Geocache Shoot


NES Member
May 24, 2005
Just east of Zone 9, but in Worcester County.
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0
This is the text of a post I made in the Biathalon thread. I was asked to move it to a new topic.

Basically, Geocache is the use of a GPS to locate a 'Cache' or location. You'd start the event in a central location and distribute the first coordinates and then let everyone go about getting there at their own pace.

You use coodinates to find a local range and then shoot the course of fire you are presented with and then get the coordinates to another 'cache'. Some caches would not be ranges, but puzzles that needed to be solved to discover the identity or true coordinates of the range.

Course of fire could be just about anything. In fact, we could use some 'Amazing Race' type choice where you have to score a long range rifle hit, or several short range pistol hits.

Each competitor would have to 'register' a pistol, rifle, and shotgun that they would have to use exclusively during the competition. Each location will have it's own score system, and highest combined score takes all.

The fun part would be coming up with the shooting challenges. Imagine a close range target that you have to 'shoot out the star' then a combat senerio, then a round of Trap, then a long distance target, then a pin or plate series, then a low-light/no light indoor challenge, etc.

Could we get that many clubs to work together? Imagine how many people would sign up for such an event. YEOW...
shoot out the star?

I spent thousands of dollars at funtown usa in Maine trying to do that very thing.

It does sound like fun though.
Problem is that you have Insurance problems with this and the clubs.

Members are covered under the clubs insurance. Non-members are not. So getting many clubs to go along with this would be hard to do.

The reason that you can do shoots is that usually being a member of a club that is having a shoot is covered under the games insurance. Like being covered under SASS, or IPSC, etc...

Without having some sort of Master Insurance, it might be hard to get a club to sign off on this.

Now, if you were to find the club, then locate a member that will bring you to the club for the shoot. That would be something else. Because then you're going as a guest. Mix it up like a member can only bring one person from the game.

So, if Chirs was first to find Mansfield, and contact me before Derek, I could bring Chris. Derek would have to find another member of Mansfield to bring him as I've already taken my game guest.
Game Guest? Is that like 'Fellow Cowboy'? I don't know if I want to go there. (^_^)

And how would something like this be any different than a club that holds matches? It's jst that the match attendees cone and go. You'd still have to have the range staffed as if a match. I know, the logistics are probably impossible. Just thought it might be neat to be able to travel around and see different clubs.
The idea sounds interesting.

C-pher, Mansfield used to hold regular "Action Pistol" and some rifle matches and they weren't sanctioned and I'd bet the non-members outnumbered the members most of the time. I just remember that they wanted a member running it.
GTOShootr said:
The idea sounds interesting.

C-pher, Mansfield used to hold regular "Action Pistol" and some rifle matches and they weren't sanctioned and I'd bet the non-members outnumbered the members most of the time. I just remember that they wanted a member running it.

That's true, and with that, I'm not sure if Ted had insurance, or if there's something that would cover the insurance for the meet.

I just know that when I was talking to them about having Jim do the class out there, they said that it would be hard to have him teach the class because he's not a member.

But that's why I said contact one of the members, because then they would be covered under the club insurance because they are with a Member.

Mabye Chris, that you can't get the score from the your own club. You can only score points from antoher members club. And because you're going to another members club, they have to be the RO of a sense because they will say if it's a clean shoot or not. That way you won't get sneaky people that fudge the results.

According to Jim, he carries his own insurance.

Most clubs are reluctant to allow non-members to do anything there.

Jim asked me to ask BR&P for use of their facilities for training and even though I am a member, a RO and Jim asked me to assist him if he ran it there, the preliminary impression that I received was that they would turn the request down!
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