forum change?


NES Member
Dec 18, 2005
Brockton, ma
Feedback: 48 / 0 / 0
was there an upgrade / change to the forum?
before, when you used forum options to mark all posts as read,
it put you back to the main pg for the section, now it doesn't?

just curious

Yes, they upgraded SW.

It required me to re-login (Normally my username/pwd is stored on system), added a few features which we are all still trying to figure out.

- A warning system for Mods that leads to banning individuals (at least that's what it looks like . . . we'll be testing it out on C-pher to determine how many complaints it takes to ban him outright! [devil] ).

- A method that allegedly allows you to pull quotes from various posts for your single response.

- Quotes show tag to original post it was taken from.

- Tells you what % of PMs are full.
That explains the re-login. Any chance of getting the Google search button up top there? (-:
- A warning system for Mods that leads to banning individuals (at least that's what it looks like . . . we'll be testing it out on C-pher to determine how many complaints it takes to ban him outright! [devil] ).

Well, here's the first complaint: He's got MORE posts than me and he joined AFTER I did! [/whine]

Well, at least now I know why he has to work so many weekends! He's got to make up for all the time he spends here SOMEHOW!! [smile] [wink]
Oh yeah,

Ha ha, Ross is the first to get flagged.
Given what I received in the PM notification, I'm assuming that that was a joke... except that it seems to be set to be active for 10 days. [rolleyes]

If it IS real, someone needs to have their sense of humor serviced; it seems to be out of order. [wink]
Minor avatar's gone and I can't get him back. Any idea what to do ? I tried user cp but no option to load.

After the software upgrade, this happened to all "old" accounts that aren't paid members.

When the forum first started there was no paid membership and anyone could have an avatar and/or sig line. When we migrated to this software, most of the avatars came with it. When we instituted a paid membership level, avatars and sig lines were assigned as a privilege of paid membership only, HOWEVER if an "old user" didn't do anything to their existing avatar, it was not deleted.

Somehow this new version of the software made a change and any unpaid memberships lost their avatars and sig lines. TTBOMK this was not done intentionally, it sounds like the new version did a "clean up" under the rules of how the forum was setup.

If you want an avatar, sig line, participation in group buys/group dinners/group shoots/etc. you can pony up $19 and join as a paying member. Details are in the Announcements group in the forum index.

Hope this explains it.
Ha ha, Ross is the first to get flaged.

Nope, he wasn't first! First guinea pig was one of the Mods for testing purposes.

Given what I received in the PM notification, I'm assuming that that was a joke... except that it seems to be set to be active for 10 days. [rolleyes]

If it IS real, someone needs to have their sense of humor serviced; it seems to be out of order. [wink]

Be aware that nobody but Mods/Admin and the miscreant can see it, so bringing attention to it isn't required. [wink]

It is a tool that we can use to ban folks that just refuse to follow the rules and allows us to warn them first and leave a documented trail for the Mods/Admin.

Ross, in your case it was just a "test". I figured that your whining was a perfect opportunity to see what it does and how this new feature behaves. Thus, I purposely did not assign you points towards banishment. So it wasn't a joke, nor a serious admonishment . . . this time. [smile]
After the software upgrade, this happened to all "old" accounts that aren't paid members.

When the forum first started there was no paid membership and anyone could have an avatar and/or sig line. When we migrated to this software, most of the avatars came with it. When we instituted a paid membership level, avatars and sig lines were assigned as a privilege of paid membership only, HOWEVER if an "old user" didn't do anything to their existing avatar, it was not deleted.

Somehow this new version of the software made a change and any unpaid memberships lost their avatars and sig lines. TTBOMK this was not done intentionally, it sounds like the new version did a "clean up" under the rules of how the forum was setup.

If you want an avatar, sig line, participation in group buys/group dinners/group shoots/etc. you can pony up $19 and join as a paying member. Details are in the Announcements group in the forum index.

Hope this explains it.

Not a problem, my fee was in snail mail anyhow. I was just curious what I know. Thanks.[grin]
Oy... now it's threats. I tell ya, I don't get no respect! [smile]

Nope [smile]

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