Form 1 SBR: what caliber are your registering


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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It’s my understanding that in Mass, only .22 is legal on an AR15 lower.

Are people registering 5.56?
So SBR's don't get an FA-10 in MA. And that's g2g?

Can't eFA-10 an SBR as a rifle because it won't let you put in anything less than 16 inches for the barrel.

Register before you Form 1 it and it's no problem--it's a rifle with a 16" barrel or whatever you want. If you decide to do it post barrel chop you will need to register as a pistol or "firearm," I believe.
General thought on temporary changes is that they're fine (Federally) as long as you can always return the rifle to configuration listed on the tax stamp. So if you own one 11" upper in 5.56, that is the configuration you list for all your Form-1s.

Regarding the Form 1 NFA SBR application: What caliber are folks listing?
Just dug through my files; all my ARs were submitted as "5.56NATO", same as marked on the lower.

If you already know you will be using different uppers, you can list those lengths and calibers in box 4h (Additional Description).
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