Form 1 Question


NES Member
Dec 23, 2015
New Vermont
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Getting all my ducks in a row to form 1 a SBR. Need a little guidance with an issue I have.

My pistol permit and drivers license don’t match. The dolt at the PD put down the wrong unit number on my pistol permit app. My DL reads unit D2 and my LTC reads D1. It’s fixed in the state system.

Should I even submit it? What do I do for a fix or to prove my correct address?

1) If you make a big enough stink about it the PD should fix and reissue your LTC if you explain it needs to be correct for duplicate ID reasons or federal forms.
Go above your chief/ licensing officer if needed to your political critters.

2) ATF probably won’t care about your LTC and what it says. Yes you need to send them a copy because they abide my state laws. However, there is nothing on the ATF forms that you need to fill out based on your MA LTC. Make sure your actual physical address is correct on the ATF paperwork.
2) ATF probably won’t care about your LTC and what it says. Yes you need to send them a copy because they abide my state laws. However, there is nothing on the ATF forms that you need to fill out based on your MA LTC. Make sure your actual physical address is correct on the ATF paperwork.
Only partially true. The Form 1 will be rejected if submitted without a copy of the applicant's LTC, or in the case of a trust, a copy of the LTC for all responsible parties.
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