Finally, question the oil companies

C-pher said:
Yea, I saw that when I was getting gas yesterday, I paid about 2.37. This morning, after this came out, the same gas station was at 2.15.

I wonder what caused that??

I believe oil traded yesterday below 60$ a barrel.
derek said:
C-pher said:
Yea, I saw that when I was getting gas yesterday, I paid about 2.37. This morning, after this came out, the same gas station was at 2.15.

I wonder what caused that??

I believe oil traded yesterday below 60$ a barrel.

Ok, so thanks for debunking a conspiracy theory. I was trying to imply that it was because they were all getting called into Congress. [twisted]
C-pher said:
Ok, so thanks for debunking a conspiracy theory. I was trying to imply that it was because they were all getting called into Congress. [twisted]

Being that most of the traders are oil company employees, your theory may be right. [wink]
I never use Mobil (except for Mobil 1 oil, but who doesn't) or Shell gas thank god. All year we had to endure this price gouging and now it is basically proven, I wish we could all get a free $50 gas card from these gasoline giants but unfortunately that will never happen
Last night on my way home from my user group meeting at Microsoft (Waltham), I was going to stop at Rojo's (Norwood, Rte. 1) to gas up (~10:30PM). Cars were backed out onto Rte. 1 (illegal . . . MSP have conniptions and ticket folks when they see this happen) so I "took a pass" (I'm not about to be rear-ended to save $0.03).

Rojo's is a Shell station, the largest volume station in Eastern MA, 24x7 and always very busy. Regular was $2.169 last night. The station on US 1 and Nahattan St (Norwood) was $2.199 (but closed) as was the Best station by the Super Stop & Shop and Bertucci's further up the street.

Just got an oil fill for my heating system . . . $2.44/gal x 142.7 gal = $348.19!!! [roll] That is what's going to kill most of us this year!
Yea, my fill was over 500 bucks. But, we're on a budget plan. So we pay 100 bucks a month all year around. I think that we're going to make out. Becuase if it's going to cost them 500 a drop. And we're only paying $1000 for the year, then I'm golden.

What I'm not looking forward to is the budget plan for next year when this one exprires in May.
Just paid 2.03/gallon in Whitman.

But, we live in a capitolist society. Yes they gouged but we are most likely seeing these drops because people will drive out of their way to save 2-3 cents a gallon.

It is not perfect but definately beats waiting in line, in the snow for your montly allotment of toilet paper.
Cptn5spd said:
(except for Mobil 1 oil, but who doesn't)

WARNING: Some commercial plugging below.

Switched to Amsoil several years ago. I'm now a dealer so that I can get it at wholesale and cheaper than Mobil 1. While I don't want to go into a sales pitch on the forum, Amsoil routinely betters Mobile 1 in tests. Visit for details. If anyone is interested, as a dealer I can get you product at a good discount. (I'm not in this for the $$) Also check out their filters. Been using their oil filters for a while and love 'em. Replaced the air filters on the car and truck with the Amsoil ones. Better than the K&N filters, and come with a built-in pre-cleaner. PM me if you are interested.

As for home heating oil, we locked in at $2.26 way back in May. So glad we did as this year we have to keep the house warm for the newborn. I don't want this to keep sounding like a plug, because I just want to give information, not sell product, but Amsoil has a home heating oil additive, and we were amazed last year when it came time to clean the boiler just how much cleaner it was from the previous year. It's hard to judge oil useage from year to year as it depends on the weather, but I can only believe that the cleaner boiler was more efficient. We did use less oil, but it wasn't nearly as cold this past year.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The oil companies steal money from us and the .gov wants to give it to low income people. So goddamn typical.... [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil]

This is no different that being mugged on the street, having the cops catch the guy, then having the cops hand your money to the homeless guy on the street, and tell you "Well he needs it more than you"

I can't even describe how mad I am right now.
I know most if not all of you are NRA members and have read about anti-gun Conoco Phillips. I don't think there are any Phillips stations in New England but if you're on a road trip Don't Ever buy gas at a Phillips 66.
"The oil companies steal money from us and the .gov wants to give it to low income people..."


That is one way of looking at it. Another way to look at it as a way of punishing the oil companies. I cannot categorically condemn low income people. There seems to be a thread running througout American culture that the poor are all either lazy or choose to be poor. As I approach the magic age of civilian retirement, 65, which for me is now less than a decade away, I am drawn to the fact that there are many hard working people who have been screwed out of their pensions (probably by some of the same companies or their subsidiaries who made obscene profits this last year), made a good savings plan for retirement only to have it eaten up by runaway inflation and incredible cost of living and housing costs. Here is a chilling thought, and I think maybe many of you are in the same boat that I am: I could not afford to live where I live today, if I had to buy my condo at today's market price. If the money went to help seniors, I'd support it.

But now let's get to reality: Can anyone honestly think that the oil companies are really going to get punished here ? Politicians can talk all the s**t that they want, but it is those same oil companies which bankroll the politicians of BOTH political parties. It is real easy for the Senator from Hawaii to spout some platitude, I mean how many oil wells are there in the Aloha State ? What do you expect from the Senator from SF ? That's just type casting.

Let's suppose that some rebate deal for low income people was developed that would supposedly give them some kind of heating oil credit. First, the government is going to waste millions adminstering the program, and second, nothing is really going to change the relationship between the politicians of BOTH parties and the big oil companies. In the end they are both going to have theirs.

Talk is cheap, and frankly big oil is going to get at best, a pee-pee slap by congress and then things will move along, business as usual and the people will continued to get screwed as usual. Nobody wins except the politicians and big oil, now and forever...

Well that's my two cents or euros or subway tokens or whatever....but then again my glass is always half-empty :)


You know ..A friend and I were talking about how we can screw the oil companys the other week and we came up with a scheme.

If for one week you could get everyone in the country to not buy from Mobil. The next week no one buy Exxon. The next week no one buy from Texaco. Then Shell and on down the line. Well ...An oil company would go broke really fast if no one bought thier product for a whole week. Thing is ..How do you get the American public to get together on such a boycott? It would work if it could be orchastrated.

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