Federal judge orders AG Healey to appear for deposition Dec 13th

This also doesn't include the high cost to defend the gun lawsuits against her that she could very well lose too.

If national reciprocity passes in the next congress, let her sue Trump or whomever else she thinks is responsible for it. The more anti-gun notoriety that she has receives nationwide should act to dampen any political ambitions on a national level. Her support for HRC and gun control at the DNC fell on deaf ears nationwide.

Unfortunately that means we will continue to have to take one for the team. Our only real hope is she pisses Trump off enough that he unleashes his US Attorney on her for corruption.
This also doesn't include the high cost to defend the gun lawsuits against her that she could very well lose too.

I think there is a small difference there. I believe in the lawsuits brought by Comm2A, the AG's office themselves are arguing the case. So there is little cash outlay. Instead, it is the hours that her staff is wasting on those lawsuits, rather than actually protecting MA consumers.

In contrast, since the lawsuit brought by Exxon Mobil was filed in Dallas, they were required to hire a local attorney admitted to that court to argue for the AG's office. That does result in a cash outlay to pay that lawyer.
I think there is a small difference there. I believe in the lawsuits brought by Comm2A, the AG's office themselves are arguing the case. So there is little cash outlay. Instead, it is the hours that her staff is wasting on those lawsuits, rather than actually protecting MA consumers.

In contrast, since the lawsuit brought by Exxon Mobil was filed in Dallas, they were required to hire a local attorney admitted to that court to argue for the AG's office. That does result in a cash outlay to pay that lawyer.

That makes perfect sense. I doubt any of her staff has passed the bar in Texas. Still obnoxious. There's plenty of things they could be doing that would actually benefit the citizens of the commiewealth.
So there is little cash outlay.
Except that the state did have to pay Comm2a legal fees if Feltcher v. Haas and Wesson v. Fowler. But, I suspect the power brokers consider that a small price to pay to try to keep guns out of the hands of unimportant people.

they were required to hire a local attorney admitted to that court to argue for the AG's office.
Or, alternatively, argue it themselves under sponsorship of a local attorney via a pro hac vice motion.


The deposition dispute is not about a deposition - it's about power - who has it, how much she has, and what the limits on that power are.
"Bear in mind though she's talking at a church full of democrats in Arlington. 75% of that town is 110% moonbat, it's probably top 10 moonbat in MA. "
Correct, she's ****ing coward because she'd never address a crowd in Central/Western Ma. unless it was Worcester/Springfield/Holyoke. She's not FOR the people she's a repressive Demi-God like her idol Barry O.
I think there is a small difference there. I believe in the lawsuits brought by Comm2A, the AG's office themselves are arguing the case. So there is little cash outlay. Instead, it is the hours that her staff is wasting on those lawsuits, rather than actually protecting MA consumers.

In contrast, since the lawsuit brought by Exxon Mobil was filed in Dallas, they were required to hire a local attorney admitted to that court to argue for the AG's office. That does result in a cash outlay to pay that lawyer.

I was thinking more in line of just the NSSF lawsuit so far, since nothing else has been filed against her yet by other entities. Even if she uses only in-house resources to defend the lawsuits, any FOIA information submitted against her has to include what time/money her staff uses to defend the lawsuits, and as Rob mentioned, she may have to pay legal expenses for both sides if she loses. If all of these costs including the Exxon lawsuit end up costing millions of dollars with nothing gained, that may be enough to deter her from further witch hunts. Yes, it will play well to the MA moon-bats, but again, it may act to scuttle her national ambitions.
No, but there's always the 5th Circuit and SCOTUS. The AG has absolutely no incentive to cut her losses at any step of this process. Only a Massachusetts court can stop her. And it's very unlikely that a Superior court judge who aspires to the Appellate court or SJC will rule against a sitting AG. That would be a career limiting move of the highest order. Glock's case against the AG in Suffolk Superior is a good example of this.

Let's not forget the other issues at play. For example, AG Schneiderman (NY) has been ordered to produce FOIA documents related to all the attorneys-general interactions with each other and activist groups. It's possible that something he releases will implicate all of them.

IMO, the attorneys-general behind the original lawsuit are all liberals that overplayed their cards because HRC was presumed to be the next president. A Trump DOJ just might not be as accommodating to them if the attorneys-general acted improperly.

[FONT=&quot]Like Healey, Schneiderman has repeatedly tried to [/FONT]change his justification[FONT=&quot] for investigating Exxon Mobil.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
The discovery order isn’t the only major blow to the campaign lately. A New York judge recently ordered that Schneiderman will now have to comply with a Freedom of Information request by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, which Schneiderman has thus far ignored. As the New York Post editorial board put it,[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“The think tank’s lawyers believe the documents could show improper conduct by the AGs. If they do, Schneiderman faces serious trouble.”[/FONT]

Healey has just filed a motion to stay the court's order pending appellate review. Looks like we're fast-tracking to the 5th circuit. I had a funny feeling she wouldn't end up in Texas without a trip to the court of appeals (or more).

She claims in her motion that she will suffer "irreparable harm if she is forced to put aside her job as chief law officer in Massachusetts to prepare for and travel to Texas." Didn't seem to bother her when she traveled to the DNC.
She claims in her motion that she will suffer "irreparable harm if she is forced to put aside her job as chief law officer in Massachusetts to prepare for and travel to Texas." Didn't seem to bother her when she traveled to the DNC.

Well, it's different when you're causing irreparable harm to others. You can travel where ever you want then.
She claims in her motion that she will suffer "irreparable harm if she is forced to put aside her job as chief law officer in Massachusetts to prepare for and travel to Texas." Didn't seem to bother her when she traveled to the DNC.

Hey, you mean she's a hypocrite? Say it ain't so!!
Bear in mind though she's talking at a church full of democrats in Arlington. 75% of that town is 110% moonbat, it's probably top 10 moonbat in MA.

I agree though that as a whole we're still on the downward side of this. The moonbats run everything in this state. The middle either grudgingly agress with them or simply doesn't give a shit (or has given up, the Gerrymandering will make people just throw their hands up in the air) and most of the MassGOP runs around stabbing its own people in the back and then laughs about it. The only reason it hasn't gone completely over the cliff yet is because our legislature's corruption is inefficient and collectively, many of the moonbat legislators are dumber than a truckload of rocks.


With all the really sharp removed for the protection of the others.
The cynical side of me says that neither the unwashed masses or the legislature is going to care how much money she wastes. And the media loves her, so they won't say anything that will make her look bad either.

Considering Baker is unilaterally making $100M in budget cuts, and the state budget is ~$300M in shortfalls, I think any amount of money Healey squanders as a result of her delusional self-promotion will not go unnoticed.
Considering Baker is unilaterally making $100M in budget cuts, and the state budget is ~$300M in shortfalls, I think any amount of money Healey squanders as a result of her delusional self-promotion will not go unnoticed.

Agreed. Maybe The Herald would be interested in reporting on this waste of Taxpayer money.
She claims in her motion that she will suffer "irreparable harm if she is forced to put aside her job as chief law officer in Massachusetts to prepare for and travel to Texas." Didn't seem to bother her when she traveled to the DNC.

Yeah, that part was rather precious.
Yeah, that part was rather precious.

I really despise that woman. I hope that the judge rips her a new one.

Not to get off topic, but what really scares me is when she runs against Faker for Gov, she'll win hands down because he lost the gun vote.
She claims in her motion that she will suffer "irreparable harm if she is forced to put aside her job as chief law officer in Massachusetts to prepare for and travel to Texas." Didn't seem to bother her when she traveled to the DNC.

Don't forget about all that time she spend in NH stumping for Hillary Clinton. That didn't do 'irreparable harm'?
I really despise that woman. I hope that the judge rips her a new one.

Not to get off topic, but what really scares me is when she runs against Faker for Gov, she'll win hands down because he lost the gun vote.

I'm not sure what the outcome would be. I don't think the gun vote will make much difference -- there aren't enough single issue gun voters.

Also, for us gun folks, the choice between Baker, who mostly doesn't go out of his way to screw us (though he has done so, I don't think it was necessarily intentional), versus Healey who will do everything in her power to screw us repeatedly. It isn't a clear (or great) choice for us gun folks. Though I certainly would like to punish Baker, getting Healey as governor in the bargain seems to me to be cutting off my nose to spite my face.
I really despise that woman. I hope that the judge rips her a new one.

Not to get off topic, but what really scares me is when she runs against Faker for Gov, she'll win hands down because he lost the gun vote.
Not much of a gun vote in this State and I'd still for for him vs. Healey. Remember, Baker was powerless to stop her and as Len Segal pointed out to us in his very informative class they are co-equals in govt. .
I'm not sure what the outcome would be. I don't think the gun vote will make much difference -- there aren't enough single issue gun voters.

Also, for us gun folks, the choice between Baker, who mostly doesn't go out of his way to screw us (though he has done so, I don't think it was necessarily intentional), versus Healey who will do everything in her power to screw us repeatedly. It isn't a clear (or great) choice for us gun folks. Though I certainly would like to punish Baker, getting Healey as governor in the bargain seems to me to be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

A difficult decision to be sure. I'll have to give that one a LOT of though if and when it happens.
when is baker and the ma. repub party going to figure out its high time to start smacking down healy politically , and spend some capitol to slow her roll .
she is obviously gunning for the big chair in the corner office.

and she is providing a bunch of ammo with the exxon case, the a w b case, and the probation dept hiring case, by not going after crooked deleo et al.
Except that the state did have to pay Comm2a legal fees if Feltcher v. Haas and Wesson v. Fowler. But, I suspect the power brokers consider that a small price to pay to try to keep guns out of the hands of unimportant people.

Or, alternatively, argue it themselves under sponsorship of a local attorney via a pro hac vice motion.


The deposition dispute is not about a deposition - it's about power - who has it, how much she has, and what the limits on that power are.

"But, I suspect the power brokers consider that a small price to pay to try to keep guns out of the hands of unimportant people". At the end of the day, this is the case now and forever. And of course her ego and political aspirations.
Not much of a gun vote in this State and I'd still for for him vs. Healey. Remember, Baker was powerless to stop her and as Len Segal pointed out to us in his very informative class they are co-equals in govt. .

He might be powerless to do anything about it, but he could have stood up for us instead of throwing us under the bus.

when is baker and the ma. repub party going to figure out its high time to start smacking down healy politically , and spend some capitol to slow her roll .
she is obviously gunning for the big chair in the corner office.

and she is providing a bunch of ammo with the exxon case, the a w b case, and the probation dept hiring case, by not going after crooked deleo et al.

I doubt Baker will start any public issues against the AG, and with the MA legislature made up of about 15% Republicans, Fuhgettaboutit!
He might be powerless to do anything about it, but he could have stood up for us instead of throwing us under the bus.



I also find it ironic that Bloomturd donated $50 Million to the Museum of science shortly after this AWB fiasco. I don't think that was a coincidence.
He might be powerless to do anything about it, but he could have stood up for us instead of throwing us under the bus.

Why would he do that? Politically it would have been suicide and he knows it. Healey, Bloomberg, Rosenthal and the Clinton admin(if she won) would have labelled him a gun nut in a anti-gun State. Remember, in July Healey and Hildebeast were already planning on their strategy against gun owners and the 2nd Amendment and no one thought she would lose to Trump. Assault weapons are code red for libs..
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