i often contemplate these scenarios and wonder where I would stand as a United States Marine. For example, in any case 'martial law' was put in place, there would no longer be a constitution for me to defend, unless there was also a revolution against the machine (rage.)
I know I can trust a LOT of people on this site to do the right thing by god and country, and also I'm inclined to trust the majority of those who have served as I do...but the majority of people can NOT be trusted...and i'd take aim at some of my neighbors before i'd let them take what's mine. I know men are capable of some disgusting behavior when desperation settles in...but I, for one, will NEVER FORGET the oath I took to protect and defend The Constitution...that, to me, is more important than all but the most essential of survival items (food, water, shelter, protection for my family). If our Constitution survives, WE survive and we remain free to create and improve the world as we see fit.