GOAL is planning a Rolling Rally for Sunday August 28th - Volunteers needed

Drive which point home?

If the idea is to focus on due process, separation of power, and the AG's abuse of power how will self defense related quotes help?

I'm sure a rolling billboard will help, just need to make sure to keep a consistent message.

Agreed - if we're going to concentrate on due process then they likely will not help.

How about something like this:

On Wednesday July 20, 2016 Maura Healey on her own accord declared that because I had previously adhered to well established 22 year old law - I was now a multiple count felon. But she would not prosecute me *at this time*.

Gee Thanks - But..........

Can somebody explain to me why I should put any credence in "the law" - anymore?

Does "the law" - matter any more?

Or do we live by dictates now?
ALready sent a PM to Eddie Coyle, but I'm willing to provide the traffic vests for the parking detail and work the parking detail as well.
I was standing outside the Statehouse today, and a group came through, and a Chinese girl said "Excuse me, are you also following the freedom trail?" I answered "No, sorry I was blocking your freedom". Then I realized that Freedom ends at the Statehouse.

I think a better idea would be a SLOW WALK of the Freedom Trail, making sure to use every inch of our space, and take our time. While there, we can hand out flyers to people. I think driving around some suburbs away from Boston won't affect most of the state or most of the legislature and certainly not the AG.
Just a thought. The other thing would be to fill the halls of the Statehouse on a day when there are other big things planned, making business there as inconvenient as possible.

I DO, however, like the moniker "Due Procession".


I think that is *another* good idea.

Handing out flyers about how the "Freedom Trail" is a relic of a bygone era - would do wonders to spread the word about what MA is REALLY like now.

Maybe we could even get them printed up in Chinese - is June 4th still around here?

I keep making this argument but nobody seems to get it: rallies and rides and processions are all fine and good. But in the end - I think we need to play HARDBALL.

Walking along the Freedom Trail telling people what MA is REALLY like now - and telling them flat out that they are supporting with their tourist dollars everything that the revolution was AGAINST - is asking people to stop coming here. Boston makes a lot of money off their tourism - and they also completely play up that whole "birthplace of liberty" thing. It may be distasteful to a lot of people, but the fact of the matter is those who are against us use that meme and the money it generates against us.

The people who fought the revolution that the Freedom Trail celebrates - and who left us with the 2nd amendment we are trying to defend - left behind just about everything to engage in that Revolution.

I don't find it distasteful to start throwing all that crap under the bus when it's just a facade for what amounts to a rapidly growing tyranny.
Agreed - if we're going to concentrate on due process then they likely will not help.

How about something like this:

On Wednesday July 20, 2016 Maura Healey on her own accord declared that because I had previously adhered to well established 22 year old law - I was now a multiple count felon. But she would not prosecute me *at this time*.

Gee Thanks - But..........

Can somebody explain to me why I should put any credence in "the law" - anymore?

Does "the law" - matter any more?

Or do we live by dictates now?

Shit, you could just quote her press release....

The Guidance will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.

The AGO reserves the right to alter or amend this guidance.

Does making statements like that, after changing 22 years of well understood law, make her worthy of public trust?

Healy is not going to suddenly change her mind. Only recourse is in the courts or legislature.
So it might be good to get people to think about how the legislature stood idly by, thus abdicating their power and responsibilities.
A foot march would be much more meaningful and receive much more press coverage IMHO.

Public Relations - GOAL does not have a PR person (or consultant) any more. If any of you have PR experience, we want to get as much press for this as possible. I mean in a good way. Let us know how you can help. This is very important.
Tell the open-pipe Harleys and sport bikes to stay home. They create a great deal of animosity, rather than empathy.
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I think that is *another* good idea.

Handing out flyers about how the "Freedom Trail" is a relic of a bygone era - would do wonders to spread the word about what MA is REALLY like now.

Maybe we could even get them printed up in Chinese - is June 4th still around here?

I keep making this argument but nobody seems to get it: rallies and rides and processions are all fine and good. But in the end - I think we need to play HARDBALL.

Walking along the Freedom Trail telling people what MA is REALLY like now - and telling them flat out that they are supporting with their tourist dollars everything that the revolution was AGAINST - is asking people to stop coming here. Boston makes a lot of money off their tourism - and they also completely play up that whole "birthplace of liberty" thing. It may be distasteful to a lot of people, but the fact of the matter is those who are against us use that meme and the money it generates against us.

The people who fought the revolution that the Freedom Trail celebrates - and who left us with the 2nd amendment we are trying to defend - left behind just about everything to engage in that Revolution.

I don't find it distasteful to start throwing all that crap under the bus when it's just a facade for what amounts to a rapidly growing tyranny.

Good points......freedom and the greatest country in the world would not exist if the musket was banned in 1775!
Good points......freedom and the greatest country in the world would not exist if the musket was banned in 1775!
More importantly...

You didn't see the Founding Fathers racing to ban the semi-automatic "assault" weapons existing prior to the signing of the Bill of Rights in 1791.

Girandoni Repeating Rifle (1779)
Puckle Gun (1718)
Pepperbox Revolver (1790)
Ferguson Rifle (1777)
Belton Repeating Flintlock (1777)

Not to mention anyone could own a cannon if they could afford it.
Suggestion: GOAL provides approved signs (for the less creative) as a high resolution .PDF. People can resize and print as they see fit. Or just copy the message. It'll also serve to provide "guidance" (sorry couldn't help it) on what the message should be.

I like this idea. I will bring it up at the planning committee meeting.
Tell the open-pipe Harleys and sport bikes to stay home.[/QUOTE said:
Hate to say it, but I kind of agree with this, as much as I am a fan of Harleys and open pipes! Anything we do that can be portrayed negatively will be.....
Hate to say it, but I kind of agree with this, as much as I am a fan of Harleys and open pipes! Anything we do that can be portrayed negatively will be.....

Do all the 4X4 trucks that members own have quiet exhaust systems? How about performance (muscle) cars that might be driven by our members?
I don't hear them being put down, as portraying a negative image. But a Harley that has a performance exhaust is bad?!? Sounds like profiling to me....
LOL, now riding a motorcycle is negative? You antis are all alike...

- - - Updated - - -

A foot march would be much more meaningful and receive much more press coverage IMHO.

Tell the open-pipe Harleys and sport bikes to stay home.

So you agree with Maura? i'm confused...
Hate to say it, but I kind of agree with this, as much as I am a fan of Harleys and open pipes! Anything we do that can be portrayed negatively will be.....

Does that mean that my Prius will be A-OK in the rally or do I need to go in front of the review and approval committee too? Seriously, even if we all drove Telsa electric cars single file down the right hand lane of the highway the anti-2A media is still going to report it as "loud disruptive mob of crazy gun nuts tie up traffic and blare their horns in peaceful communities". Let's not infringe on each other's freedoms and hobble ourselves in a misguided hope that we might be portrayed positively in the Globe.
Hell, Any truck that has a lift kit should be excluded as well. Portrays the movement as redneck gun ****ers instead of responsible adults regardless of how an individual decides to modify their vehicle.
So because someone rides a Harley means they are not worth listening to?
I have a very good job, have held it for over a dozen years. Each day at work, the decisions I make have life or death consequences. I have been employed since I was 14, I am over 50 now. I hold a Professional License from the State, and have since '91.
But as I'm reading it here, a couple closed minded members think because I choose to ride a customized Harley Davidson, I make them look bad. Too funny....
So because someone rides a Harley means they are not worth listening to?
I have a very good job, have held it for over a dozen years. Each day at work, the decisions I make have life or death consequences. I have been employed since I was 14, I am over 50 now. I hold a Professional License from the State, and have since '91.
But as I'm reading it here, a couple closed minded members think because I choose to ride a customized Harley Davidson, I make them look bad. Too funny....

Please, don't take my comments personally!!!

Everyone's opinion matters.
For what it is worth:

I have a muscle car (455 OLDS!) with dual exhaust that is a bit noisy, and does a mean burnout.
I ride a motorcycle, though it is a crappy old Honda, I wish I had a big twin Harley with loud pipes!
I drive an F350 diesel, though it is not lifted and does not have modified exhaust.
I own guns.
I have pretty good job that I have been at for more than 30 years. Working to ensure quality of manufacture of medical and chemical analysis equipment.

I AM NOT against, and in fact thoroughly enjoy all of these as well as all of our other freedoms in this great country of ours. My only point was, that right now we a tiny minority, and in a crisis! Because of this we need to put our best foot forward and not give the media any more than we have to, that they can portray in a negative light. Unfortunately perception is everything these days. Sorry, I did not mean to cause any butt hurt!
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I hope this works. Here's my first, very quick, attempt at a sign for a car door or window formatted for 17" by 11" size but should scale OK.


Note that I'm currently squatting on the DuePROCESSion.wordpress.com site name should GOAL or those of us here wish to keep/use it.
Just a thought on the route. It might be more beneficial if the route incorporated passing by a few key legislator's residences to let the know we are not going away. If everyone honks on the way past it would get a few people's attention.

If it's going to be nice I'll try to get a few fellow motorcyclists to join in the ride.
Do all the 4X4 trucks that members own have quiet exhaust systems? How about performance (muscle) cars that might be driven by our members?
I don't hear them being put down, as portraying a negative image. But a Harley that has a performance exhaust is bad?!? Sounds like profiling to me....

If this turns into another 'loud pipes' thread, so help me God I'm going to start banning people. Please knock it off.
I am so IN. As yet another that has been "Hurt by Healy"

Couple of thoughts that may be helpful. Some folks have mentioned that loud bikes may be an issue. If it was orchestrated properly it could be a huge advantage. Think about it. Every motorcade or procession of importance is lead and followed by a vanguard of bikes. They would also gain a ton of attention, and quite frankly, now is the time to " Make some Noise" !!

There may also be an advantage to grouping vehicles by type. It shows that gun owners are a wide variety of law abiding citizens. If you are sitting at a light watching this roll by, and you see bikes first, followed by mini vans. followed by pick ups, followed by hybrids, followed by classic cars.... finishing with more bikes....

Two groups I think we really need to appeal to, Women and LEO's. 20 cars driven by females with signs that read, " Maura made my husband and myself felons last month" or similar will play well. We need to show we are not all just white men.
It would be awesome if we had a group of LEO's to support us. Same with Fire Fighters and EMT's - if we don't have enough of one group, lump them all together as " First Responders for Freedom"

We should try to make this event seem more like a parade than a political rally, while still making our point. Think about our (captive) audience. We are going to be inconveniencing a lot of people to make our point. We don't want people saying " I got stuck behind a bunch of gun nuts who tied up traffic for 10 minutes !" We want them saying " Did you see that Rolling Rally?!" I saw Corvettes, and Mustangs, and custom bikes and..." Vette Girl This Means You !!
If you have an interesting vehicle now is the time to show it off.

The route should take us by places with huge amounts of pedestrians. We should be driving by Revere Beach or something and throwing out candy to kids. We should appear friendly and polite.

Pretty girls. Can't be to many. I am not talking about putting a stripper pole in your truck. Even the grumpiest old liberal will melt when Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island smiles and waves from the back of a bike or from behind the wheel of a convertible classic car. Ask your wives and girlfriends to join us.
Just a thought on the route. It might be more beneficial if the route incorporated passing by a few key legislator's residences to let the know we are not going away. If everyone honks on the way past it would get a few people's attention.

Let's see it then. Why don't a few of you get together and map it out. I'll run it by Jim and the committee and see what they say.
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