Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

Healey has just filed a motion to stay the court's order pending appellate review. Looks like we're fast-tracking to the 5th circuit. I had a funny feeling she wouldn't end up in Texas without a trip to the court of appeals (or more).

...and her legal bills keep piling up, over which point we need to keep reminding our representatives.
The cynical side of me says that neither the unwashed masses or the legislature is going to care how much money she wastes. And the media loves her, so they won't say anything that will make her look bad either.
But, a part of me says it will be worth it. if we get to see her torn apart buy a federal judge. I will DVR that and play it on a loop, over and over.


It will be better than a Jaws marathon on a summer night down the Cape. [smile]

When this gets a little father along someone will put in a public records request for the AG's legal bills.

Why is she fighting this so much. It's almost like she has something to hide.

It's politically embarrassing for her even to be forced into a courtroom as a direct result of her stupidity and arrogance; she's obviously trying to avoid the spectacle.

I want there to be a mob of cameras, reporters and media coverage of her court visit. Ok, I'm dreaming. How about a few NES dudes with iPhones so we can post it to YouTube and gift it to anyone who wants to run against her. That would make me smile.
I want there to be a mob of cameras, reporters and media coverage of her court visit. Ok, I'm dreaming. How about a few NES dudes with iPhones so we can post it to YouTube and gift it to anyone who wants to run against her. That would make me smile.
Depositions are generally taken in a law office or offices of a court reporting service and, unlike court hearings and trials, are not open to the public.
Damn it Rob. Let me hang onto my fantasy for at least a little bit. Ok, I'll settle for a snapshot of her ugly scowl getting out of the limo in front of the law office. It would make a nice billboard [grin]
Damn it Rob. Let me hang onto my fantasy for at least a little bit. Ok, I'll settle for a snapshot of her ugly scowl getting out of the limo in front of the law office. It would make a nice billboard [grin]
Going to be tough - depos are not published on the court calendar.
It's politically embarrassing for her even to be forced into a courtroom as a direct result of her stupidity and arrogance; she's obviously trying to avoid the spectacle.


And by trying to avoid it she's creating an even bigger one.
And by trying to avoid it she's creating an even bigger one.

That's the point. This is a total win for her for as long as she can drag it out. "Look, they must have something to hide if they're fighting me so hard!" "I stuck up to big oil! Look what they're trying to do to me!"

She's going to play the victim and the m*******s will love her for it.
That's the point. This is a total win for her for as long as she can drag it out. "Look, they must have something to hide if they're fighting me so hard!" "I stuck up to big oil! Look what they're trying to do to me!"

She's going to play the victim and the m*******s will love her for it.

Y'know now that you mention it, she's been using the 'victim card' for all sorts of things. When she made her AWB rewrite, she then got the Globe to write an article about some nasty letters she got, as if she's the victim in the whole thing. Its like if Saddam Hussein were to torture and execute some political prisoner and then go on TV complaining that the family wrote him an insulting note.
The cynical side of me says that neither the unwashed masses or the legislature is going to care how much money she wastes. And the media loves her, so they won't say anything that will make her look bad either.

Considering that the costs have been published numerous times, I wonder what the mass media's angle is.
Healey has tapped one of the most expensive law firms in the Dallas area to help defend her at a rate of up to $500 an hour. As of last week, her legal bill had already reached $44,000, the Herald reported.
Depositions are generally taken in a law office or offices of a court reporting service and, unlike court hearings and trials, are not open to the public.

Yup. Last night I served 3 subpoenas for deposition. It is a USDC case from Florida and the three people to be deposed will go to a court reporting office in Walpole, MA to be deposed. Nobody else will know when or why they are there, walking into an office building conference room.

That's the point. This is a total win for her for as long as she can drag it out. "Look, they must have something to hide if they're fighting me so hard!" "I stuck up to big oil! Look what they're trying to do to me!"

She's going to play the victim and the m*******s will love her for it.

Yes and the media loves her, so the spin will all be in her favor. Again the sheeple will lap it up.
Yes and the media loves her, so the spin will all be in her favor. Again the sheeple will lap it up.

As an example of what the press and liberal MA voters think of Maura Healey, take a look at this article in today's Globe:


Healey won some of her loudest applause when she touted her work advocating gun control and promising to continue it.

That is what we are up against.
As an example of what the press and liberal MA voters think of Maura Healey, take a look at this article in today's Globe:


That is what we are up against.

Bear in mind though she's talking at a church full of democrats in Arlington. 75% of that town is 110% moonbat, it's probably top 10 moonbat in MA.

I agree though that as a whole we're still on the downward side of this. The moonbats run everything in this state. The middle either grudgingly agress with them or simply doesn't give a shit (or has given up, the Gerrymandering will make people just throw their hands up in the air) and most of the MassGOP runs around stabbing its own people in the back and then laughs about it. The only reason it hasn't gone completely over the cliff yet is because our legislature's corruption is inefficient and collectively, many of the moonbat legislators are dumber than a truckload of rocks.

Bear in mind though she's talking at a church full of democrats in Arlington. 75% of that town is 110% moonbat, it's probably top 10 moonbat in MA.

I agree though that as a whole we're still on the downward side of this. The moonbats run everything in this state. The middle either grudgingly agress with them or simply doesn't give a shit (or has given up, the Gerrymandering will make people just throw their hands up in the air) and most of the MassGOP runs around stabbing its own people in the back and then laughs about it. The only reason it hasn't gone completely over the cliff yet is because our legislature's corruption is inefficient and collectively, many of the moonbat legislators are dumber than a truckload of rocks.

I agree that the attendees are on the more extreme end of the spectrum, but there are a lot of them within 495.
I just called my rep, senator and the governors office and took up this issue, just hitting on her using valuable resources and spending $500 an hour on TX lawyers to chase "climate change" when we have much bigger issues. My rep and sen pretty much blew me off b/c they align with her but the aid at Baker's office agreed that it was ridiculous and said he'd bring it up.

One other thought, should she lose to Exxon it's going to cost the state MILLIONS in fee reimbursement. Another point to bring up.
I just called my rep, senator and the governors office and took up this issue, just hitting on her using valuable resources and spending $500 an hour on TX lawyers to chase "climate change" when we have much bigger issues. My rep and sen pretty much blew me off b/c they align with her but the aid at Baker's office agreed that it was ridiculous and said he'd bring it up.

One other thought, should she lose to Exxon it's going to cost the state MILLIONS in fee reimbursement. Another point to bring up.

This also doesn't include the high cost to defend the gun lawsuits against her that she could very well lose too.

If national reciprocity passes in the next congress, let her sue Trump or whomever else she thinks is responsible for it. The more anti-gun notoriety that she has receives nationwide should act to dampen any political ambitions on a national level. Her support for HRC and gun control at the DNC fell on deaf ears nationwide.
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She isn't going to win against Exxon Mobile in Texas.
No, but there's always the 5th Circuit and SCOTUS. The AG has absolutely no incentive to cut her losses at any step of this process. Only a Massachusetts court can stop her. And it's very unlikely that a Superior court judge who aspires to the Appellate court or SJC will rule against a sitting AG. That would be a career limiting move of the highest order. Glock's case against the AG in Suffolk Superior is a good example of this.
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