Get ready to stick it to the MAN!

May 2, 2005
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Remember the real important things, buy lots of guns, and ammo...
BOSTON -- Consumers would get another chance to take part in a tax-free shopping spree next month under a bill approved Wednesday by lawmakers.

The bill would suspend the state's 5 percent sales tax on purchases of $2,500 or less for the weekend of Aug. 12-13. The goal is to help give the state's economy a boost during one of the slowest months of the year.

House lawmakers approved the legislation 145-7. The Senate followed with a vote of 34-2. The bill now heads to Gov. Mitt Romney, who supports the holiday.

The first tax-free day in August 2004 generated $400 million in sales while costing the state about $10 million in lost tax revenues.

Lawmakers expanded the tax-free shopping day last year into an entire weekend so observant Jews who can't shop on Saturdays could also take advantage of the holiday.
This is going to save me a bit on my wife's anniversary present. 15th anniversary, so I'm being a bit extravagant...
C-pher said:
Yea, but at the time...I didn't know that, and neither did the shop...

But, they were cool enought to give me a 60 dollar credit towards the tax I would have paid...

So kudo's to that.

Nice!...Customer service at it's best.
This is going to save me a bit on my wife's anniversary present. 15th anniversary, so I'm being a bit extravagant...---M1911
A washer AND a dryer? :)


A washer AND a dryer? :)
No, I value my life more than that.

A while back, I remember then Senator Gramm commenting on a recent president's legal claim that while a certain woman was having sex with him, that he wasn't having sex with her. Senator Gramm said something along the lines that if he tried that with his wife, the last thing he'd know was his wife standing over him saying "Now how do I reload this g*dd*mn thing?" The thing is, my wife knows how to reload [wink] and I think a washer and dryer for a 15th anniversary just might be considered grounds for justifiable homicide. And even if it wasn't, it wouldn't make me undead.

I'm getting her a small, shiney bauble. It is an upgrade of a smaller shiney bauble that I gave her when I proposed and the damn fool woman accepted.
I just heard on the raido today that NH is starting their own ad campaign touting the fact that in NH, everyday is a sales tax holiday. They joys of living within 5 miles of the border; the only problem is that I'm on the wrong side.

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