From GOME - "Gun Safety Day of Action" to be held January 3rd - 09:00 - Maine State Capitol, Hall of Flags.


NES Member
Jun 3, 2008
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The Maine Medical Association (MMA) is coming after your gun rights. They are encouraging their members to join them at the State House in Augusta on January 3rd (time to be determined) to ask for:

"...common sense bills like background checks, red flag law, assault weapons ban, and 72 hour waiting periods".

They state, "Our legislators need to hear from the vast majority of Mainers, who WANT these bills."

We know that the vast majority of Mainers want no such thing and will be there to advocate for Gun Rights.


  • Save the date in your calendars and be on the lookout for updates on a start time and any date changes
  • Invite your friends to join us
  • Let us know if you, or someone you know, is among the Maine physicians who support Maine Gun Rights and the Constitution. If desired, information will be held in the strictest confidence.

Thank you,​

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors​

If you have any questions email
UPDATE: "Gun Safety" Day of Action

A few reminders regarding the "Gun Safety" Day of Action on January 3rd at the Maine State House Hall of Flags:

WHEN: Wednesday, January 3rd at 9:00am
**There will probably be a lot of people on both sides that will need to get through security so feel free to arrive earlier than 9**
WHERE: Maine State Capitol - Hall of Flags
111 Sewall Street, Augusta

We will be there as law-abiding gun owners to respectfully show our Representatives and Senators that the Maine Gun Safety Coalition does not speak for the majority of Mainers. Please share personally as much as possible to help us get the word out.

GOME was invited to be on the George Hale Ric Tyler Show (WVOM 101.3, 103.9 FM) tomorrow, Friday the 29th at 6:30 am to discuss what the Maine Gun Safety Coalition is asking our lawmakers for. If you can't listen live, they will have a rewind after the broadcast, click here to listen.

FaceBook Event: "Gun Safety" Day of Action

Can't attend in person? Click on these links to find your State Representative or State Senator and see below for tips (in this case there is no specific legislation being brought forth yet, but rather the topics of "Assault" Weapons bans, Red Flag Laws, 72-Hour waiting periods and Universal Background Checks.

Thank you!

Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors

If you have any questions, email .

**Parking Update for January 3rd**​

We have just been informed that the parking garage near the State House is closed for repairs.
We would highly suggest arriving early enough to find parking and walk to the State House, carpooling, or parking elsewhere in Augusta and driving to the State House together with others.
If you have difficulty walking please call or text Laura Whitcomb directly at 207-649-2677 and we will arrange for you to get a ride from your parking spot.

The Gun Owners of Maine Board of Directors​

If you have any questions email
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