Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

Oops, Elections have Consequences.
t has long been speculated that U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, appointed by President Obama, was going to indict a laundry list of Democrats in the Probation Department scandal, but U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered her to stand down. Let’s just say there is probably a reason why Ortiz called DeLeo an unindicted co-conspirator. If Holder did hold Ortiz back, then some Beacon Hill Democrats should be fundraising for attorney fees, because the Probation Department scandal may resurface. For many, the statute of limitations has not run out.

Attorney General Maura Healey should also be worried. The state’s chief law enforcement officer has spent most of her time in office pursuing her left-wing agenda rather than holding politicians accountable. She established a hotline for anti-Trump crybabies instead of political corruption. A Republican U.S. attorney will expose her blind eye to State House scandals.

Another Healey liability is the MBTA pension fund investigation. During the Patrick administration, it came to light that $25 million was lost from the fund. For two years, former Attorney General Martha Coakley investigated and nothing happened. Healey has now had this case for two years with no results. It appears that it is time for the U.S. Attorney’s Office to investigate if we want answers.

As they say, elections have consequences, and with the prospect of a Republican U.S. attorney general, there could be some major consequences in Massachusetts.
Oops, Elections have Consequences.
t has long been speculated that U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, appointed by President Obama, was going to indict a laundry list of Democrats in the Probation Department scandal, but U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ordered her to stand down. Let’s just say there is probably a reason why Ortiz called DeLeo an unindicted co-conspirator. If Holder did hold Ortiz back, then some Beacon Hill Democrats should be fundraising for attorney fees, because the Probation Department scandal may resurface. For many, the statute of limitations has not run out.

Attorney General Maura Healey should also be worried. The state’s chief law enforcement officer has spent most of her time in office pursuing her left-wing agenda rather than holding politicians accountable. She established a hotline for anti-Trump crybabies instead of political corruption. A Republican U.S. attorney will expose her blind eye to State House scandals.

Another Healey liability is the MBTA pension fund investigation. During the Patrick administration, it came to light that $25 million was lost from the fund. For two years, former Attorney General Martha Coakley investigated and nothing happened. Healey has now had this case for two years with no results. It appears that it is time for the U.S. Attorney’s Office to investigate if we want answers.

As they say, elections have consequences, and with the prospect of a Republican U.S. attorney general, there could be some major consequences in Massachusetts.

This would be a much-welcomed surprise for actual "law and order" instead of activism to prevail. Here's hoping the good guys in MA have Trunp's ear.
Anyone else think Ortiz might angle for Comey's job by resuming these investigations under a Trump administration?
What would it take to get a Republican AG into office in MA?

We somehow can get a R governor, and even a RINO Senator voted in. Why not an AG who could get in, and just reverse all the bullshit? Is that harder somehow than trying to win in court?

We don't have an R governor. We have a <deleted> RINO.
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Can you imagine if both Healy and Deleo both ended up in the soup ?
Seeing Deleo get perp walked would just be a joy overload.
After Trump beating Hillary it would just be too much to take.
It would make me..
We have a better chance of federal reciprocity than dumping a D AG.

But, if we do get reciprocity, it will be wonderful to see the AG acknowledge that persons from out of state can carry in MA on their home state license.
Even with reciprocity the AG would attempt to impose restrictions via 'regulations' on out of state permits. It would take a bench slap to knock that shit off.
Even with reciprocity the AG would attempt to impose restrictions via 'regulations' on out of state permits. It would take a bench slap to knock that shit off.

Sure you can carry here, but it is still a crime to have ammo or components without a Mass license.
Martha stomped a lot of toes in her tenure.
She is the poster child for arrogant.
Don't think Fells acres didn't show what a souless monster she is as well.
The truth got out about what went down with that eventually even if the media didn't have the balls to put it out.
Her clone is headed down the same path.

I think the nail in Marsha's coffin was how badly she performed in the debates against Baker. She tried to weasel out of many questions and it didn't fly.
Oops, the jig is up.
"A federal judge has rebuffed an attempt by Attorney General Maura Healey to avoid being questioned in Texas by attorneys for Exxon Mobil, setting the state for an extraordinarily rare deposition of a sitting AG.

U.S. District Court Judge Ed Kinkeade for the Northern District of Texas issued a brief order yesterday simply stating he was denying Healey's request "after careful consideration."Lawyers for Healey had argued unsuccessfully to vacate that decision, contending in a court filing, "Well-established precedent requires that depositions of high-ranking officials only occur in exceptional circumstances that are not present here. ... Allowing discovery to go forward here would set a troubling precedent by allowing the target of a state government investigation to confound and effectively halt state law enforcement efforts by filing suit in the target's favored federal forum and permitting the target to ‘investigate the investigator.' "

“Our position in this ligation is that the authorities in Texas, and specifically the federal court down there, has no jurisdiction over state attorneys general and the work of their offices," Healey told the Herald last month. “It's been disappointing to see Exxon fight the request for basic information. Our job as attorneys general is to be able to ask questions."

Kinkeade, noting that Exxon Mobil suspects Healey was attempting “to satisfy a political agenda," issued a written ruling last month saying he needed to know more about what was behind her civil investigation demand before he finds for either side. He noted that Healey, along with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and former Vice President Al Gore, took part in an “AGs United For Clean Power" press conference three weeks earlier, where Healey announced her plan to hold Exxon Mobil accountable.

Tomorrow, Exxon Mobil attorneys are expected to be in Boston for a hearing at Suffolk Superior Court, at which they will try to get Healey's investigation dismissed on First Amendment grounds.

Developing ...
One of the "Climate change AG gang's" henchman that answers to none and shall remain Unchecked to pursue ones political and idealogical crusades.

"...the federal court down there, has no jurisdiction over state attorneys general and the work of their offices,"

God bless Texas
Healey has just filed a motion to stay the court's order pending appellate review. Looks like we're fast-tracking to the 5th circuit. I had a funny feeling she wouldn't end up in Texas without a trip to the court of appeals (or more).
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