Finally glock got the hint.. teases on a single stack 9mm- Glock 43 Megathread

I've been carrying a PPS .40 daily for 4 years now, never had any kind of problem with it, operational, finish or otherwise. I always forget about the backstrap thing until someone mentions it in a forum as being a deal-killer. All I can report is that every single time I have fired it, the PPS has gone bang (and the backstraps have never moved).
I've been carrying a PPS .40 daily for 4 years now, never had any kind of problem with it, operational, finish or otherwise. I always forget about the backstrap thing until someone mentions it in a forum as being a deal-killer. All I can report is that every single time I have fired it, the PPS has gone bang (and the backstraps have never moved).
Your experience seems to be the norm from people that own them. I just don't trust it. And if I can have a gun without it, like a glock, I'd rather go that route. YMMV.
Your experience seems to be the norm from people that own them. I just don't trust it. And if I can have a gun without it, like a glock, I'd rather go that route. YMMV.

Biggest problems with the PPS is the shitty mag release and the fact that it's pretty difficult to detail strip and reassemble if you ever needed to. Otherwise a nice gun.
Glock has taken forever to get the hint. In MA, you can only get the new gun through private sale and I'm no longer interested in paying twice what the gun is actually worth. I'll be getting the Walther PPS when it's in the shop and I won't be looking back.

Keep believing these myths more glocks for the rest of us. [laugh]

Finally glock got the hint.. teases on a single stack 9mm

The G43 will debut at the 2015 NRA Annual Meeting on April 10 in Nashville, Tenn., with shipments expected immediately after the event. One of the most highly anticipated firearm introductions to date, the Glock 43 will come to market for $589 MSRP.

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question is how much over MRSP will it cost in mass?

Probably $800 initially. Then drop due to low demand. If this would have been the same size as the 42 or smaller than the Shield, I would probably pay $600-$650. But it's not so I wouldnt pay anywhere near MSRP.
Probably $800 initially. Then drop due to low demand. If this would have been the same size as the 42 or smaller than the Shield, I would probably pay $600-$650. But it's not so I wouldnt pay anywhere near MSRP.

Nobody with a brain is going to pay anywhere near $600 for that gun.

you know the masses will run out an pay $750-800 then complain about it ad nauseam

Maybe a handful of people in MA will do that, but that'll be it. Glock is not one of these companies where the supply chain gets so backed up that it actually causes problems with price. The Glock 42 was immensely popular and still kept up with demand easily... and not many people overpaid for them.

So, putting all the MA garbage that nobody cares about aside for 10 minutes, when is this thing actually going to come out? [rofl]

I will get it if less than $550 for sure, possible slightly more if I'm really desperate. I have couple new toys to play with for now and not to mention I'm really busy at work now.
might be worth renewing my expired EMT license to get a blue label gun...but that s a slippery slope..I might end up buying one of each model

Sorry for the off topic, but.... Question, what does your EMT cert have to do with non-AG guns? It was my understanding that the exemption was LEO only, am I wrong on this one???
Sorry, was hoping I missed something in the dumb mass laws that makes EMTs special like LEOs. That would be ridiculous, of course, but thats no different than any of the other current laws. Sorry for the brief hijack, now back to the 9mm single stack.
Sorry for the off topic, but.... Question, what does your EMT cert have to do with non-AG guns? It was my understanding that the exemption was LEO only, am I wrong on this one???

The blue label program has nothing to do with any of the MA compliance garbage. What it is, is a program where individuals with certain creds for EMT/Fire/LE/etc can get guns at a significant discount from Glock.

A gun doesn't seem very useful in that situation.

Firefighters like guns too and if Glock wants to offer them a discount, more power to them. The Blue Label also extends to Volunteer Firefighters as well. Side note, SliencerCo is supposedly offering a similar program on their suppressors. I am looking forward to when I can spend a bit of money again, a Blue Label threaded G21 and a .45 can will be in my future.
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