tower. The zip line is used as part of the ropes course. It is more for entertainment than anything. One climbs the tower and ,depending on the course, they may use the zip line to egress the tower. The accident occured as one student, who was in the process of being removed from the zip line ( you end up suspended 15-20 ft above ground about 3/4 way down the line) and one was released without the line being cleared. The second student hit the scissors lift (forklift with a modified platform on the forks for the student being recovered from the line and the Instructor removing them to stand)that is used to recover students from the line. Students remain attached to the line until removed by staff. It is not like some of the military courses where you are holding on to a sling or bar and can let go when over water, etc. You are secured by a complete harness in the FS zip line. This particular line was the 1000 ft line. From what I understand, the student impacted the scissors lift and sustained severe head trama and died at the scene.
Why did the guy on the zip line go when it obviously wasn't safe to do so?

I am wondering how this thing is design. It doesn't sound like there is any breaking system to stop people, so they just stop when they do? Unless they start to go up the line, then slide back. Otherwise I would think he wouldn't have much speed left. Do they where helmets? It would suck if this ended up being a slow speed crash and a helmet would have saved him.
Fatality at Front Sight

The student is hooked into the line by an instructor on the tower. The instructor, after getting the OK signal (all clear) from the instructor on the forklift, sends the student down. It is supposed to be controlled by the instructors. Ideally, the student isn't even hooked to the line until the last student clears the line. That was not the case here.

There is no braking system. The top of the line is secured to the tower, the other to a pole about half as high as the tower and there is slack in the line, making it uphill at the other end. Gravity and friction stop the student somewhere about 75% of the way. Once they stop, in comes the forklift to recover them.

Yes, they wear helmets, like the ones used in spelunking (cave exploration).
They are a helmet, but not like a crash helmet. They are NOT supposed to crash into anything. The helmet is incase anything falls from the tower or other participants on the course and hits their head.

I hoe this explained this a little more..
Dr. Piazza would seem to posess an uncommon amount of courage publishing his account of the accident prior to any litigation or settlement arrangements. I'm sure his insurance carrier is thrilled.
Dr. Piazza would seem to posess an uncommon amount of courage publishing his account of the accident prior to any litigation or settlement arrangements. I'm sure his insurance carrier is thrilled.
Perhaps some people value honor and integrity above money (read: insurance settlements... and future bills). Although his statement pretty clearly puts the blame on the canned instructor, I think.
Although his statement pretty clearly puts the blame on the canned instructor, I think.
Which, if true, places the liability on Front Sight.

There is much information about the business practes at http://www.frontsightlitigation.com. The most amazing thing about the case is that someone would part with $175K for a non-deeded promise of a house lot on property to which they were getting no ownership interest, and which the owner was free to pledge as colateral for other projects. The court order with a moratorium on membership sales explains why my supply of emails offering to let me buy "right now, before the prices go up" has evaporated.
Fatality at Front Sight

Gentleman, after working at FS for two years, I can tell you that integrity and honor above money is not something Piazza would even think of. He has NO integrity, NO morals (except self-serving ones), and NO Honor.

I am a former LEO. I expected that maybe Piazza wouldn't have the same morals and integrity as most LEOs, but was unprepared for what transpired. He believes he can do things HIS way, regardless of what the law or rules say. He has stolen Medi-Care/Social Security from full-time employees (filed with IRS Dec 2006), offers NO benefits for his employees(full-time or part-time)has has NUMEROUS judgements filed against him for not paying his bills and creditors (available at Nye Country Recorders Office), and is currently involved in a Class Action Law Suit for his mis-use of member's monies. He wants to put on a great front. I doubt he even has liability insurance.

It's kinda like the hot looking girl at the bar you don't know. On the surface you are thinking ...whew...I'd like what she's got, she seems interested, thinking one thing, then you find out, but only after contact, that what you got (diseases that won't go away/ permanent damage) wasn't what you thought you were gonna get. There is a long list of former employees. Good people who have enought of him, say something, then he cans them when you don't like his ways.

He is great at suckering people in and using the Second Amendment to separate them from their money. Believe me, most of the Instructors there are hard working, good people, although he is having a very hard time finding people to work for him. The word is out in the industry. The training is good(but the quality is falling according to FS members), but the management borders on criminal.

He thinks that by removing all possibility of fault from the man who was killed that that will endear him to someone(perhaps First Family Members), what it did in reality is take away his only line of defense in the civil suit. Not too bright. I'll bet he ends up wishing he would have run that by his attorney first!!!
Front Sight

BTW, as the guy giving tours, I can tell you the spiel for the Platinum Memberships ( $300,00.00) was that you got a 1 acre DEEDED home site right there at beautiful FS. The safest community in America!! This info was prepared by Piazza and passd on to us that were there full-time. I gave tours regularly and told about the memberships. He doesn't keep his word on many things he says.

He started selling these sites in Jan 1999. As of today, there is NO road(other than sand) that goes to the homesites. There is no power, water, sewer, gas, or any other type infrastructures finished, or even started. There are, however, some survey stakes there!!!!! Most of the area is unsuitable for home/community building because of the composition of the soil.

Can you say "Scam Artist/ConMan/ Swindler".
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