Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

Let's put this whole Healey going after Exxon, gun owners, etc. thing into perspective. There is NO downside for her. If she wins these court battles she 'wins'. If she loses them, she still 'wins'.

This all about publicity and politics and short of getting caught doing something highly unethical or illegal (which won't happen) she will win on the political front which is all that matters to her.

She's not going to get recalled. AG's don't get voted out of office, especially with her high profile and deep pockets. She will remain AG for as long as she wants the job and the cash will continue to roll in because to her political base she's David to the Goliaths that are big oil and the 'gun lobby'.

What was the purpose of Goliath hiring an airplane to drag a banner stating that Healey (David) hurts families.
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Oh come on. Even if it is not interpreted as being worthy of sainthood, it is always interpreted as being positive.

But all the statements here about Healey are uniformly negative. The only exception is my statement that she isn't stupid, which is far from complimentary.

You are,in a hole. Stop digging.

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Definition: Canonize - what happens to a person when they are standing in front of a canon and it is fired. They become "canonized."
Because we voted for the gutless SOB. [angry]

Who is we? I voted third party instead of Faker, twice.

Currently, he is doing well in polls; but as others have said in other ways...... A straight, male, white 'R'ino against a female, lesbian, D? I wonder how that turns out.......

Marsha lost against Faker for the same reason she lost against Scotty; she is terrible candidate and it can't be hidden on a national or corner office job. Healy, for all her flaws, is a typical moonbat; good enough for a win in Mass anytime, especially when the R has crapped on his base. Example: Scotty v Liarwatha (that race I blanked), Scotty crapped on his base and couldn't even win in NH after that.
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Who is we? I voted third party instead of Faker, twice.

Currently, he is doing well in polls; but as others have said in other ways...... A straight, male, white 'R'ino against a female, lesbian, D? I wonder how that turns out......
Looks like we've entered a sort of circular argument here. [laugh] I was the one who pointed out the above.

The way I see it, all you get out of a third party vote is the guaranteed ability to claim that you didn't vote for the winner so don't blame me. Even after the terrible disappointments of MA RINOs Brown and Baker, that's not enough for me to vote that way. [thinking]

Marsha lost against Faker for the same reason she lost against Scotty; she is terrible candidate and it can't be hidden on a national or corner office job.
On this we can agree.

Healy, for all her flaws, is a typical moonbat; good enough for a win in Mass anytime, especially when the R has crapped on his base.
Assuming we give up the fight against Healey's tyranny, as it seems we already have outside of the NSSF lawsuit, you are absolutely right. She is a moonbat's moonbat right down to her "protected class" status and her radical leftist behavior. [thinking]
Looks like we've entered a sort of circular argument here. [laugh] I was the one who pointed out the above.

The way I see it, all you get out of a third party vote is the guaranteed ability to claim that you didn't vote for the winner so don't blame me. Even after the terrible disappointments of MA RINOs Brown and Baker, that's not enough for me to vote that way. [thinking]

On this we can agree.

Assuming we give up the fight against Healey's tyranny, as it seems we already have outside of the NSSF lawsuit, you are absolutely right. She is a moonbat's moonbat right down to her "protected class" status and her radical leftist behavior. [thinking]
I really don't think whether we give up or continue our fight matters much. Our best bet is to try to gain converts to the shooting sports, but that's a relatively slow process

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I really don't think whether we give up or continue our fight matters much. Our best bet is to try to gain converts to the shooting sports, but that's a relatively slow process.
So is the "sue her in court" process. [crying]

Please pardon my intense frustration with the situation. I will never give up fighting her tyranny.

I'll say it yet again: She only wins if we allow her to win. Take that any way you want.
Can anyone inform if a similar request was made here in MA that was made in NY regarding the "agreement" between the other AG's? If there is a paper trail from the sender, the recipient surly has to have a copy as well.
Hmm, is this true?
"And both of the two AGs who did mean to work with Schneiderman have now backed out, with the Virgin Islands AG completely abandoning his suits and the Massachusetts AG “suspending” her work until further notice."
The MA FOI rules don't have nearly the teeth that most states do. This greatly reduces the transparency of our .gov and results in the shit soup we have.

The article above states that Healy has suspended her lawsuit, is there any truth to that?
The MA FOI rules don't have nearly the teeth that most states do. This greatly reduces the transparency of our .gov and results in the shit soup we have.

The article above states that Healy has suspended her lawsuit, is there any truth to that?

"Suspended" not "dropped"... as in she reserves the right to change her mind at any time, and can prosecute in the future if desired. Hmmmm, where have we heard that before?

We can only hope that the other AG's cough up information that exposes the vindictive nature of their conspiracy, and brings several of the money grabbing traitors to justice.
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A problem with "Healy being brought down" is that the AGs will NEVER voluntarily rescind an anti-gun action. Even though Coakley did not start the AG's regs, and it was not he personal jihad, she defended them vigorously. Part of this is to uphold the principle that the AGs office is always right; the other factor is no MA official ever wants to be seen as being "soft on guns".
A problem with "Healy being brought down" is that the AGs will NEVER voluntarily rescind an anti-gun action. Even though Coakley did not start the AG's regs, and it was not he personal jihad, she defended them vigorously. Part of this is to uphold the principle that the AGs office is always right; the other factor is no MA official ever wants to be seen as being "soft on guns".

Yes, but in this case if Healy is brought down, it would make it much more palatable for the legislature to decide the AG's interpretation and actions were rouge and outside the scope of her assumed authority.
What would it take to get a Republican AG into office in MA?

We somehow can get a R governor, and even a RINO Senator voted in. Why not an AG who could get in, and just reverse all the bullshit? Is that harder somehow than trying to win in court?
What would it take to get a Republican AG into office in MA?

We somehow can get a R governor, and even a RINO Senator voted in. Why not an AG who could get in, and just reverse all the bullshit? Is that harder somehow than trying to win in court?

An act of a very vengeful and angry god? That's pretty much about it, I think.
What would it take to get a Republican AG into office in MA?

We somehow can get a R governor, and even a RINO Senator voted in. Why not an AG who could get in, and just reverse all the bullshit? Is that harder somehow than trying to win in court?

An act of god? Are there even any Republican DA's in the system?
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